OECD Public Governance Reviews Open Government in Tunisia

Book Description

The Open Government Review of Tunisia is the first of its kind analysing a country’s open government policies and practices and their institutional and legal frameworks for implementation against OECD instruments. The analysis focuses on how public ...

Open Government in Tunisia

Book Description

- Foreword and acknowledgements - Acronyms and abbreviations - Executive summary - Assessment and recommendations - Introduction - Tunisia's centre of government - Civic engagement in Tunisia - Budget transparency in Tunisia - Tunisia's policies for public sector integrity - Technology and Open Government in Tunisia - Open Government at the local level in Tunisia: Two case studies - Collaboration between the OECD and Tunisia on Open Government

OECD Public Governance Reviews Open Government in Tunisia: La Marsa, Sayada and Sfax

Book Description

This report analyses legal and institutional frameworks, public policies and open government practices in Tunisia at the local level. It is based on three pilot municipalities - La Marsa, Sayada and Sfax. The report proposes recommendations to help the central government create an enabling ...

Open Government in Tunisia: La Marsa, Sayada and Sfax

Book Description

This report analyses legal and institutional frameworks, public policies and open government practices in Tunisia at the local level. It is based on three pilot municipalities - La Marsa, Sayada and Sfax. The report proposes recommendations to help the central government create an enabling environment for open government at the local level. It also provides support for the efforts of these municipalities and those of civil society to establish new mechanisms for participation, transparency and accountability.

Open Government in Tunisia: La Marsa, Sayada and Sfax

Book Description

This report analyses legal and institutional frameworks, public policies and open government practices in Tunisia at the local level. It is based on three pilot municipalities - La Marsa, Sayada and Sfax. The report proposes recommendations to help the central government create an enabling environment for open government at the local level. It also provides support for the efforts of these municipalities and those of civil society to establish new mechanisms for participation, transparency and accountability.

Understanding Revolutions

Book Description

On 17 December, 2010, in the sleepy, provincial town of Sidi Bouzid, a Tunisian street vendor, Mohamed Bouazizi, set himself on fire to protest the relentless harassment he faced at the hands of state officials. This politically driven suicide sparked protests that would engulf the Tunisian state, and spread throughout the region. The Tunisian Revolution is the only revolt of the Arab Spring that is widely considered to have 'succeeded'. In this book, Azmi Bishara's grapples with the specific political make-up of Tunisia, and how it determined the development and survival of the revolution. He begins by analysing the context of the revolt (including lagging economic development, high unemployment, authoritarian rule etc.) and compares this to the revolutionary setting within other Arab states. Bishara then carefully sets out the political contours specific to Tunisia and the formation of political parties within the country on the eve of the revolution. He unravels the gradual, daily dynamism of the events which left former President Zin El Abidine Ben Ali with no alternative but to flee the country. Bishara lucidly explains a dizzying series of developments, describing the path of the Tunisian revolution. This book critically explores the issue of gradual democratic reform and the peaceful transfer of power within the Tunisian context, with implications for the wider region. Two important questions are raised: how must social movements deal with states which refuse to participate in the dialectic process of reform, and what happens when a regime leverages fissures in collective identity to threaten the breakup of not just the state, but the entire social fabric of a country? Bishara concludes that Arab democratic reformers must focus on these questions, pointing out the importance of a unified nation and the establishment of democracy based on equal citizenship for all


Book Description

The Arab Spring began and ended with Tunisia. In a region beset by brutal repression, humanitarian disasters, and civil war, Tunisia's Jasmine Revolution alone gave way to a peaceful transition to a functioning democracy. Within four short years, Tunisians passed a progressive constitution, held fair parliamentary elections, and ushered in the country's first-ever democratically elected president. But did Tunisia simply avoid the misfortunes that befell its neighbors, or were there particular features that set the country apart and made it a special case? In Tunisia: An Arab Anomaly, Safwan M. Masri explores the factors that have shaped the country's exceptional experience. He traces Tunisia's history of reform in the realms of education, religion, and women's rights, arguing that the seeds for today's relatively liberal and democratic society were planted as far back as the middle of the nineteenth century. Masri argues that Tunisia stands out not as a model that can be replicated in other Arab countries, but rather as an anomaly, as its history of reformism set it on a separate trajectory from the rest of the region. The narrative explores notions of identity, the relationship between Islam and society, and the hegemonic role of religion in shaping educational, social, and political agendas across the Arab region. Based on interviews with dozens of experts, leaders, activists, and ordinary citizens, and a synthesis of a rich body of knowledge, Masri provides a sensitive, often personal, account that is critical for understanding not only Tunisia but also the broader Arab world.

Political Islam in Tunisia

Book Description

Political Islam in Tunisia uncovers the secret history of Tunisia's main Islamist movement, Ennahda, from its origins in the 1960s to the present. Banned until the popular uprisings of 2010-11 and the overthrow of Ben Ali's dictatorship, Ennahda has until now been impossible to investigate. This is the first in-depth account of the movement, one of Tunisia's most influential political actors. Drawing on more than four years of field research, over 400 interviews, and access to private archives, Anne Wolf masterfully unveils the evolution of Ennahda's ideological and strategic orientations within changing political contexts and, at times, conflicting ambitions amongst its leading cadres. She also explores the challenges to Ennahda's quest for power from both secularists and Salafis. As the first full history of Ennahda, this book is a major contribution to the literature on Tunisia, Islamist movements, and political Islam in the Arab world. It will be indispensable reading for anyone seeking to understand the forces driving a key player in the country most hopeful of pursuing a democratic trajectory in the wake of the Arab Spring.