A Layman’S Commentary Volume 1

Book Description

In todays world, it can be difficult to maintain your faith. Those seeking a greater understanding of the Bible have numerous excellent theological commentaries available to them, but due to volume and depth, many of these are out of reach of laypeople. Others lose contact with the Bible, because it no longer seems relevant to life. They use a superficial knowledge of science and evolution to exclude God and faith from their experiences. The Laymans Commentary: Volume 1Book of the Law presents a passageby- passage explanation of the first five books of the Bible, known as the Pentateuch. In this first volume, author John Devine covers biblical passages from the Beginning to the end of the Exodus from Egypt. He explains Gods self-revelation and plan for a relationship with humankind. He considers the relevance of creation and science, as well as Gods moral standard, which has been the backbone of Western society. Devine also lays out the basis for a full and rewarding relationship with God. The first book in The Laymans Commentary: Volume 1Book of the Law provides many proven principles for life and leadership. Devine provides examples from life based on characters and situations. They confirm science and faith are complementary in giving purpose and meaning to life.

A Layman's Daily Devotional

Book Description

A Layman's Daily Devotional was written by a layman for laypeople of all ages. It is mostly devoid of theological terms, so it is easier for the average person to understand. There are applicable illustrations to help people comprehend the message from Scripture and its application to the message of the day. There is a devotion for every day of the year, and several devotions for specific days in the Christian calendar, as well as for days on which we honor both mothers and fathers. The reader will likely gain a closer relationship with their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ through daily use and may also develop a closer relationship with family members when used as a family devotion. The changing and challenging circumstances in our world today require closer relationships with both God and family. A Layman's Daily Devotional lends itself to development of both relationships. With few exceptions, each devotion is a stand-alone devotion. This book would make a meaningful gift to a young person venturing out on their own, who could develop the habit early of spending time each day with God, which is always a good way to start every day. A Layman's Daily Devotional is written such that it can be used year after year throughout one's life.

The Layman's Assistant

Book Description

The Complete Layman's Guide To End Times Prophecy A Biblical Perspective

Book Description

Have you looked around at the world and felt as though everything was falling apart? America is struggling economically and no one has any answers. Unemployment has been over 9% for over two years now. It feels like the government is trying to take control of our lives. There is speculation that Greece might collapse economically, and, if they do, other European countries will follow suit. The Middle East is in total chaos and very unstable, with all these people rioting in the streets and wreaking havoc on their respective countries, along with dictators falling and rising from power. Iran is still telling everyone they are intent on annihilating Israel as they improve their nuclear capabilities. As Christians, our hope is in Jesus Christ; we know that our God is sovereign, so all the chaos in the world has no effect on how God brings the world to an end. But the end is in sight, and people are looking for something certain in this world. There are so many questions Christians have regarding End Times Prophecy and do not understand, simply because the church has not fulfilled its purpose in rightly dividing the Word of truth for the saints. The Complete Layman's Guide to End Times Prophecy will bring together all the questions one might have regarding the end of the world and the return of the Warrior King Jesus Christ to this earth to set up His millennial kingdom. This book is clear, concise, and cogent in its message and attempts to address all End Times Prophecy questions. Doctor Robert Ramirez, B.A. Political Science, College of Santa Fe; B.A. Pastoral Studies Moody Bible Institute; MDiv, The Master's Seminary; DMin, Trinity Southwest University; Pastor, Alive In Christ Bible Church; President and Founder, New Mexico Bible Institute & Bookstore

A Layman’s Ladder To Heaven Volume-III

Book Description

The book ‘A layman’s ladder to heaven', is a fundamental address to the nuances of Christianity. It covers the whole gamut of events right from creation, fall, redemption, and finally the end of the world. How God created this world and man as mortal, how sin emerged, what is sin and how mortality turned into immortality. The entrance of decay and death, its causes, and how to overcome it. The love of God for the doomed race on account of sin and how to circumvent the impending doom and once again live life as mortals have been examined. The book explains the plan of redemption. How God has salvaged man from death, through the crucifixion of Lord Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary. How through his death the price of sin was paid for the entire humanity. What is the first and second death? And everlasting life is also explained in a nutshell. It is also explained how to tackle the various challenges in life. We can overcome our daily problems by merely following the teachings of Jesus highlighted in the book. Peace of mind, depression, prosperity, riches, power, health, etc can be overcome. How Lord Jesus can metamorphosize our lives, to live a life of contentment and enjoy the blessings of the Lord? Sharing and caring for the human race also finds a place in the book. The emanating and focal point of all the miseries of life and who is responsible for it is also discussed. Who is Satan and how he’s trying to destroy our lives by bringing miseries, tragedies, sickness, and suffering, and how to overcome it? How the Lord Jesus has defeated death and paved the way for man for eternal life. Lastly, the creation that has been soured by Satan has to come to an end. Why, how, and when have also been explained. Who shall enter the new eternal life, what are the requirements for it, and how we can achieve this distinction has a special place in the book. What is the new, sin-free, and eternal life where the obedient go is also covered? The book in short is an answer to all our daily problems.

The Layman's New Testament

Book Description

An annotated text of the Catholic version of the New Testament intended as "a companion to the New Testament which shall bring it into touch with the church's doctrine."

The Layman’s Guide to Experiences in God-Realization

Book Description

Mark Olsen is a true believer in the power of Spiritual experiences. In an uplifting compilation of his Spiritual experiences and the wisdom gained from each, Olsen illuminates Spiritual concepts and principles, answers deep questions, and provides inspiration for those striving for greater understanding of life and themselves. Olsen uses several dozen of his own experiences to illustrate what happens on the Spiritual journey when one looks within for the answers. Through vivid descriptions of dreams, visions, initiations, out-of-body travel, déjà vu, and flashes, Olsen shares valuable insight about inner experiences and how to interpret them: included are Self-Realization, God-realization, the planes of heaven, the divine selves, soul, karma, reincarnation, ETs, and the spiritual conspiracy on Earth. Insights are also provided on daily Spiritual exercises that utilize contemplation, visualization, and listening techniques to help anyone increase their Spiritual experiences, become closer to God, and develop better communication with the Higher Self. The Layman’s Guide to Experiences in God-Realization shares Spiritual experiences, wisdom, and daily exercises intended to steer others to find answers to their deepest questions and ultimately realize fulfillment.