On the Trinity

Book Description

On the Trinity is a Latin book written by Augustine of Hippo to discuss the Trinity in context of the logos. Although not as well known as some of his other works, it is arguably his masterpiece and of more doctrinal importance than the Confessions or City of God.

The Works of Saint Augustine

Book Description

"In this work, traditionally translated as On Christian Doctrine, Augustine combines the pedagogical methods he learned from Greek and Roman writings with the content of the Christian faith to help preachers present biblical teachings in an effective manner. This new translation is lively and accessible." Library Journal

Experiencing the Trinity

Book Description

For many people the doctrine of the Trinity is a hopeless puzzle, an outdated philosophical idea far removed from everyday life. What does it all mean? And how can something so mysterious possibly make a difference in our everyday lives? In Experiencing the Trinity Darrell Johnson shows that this doctrine is not only at the heart of biblical Christianity, but that it is also at the center of Christian experience-of following Jesus Christ in ordinary life and seeing God at work in our human relationships. "At the center of the universe is a relationship," writes Johnson. "That is the most fundamental truth I know. It is out of that relationship that you and I were created and redeemed. And it is for that relationship that you and I were created and redeemed."

The Trinity

Book Description

The Trinity is the central mystery of the Christian faith. What can we say about the divine nature, and what does it mean to say that God is Father, Son, Holy Spirit, three persons who are one in being? In this book, best selling author Thomas Joseph White, OP, examines the development of early Christian reflection on the Trinity, arguing that essential contributions of Patristic theology are preserved and expanded in the thought of Thomas Aquinas. By focusing on Aquinas’ theology of the divine nature as well as his treatment of divine personhood, White explores in depth the mystery of Trinitarian monotheism. The Trinity: On the Nature and Mystery of the One God also engages with influential proposals of modern theologians on major topics such as Trinitarian creation, Incarnation and crucifixion, and presents creative engagements with these topics. Ultimately any theology of the cross is also a theology of the Trinity, and this book seeks to illustrate how the human life, death, and resurrection of Jesus reveal the inner life of God as Trinity.

On the Trinity

Book Description

The following dissertation concerning the Trinity, as the reader ought to be informed, has been written in order to guard against the sophistries of those who disdain to begin with faith, and are deceived by a crude and perverse love of reason. Now one class of such men endeavor to transfer to things incorporeal and spiritual the ideas they have formed, whether through experience of the bodily senses, or by natural human wit and diligent quickness, or by the aid of art, from things corporeal; so as to seek to measure and conceive of the former by the latter. Aeterna Press

Delighting in the Trinity

Book Description

In this brief and winsome book, Michael Reeves presents an introduction to the Christian faith that is rooted in the triune God. He takes cues from preachers and teachers down through the ages, setting key doctrines of creation, the person and work of Christ, and life in the Spirit into a simple framework of the Christian life.

What Is the Trinity?

Book Description

The Bible teaches that God is one in substance and three in person--the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Although the Trinity is clearly taught in the Bible, it has been attacked throughout church history, and many Christians today have not studied this foundational doctrine. In this booklet, Dr. R.C. Sproul carefully explains the Trinity and clarifies common misconceptions. While the Trinity is mysterious, it is not contradictory, and it is essential to understanding the nature of God. The Crucial Questions booklet series by Dr. R.C. Sproul offers succinct answers to important questions often asked by Christians and thoughtful inquirers.

The College Student's Introduction to the Trinity

Book Description

Where did the Holy Trinity originate as a doctrine? Why did this doctrine develop? How can Christians speak of God as three persons and also worship one God? The College Student's Introduction to the Trinity examines how the doctrine of the Trinity has been interpreted in Eastern Christianity, Western Christianity, and by contemporary theologians, including feminists and process theologians.

The Trinity

Book Description

Among Seventh-day Adventists the doctrine of the Trinity is often taken for granted. But increasingly it is opposed by a small minority who have retreated to the anti-Trinitarian position of the pioneers. In response the authors, each a specialist in his field, trace the doctrine of the Trinity through Scripture, church history, and the writings of Ellen G. White.; ; The first section surveys the biblical foundations of the doctrine and addresses objections that have been raised. Other sections trace the development of the doctrine in Christian history, in Adventist history, and in the writings of Ellen White. The authors explain why the doctrine was resisted by many of the leading pioneers.; ; The final section asks "So what?" It discusses the theological and practical implications of Trinitarian belief, worship, and practice, showing how it affects what we believe about salvation, atonement, the great controversy, and other significant doctrines. With glossaries, bibliography, and index, this comprehensive primer on the Trinity will shed new light on the central beliefs of Christianity, and show how God still leads His church into all truth. - Introduction; SECTION ONE--The Biblical Evidence for the Full Deity of Christ, the Personality of the Spirit, and the Unity and Oneness of the Godhead; Chapter 1: The Strongest Bible Evidence for the Trinity; Chapter 2: The Full and Eternal Deity of Christ: Part I--The New Testament Epistles, the Old; Testament, and the Gospels; Chapter 3: The Full and Eternal Deity of Christ: Part II--The Gospel of John; Chapter 4: The Personality and Deity of the Spirit and the Triune Oneness of the Godhead; Chapter 5: Trinitarian Evidences in the Book of Revelation; Chapter 6: Biblical Objections to the Trinity; Chapter 7: Logical Objections to the Trinity; SECTION TWO--The History of the Trinity Doctrine From A.D. 100 to A.D. 1500; SECTION THREE--Trinity and Anti-Trinitarianism From the Reformation to the Advent; Movement; SECTION FOUR--The Doctrine of the Trinity and Its Implications for Christian Thought and Practice; Index

The Trinity

Book Description

he doctrine of the Trinity developed in response to a range of theological interests—among them the project of reconciling claims about the divinity of Christ with monotheism and massaging Christian doctrine into the ambient (largely Platonic) philosophical framework of the period. More recently the Trinity doctrine has been deployed to promote normative claims concerning human nature, human relationships and social justice. During the past two decades analytic philosophers of religion have increasingly engaged with the doctrine. There are, however, a number of foundational questions that have not been addressed in the philosophical literature. The Trinity: A Philosophical Investigation considers the competing accounts of the Trinity doctrine, whether orthodox or heterodox, and aims to respond to objections and explicate their motivations and entailments.