One Stiletto in the Grave

Book Description

When you have a bug problem, you call an exterminator. When someone skips out on their bail, you call a bounty hunter. And when a dead soul goes renegade, you call a grim reaper. Avery Graves is your typical type A personality who strives to achieve her best. Her sister, Brooke is…not that. Despite Avery’s best efforts, things aren’t working out as well for them as they are for the other reapers in town and the sisters find themselves a few dead souls short of making the rent. While chasing down a soul bounty that might get them out of their pauper’s grave and into a mausoleum, things take a turn for the worse when the sisters find themselves at odds with the worst thing possible: The living. Because the only thing worse than a dead soul that refuses to move on, is a living soul that refuses to let go.

A Grave Full of Stilettos

Book Description

There’s something brewing in the reaper community. Something dangerous. Something sinister. Stanley Morris is a loan shark. A low life. A thief. A con man. A man of questionable ethics and morality. He is also a lover and a fighter. Up until six months ago he was Brooke Graves’ boyfriend. Most of the time. However, for the last six months, Stanley Morris has been in a coma and Brooke has been wracked with confusion and guilt. She didn’t know what to do with her life. She didn’t know how she felt. All she knew was that Stanley Morris was in a coma and that it was her fault. But eventually Brooke came to terms with her decisions, with her life. She was ready to move on. And then Stanley Morris woke up. But he isn’t Stanley Morris anymore. He’s someone different. He’s someone who’s more monster than man and the monster is in control. A war is coming. And before it’s over, the living and the dead won’t ever be the same again.

Death Wears Stilettos

Book Description

There are two sets of laws in this world: The Law of the Living and the Law of the Dead. And if the Graves Sisters aren’t careful, they’re going to end up breaking both of them. After Brooke’s boyfriend ends up in a coma after a brutal beating from local gangster, Dicky Ramburg, Brooke finds herself on the hook for finding a centuries old Reaper talisman and delivering it to Ramburg. If she doesn’t deliver, Dicky’s promised that the next person to getting a beating will be her and this time he won’t stop until she’s dead. Before Brooke and Avery have any time to even process what’s happened, things go from bad to worse. Something is amiss at Saint Mercy’s. At first it’s thought to be just an accident, a tired, overworked doctor simply wasn’t paying attention. But then it happens again. And again. And again. Avery and Brooke find themselves trapped in every grim reaper’s nightmare: The dead in Saint Mercy’s aren’t staying dead.

Better Than Dead

Book Description

The citizens of Clayton City have a problem. From beneath their beds, from deep in the corners of their darkest closets, things are stirring. Monstrous things. In the twin cities of Clayton and Callahan, Alex Cheradon and Devon Christian are two somewhat famous-ish private investigators. They’ve saved the twin cities a couple of times, stopped a werewolf apocalypse or two and are the best of friends, despite that short period of time when Devon went crazy and tried to kill Alex. But it’s all water under the proverbial bridge now. Times are tough and cheating spouses and missing kids don’t always pay the bills. Of course, thanks to a mysterious, mystical gem embedded in his chest, Devon can go weeks, sometimes even months without eating. Unfortunately for Alex, though, all he has is a sharp wit and an awesome collection of hilariously ironic T-Rex t-shirts, neither of which do much to satisfy the grumbling in his stomach. When Judy Brathweight darkens their doorstep with concerns about what’s making some creepily hungry noises under her child’s bed, Alex and Devon are in no position to turn her away. Monster hunting may not be their specialty, but at least it’ll put food on the table. Unless, of course, Alex and Devon end up as food on someone else's table first.

Dating the Villain

Book Description

Adopted at age 4, Rose Gardens doesn’t know much about her life before her parents brought her to America. She has vague memories of her time in the small orphanage in the Hunan Province of China. But none of these memories offer any explanation as to how she can fly and bend steel pipes with her bare hands. Naturally, that didn’t stop Rose from becoming a superhero. Life is as close to perfect as Rose could imagine. She has the greatest parents, the perfect boyfriend, and her career as Star Girl has been fairly impressive. With true love in her grasp, marriage may even be on the horizon for Rose and her boyfriend. But when a new villain tears into Century City, Rose finds her heart unexpectedly torn between the good man she knows she loves and the bad boy she finds herself irresistibly attracted to.

The Devil in the Daffodil Dress

Book Description

Devon Christian is a man of many secrets, some of them so secret even he doesn't know them, and apparently one of those secrets is his wife. When a sexy lady with a devil-may-care attitude by the name of Daisy Christian shows up on their doorstep claiming to be Devon’s long lost wife, Alex and Devon are immediately suspicious. Not only does Daisy appear to be almost twice as crazy as Devon, but at the same time, Alex and Devon find themselves under attack by a mysterious assailant who's very determined to see them pushing up daisies. The timing, as they say, is a mite suspicious. Under a hail of bullets and explosions Alex and Devon must find out who’s eager for them to join the choir invisible and unravel the mystery of whether or not Daisy is in fact Devon's true love or just another femme fatale out to help these two investigators get better at taking dirt naps. But more importantly, if she really is Devon’s old ball and chain, then where has she been all this time?

The Man Who Murdered Tomorrow

Book Description

They say flying is the safest way to travel. Clearly whoever said that has never traveled with a mad scientist in custody. After finding, and apprehending, his absentee father, Alex Cheradon and his team are ready for their flight back home to Clayton City. One six hour nonstop flight from Las Vegas and then everything’s back to normal. Except that this isn’t an ordinary flight. And Charles Cheradon isn’t an ordinary scientist. Hence the ‘mad’ label. And Devon Christian…Well, obviously he’s not normal. That just goes without saying. And Alex Cheradon has an excellent track record for being in the wrong place, at the wrong time, for the wrong reasons. This flight isn’t going to be any different. Trapped on a flight that feels like it’s going nowhere, Alex finds himself worrying about his crazy partner, having to go head-to head-with a terrorist and, worst of all, dealing with a deadbeat dad who just wants to have a heart-to-heart with his son.

Fruitbasket from Hell

Book Description

Steven Raines (you know, the man who made billions making an operating system that out-Microsoft-ed Microsoft?) has hired Alex Cheradon (private investigator) to look for his missing daughter. Good news: it's a million dollar payday. Bad news: she may be a Satanist hell bent on bringing the Devil to Earth. The dead bodies are piling up. Vampires are crawling out of the woodwork. And there's something named Pookie that's lurking around the corner. Breathtakingly paced, the jokes and wisecracks fly fast as Alex races against the clock to save the day.

Everything's Coming Up Aces

Book Description

“Everything is funny as long as it is happening to somebody else.” ~ Will Rogers Peter Perkins was born and raised in Las Vegas. He’s a jaded local through and through. So nobody’s more surprised than him when a sleazy street magician cons him out of a priceless family heirloom. So Peter Perkins does the only thing he can think of: He gets help. From Alex Cheradon? Wait a minute. Alex Cheradon? What’s he doing in Vegas?