Book Description

This volume contains the papers presented at the Third International Conference on Object Oriented Information Systems (00lS'96) which was held at South Bank University, London. The keynote addresses, by Professor Colette Roland and Mr Ian Graham, are also included. The acceptance rate for papers was around 47%. The papers for the Industry Day were invited papers. The keynote paper by Professor Roland analyses the challenges in object modelling, particularly the impact of requirements engineering for conceptual modelling. She suggests innovative research perspectives to enhance and extend object oriented approaches in order to deal with the emerging area of requirements engineering. The keynote paper presented by Mr. Graham focuses on the problems and solutions for adopting use cases. In his paper, Graham illustrates the theoretical issues and practical problems of use cases, and highlights them using examples. The papers included in this volume cover different aspects of object modelling, object oriented software development, object databases, and interoperability. In the modelling session, Ram, et al. outline an extended object model to tackle the problems of capturing complex requirements of office information systems. Simons' paper concentrates on core object modelling concepts and presents a mathematical theory of class.


Book Description

The papers published here highlight the contributions of leading researchers in the field who are working with object-oriented technology, theory and practice. Among the topics to be covered are: object-relational data technology; distributed object computing; patterns and frameworks; concepts and methodologies; multimedia systems; object-0riented metrics; object reuse; object ontologies; business process re-design; knowledge management; object database management systems; and interoperability issues. Areas of significant interest to industry, especially in providing innovative directions for the development of next generation systems, are also covered.


Book Description

The Sorbonne University is very proud to host this year the oms Conference on Object Oriented Information Systems. There is a growing awareness of the importance of object oriented techniques, methods and tools to support information systems engineering. The term information systems implies that the computer based systems are designed to provide adequate and timely information to human users in organizations. The term engineering implies the application of a rigorous set of problem solving approaches analogous to those found in traditional engineering disciplines. The intent of this conference is to present a selected number of those approaches which favor an object oriented view of systems engineering. oms '98 is the fifth edition of a series of conferences. Starting in 1994 in London, this series evolved from a British audience to a truly European one. The goal is to build a world wide acknowledged forum dedicated to object oriented information systems engineering. This conference is organized with the aim to bring together researchers and practitioners in Information Systems, Databases and Software Engineering who have interests in object oriented information systems. The objective is to advance understanding about how the object technology can empower information systems in organizations, on techniques for designing effective and efficient information systems and methods and development tools for information systems engineering. The conference aims also at discussing the lessons learned from large scale projects using objects. The call for oms was given international audience.

OOIS 2000

Book Description

New object-oriented technologies have been conceived and implemented over the past decade in order to manage complexity inherent in information systems development. Research has spanned from information systems modelling languages (UML and OML) to databases (ODMG), from programming languages (Java) to middleware technology (CORBA). A more widespread use of the Internet has led to the emergence and integration of various other technologies, such as XML and database connectivity tools, allowing businesses to access and exchange information over the Internet. The main theme of OOIS 2000 was "Object-Technology and New Business Opportunities" and focused on research conducted in the area of effective information systems development for the promotion of e-commerce. Papers were invited from academics and practitioners. The thirty-nine papers accepted for oms 2000 are included in these proceedings. It is nice to see this year that the shift from centralised to distributed systems and the widespread access and use of the Internet has allowed the advent of new opportunities for businesses to exploit, in the form of e-commerce.

Handbook on Architectures of Information Systems

Book Description

An authoritative source about methods, languages, methodologies and supporting tools for constructing information systems that also provides examples for references models. Its strength is the careful selection of each of the above mentioned components, based on technical merit. The second edition completely revises all articles and features new material on the latest developments in XML & UML. The structure follows the definition of the major components of Enterprise Integration as defined by GERAM (Generalised Enterprise Reference Architecture and Methodology). 1st edition sold about 600 copies since January 2003.

Business Object Design and Implementation III

Book Description

The NCITS Accredited Standards Committee H7 Object Information Management, now part of NCITS T3 Open Distributed Processing, and the Object Management Group BUsiness Object Domain Task Force (BODTF) jointly sponsored the Fifth Annual OOPSLA Workshop on Business Object Component Design and Implementation. The focus of the workshop was on design and implementation of business object component frameworks and architectures. Key aspects discussed included: • What is a comprehensive definition of a business object component'? • Are the four layers (user, workspace, enterprise, resource) presented at the OOPSLA'98 workshop the right way to layer a..bysiness object component. system? • How is a business object component implemented across these layers? What are the associated artefacts? Are there different object models representing the same business object component in different layers? • What are the dependencies between business object components? How can they be plug and play given these dependencies? How can they be flexible and adaptive? How do they participate in workflow systems? • How will the em~rgence of a web-based distributed object-computing infrastructure based on XML, influence business object component architectures? In particular, is the W3C WebBroker proposal appropriate for distributed business object component computing? The aim of the workshop was to: • Enhance the pattern literature on the specification, design, and implementation of interoperable, plug and play, distributed business object components.

Conceptual Modeling - ER '98

Book Description

This volume constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling, ER '98, held in Singapore, in November 1998. The 32 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from a total of 95 submissions. The book is divided into chapters on conceptual modeling and design, user interface modeling, information retrieval on the Web, semantics and constraints, conceptual modeling tools, quality and reliability metrics, industrial experience in conceptual modeling, object-oriented database management systems, data warehousing, industrial case studies, object-oriented approaches.

Object-Oriented Information Systems

Book Description

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Object-Oriented Information Systems, OOIS 2002, held in Montpellier, France, in September 2002. The 34 revised full papers and 17 short papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 116 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on developing web services, object databases, XML and web, component and ontology, UML modeling, object modeling and information systems adaptation, e-business models and workflow, performance and method evaluation, programming and tests, software engineering metries, web-based information systems, architecture and Corba, and roles and evolvable objects.

Model Driven Architecture

Book Description

Model-Driven Architecture (MDA) is an initiative proposedby the Object M- agement Group (OMG) for platform-generic software development. MDA s- arates the speci?cation of system functionality from the implementation on a speci?c platform. It is aimed at making software assets more resilient to changes caused by emerging technologies. While stressing the importance of modeling, the MDA initiative covers a wide spectrum of research areas. Further e?orts are required to bring them into a coherent approach based on open standards and supported by matured tools and techniques. Thisvolumecontainstheselectedpapersoftwoworkshopson“Model-Driven Architecture – Foundations and Applications” (MDAFA): MDAFA 2003 held at the University of Twente, Twente, The Netherlands, June 26–27, 2003, and MDAFA 2004 held at Linko ̈ping University, Link ̈ oping, Sweden, June 10–11, 2004. The goal of the workshops was to understand the foundations of MDA, to share experience in applying MDA techniques and tools, and to outline future research directions. The workshops organizers encouraged authors of accepted papers to re-submit their papers to a post-workshop reviewing process; 15 of these papers were accepted to appear in this volume on MDA.

Advanced Information Systems Engineering

Book Description

TheexplosivegrowthoftheInternetandtheWebhavecreatedanever-growing demand for information systems, and ever-growing challenges for Information Systems Engineering. The series of Conferences on Advanced Information S- tems Engineering (CAiSE) was launched in Scandinavia by Janis Bubenko and Arne Solvberg in 1989, became an important European conference, and was held annually in major European sites throughout the 1990s. Now, in its 14th year,CAiSEwasheldforthe?rsttimeoutsideEurope,showcasinginternational researchon information systems and their engineering. Not surprisingly, this year the conference enjoyed unprecedented attention. In total, the conference received 173 paper submissions, the highest number ever for a CAiSE conference. Of those, 42 were accepted as regular papers and 26 as short (poster) papers. In addition, the conference received 12 proposals for workshops of which 8 were approved, while 4 tutorials were selected from 15 submissions. The technical program was put together by an international committee of 81 experts. In total, 505 reviews were submitted, with every member of the committeecontributing.Decisionsonallsubmissionswerereachedataprogram committee meeting in Toronto on January 26-27,2002. Workshop and tutorial proposals were handled separately by committees chaired by Patrick Martin (workshops), and Jarek Gryz and Richard Paige (tutorials). We wish to extend a great “THANK YOU!” to all members of the program and organizing committees for their volunteer contributions of time and exp- tise. The fact that so many busy (and famous!) people took the trouble to help uswiththeorganizationofthisconferenceandtheformationofitstechnicalp- gram speaks well for the future of CAiSE and the ?eld of Information Systems Engineering.