Opening the Windows of Heaven

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Lectures on Faith

Book Description

This special edition of the Lectures on Faith from Zion’s Camp Books is formatted for convenience on an eReader, with more than 100 internal links to scriptures and citations. We hope it will give you a great reading experience! The Lectures on Faith were originally prepared as materials for the School of the Prophets in Kirtland, Ohio in 1834 and were included in the Doctrine and Covenants from 1835 to 1921. Although the Lectures on Faith have never been accepted as revelation by the body of the church (and so were removed from the Doctrine and Covenants in 1921), they contain important doctrinal insights that can help anyone seeking to learn more about faith and come closer to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. President Joseph Fielding Smith noted, “I suppose that the rising generation knows little about the Lectures on Faith. . . . In my own judgment, these Lectures are of great value and should be studied. . . . I consider them to be of extreme value in the study of the gospel of Jesus Christ.” (Joseph Fielding Smith, Seek Ye Earnestly. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1970.) Elder Bruce R. McConkie of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles has stated the lectures contain “some of the best lesson material ever prepared on the Godhead; on the character, perfections, and attributes of God; on faith, miracles, and sacrifice. They can be studied with great profit by all gospel scholars.” (Bruce R. McConkie, Mormon Doctrine. Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1966.)

Opening the Windows of Blessing

Book Description

The exciting New Inductive Study Series (more than 880,000 copies sold) was created by Kay Arthur for people who long to immerse themselves in God's Word but need a 15-minutes-a-day resource to match their busy lifestyles. This exciting study focuses on Zecharaiah, Malachi, and Haggai, three prophets who shared God's messages of instruction and discipline and also words of encouragement and hope. Exploring these books of the Bible provides an insightful study of God's communication, character, and blessings. Using Kay Arthur's inductive study method, the truths of these Old Testament books inspire readers to hear God's message, become obedient, and share in the living hope of a Father who clearly conveys the promise of great blessings.

Flood Tide

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Opening the Windows of Heaven

Book Description

From the book, Satisfied With God Alone, Opening The Windows Of Heaven is the spiritual instruction about the abundance of life, health and wealth by the prophet, Malachi -- published here as a separate booklet. In his famous verse (3:10), Malachi gives us the secret of wealth and the freedom of ceaseless and omnipresent abundance: "Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there be food in mine house, and prove me now in this, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out blessings, that there shall not be room enough to receive them." This wonderful little book lifts the reader's spiritual awareness to that place of consciousness where "opening the windows of heaven" becomes a daily reality, not just spiritual theory. The treasures of heaven are real, practical and attainable for every individual who understands and lives the "Malachi" secret. Tithing is a miraculous act of being, with miraculous results. Yet thousands attempt tithing with little or no result. As this little book magically and lovingly explains, the material experience including all form, place, amount, condition and activity is simply a conceptual sense of that which is one hundred percent spirit. The entire key to spiritual "demonstration" is to realize that we are simply having a corporeal sense of that which is entirely incorporeal - God, spirit, truth. Once this is truly understood the secret of abundance opens its doors to boundlessness and the freedom of wealth in all areas of life including finances.

Help from Heaven

Book Description

The theme in this book is that heaven is for those now alive. Instead of self-help, we need God-help. When Jesus prayed, “on earth as it is in heaven,” He was giving us a solution to earthly problems. In heaven, there are no burdens as we know them. There are no personality disorders, no interrelationship problems or feuds, no disease, no sense of tragic sadness. In fact, heaven is the blueprint for perfection in every aspect of life on earth. Without spoiling the punch line, this book is about receiving help from heaven in a way that will remove obstacles in your path so that you do not have to continually face the same problems over and over again. Only God can change our hearts and help us fix our problems at the deepest level. This change is quickened as we spend time in His presence and believe that God is able to overcome our problems. The challenge we have is waiting in His presence and believing. This book will give you tips on how to access help from heaven that is available for you right now. Your help from heaven can be instantaneous or it can take years. The time required for you to receive your help depends on you. Heaven is ready right now and Christ has done all that is required to set you free from your trouble. However, your problem may have taken years to develop. Getting out of it so that it doesn’t return to foil you the same way again may take some time too. What does that say? It says that we must never quit and never give up. In preparing to read this book, you may want to pray something like this: Lord God, I desire to enter Your presence. Please open the eyes of my heart and let Your love and truth penetrate my mind, body, soul, and spirit. May Your hand guide me and Your Spirit resonate within me as I read this book. Give me Your message and Your words. Thank You for interceding in my life with help from heaven. Amen.

How to Open the Windows of Heaven

Book Description

This book is about teaching you the principals of God with expectations and great hope of receiving them. This book gives you the Hope of Knowing that you can receive blessings in this life without stealing or being immoral, by following of the spiritual principals of a loving creator to His creation whom he loves and wants to provide for in this life and the life to come that you may have life and have it more abundantly with comfort of peace, love, joy in the spirit of the Lord!

It's Not Working, Brother John

Book Description

Television preacher John Avanzini puts forward 25 reasons why he believes prayers are not answered, most of them having to do with faulty actions or beliefs on the part of the petitioner.

A Sweet and Bitter Providence

Book Description

Sex. Race. Scripture. Sovereignty. The book of Ruth entails them all. So readers shouldn't be fooled by its age, says Pastor John Piper. Though its events happened over 3,000 years ago, the story holds astounding relevance for Christians in the twenty-first century. The sovereignty of God, the sexual nature of humanity, and the gospel of God's mercy for the undeserving-these massive realities never change. And since God is still sovereign, and we are male or female, and Jesus is alive and powerful, A Sweet and Bitter Providence bears a message for readers from all walks of life. But be warned, Piper tells his audience: This ancient love affair between Boaz and Ruth could be dangerous, inspiring all of us to great risks in the cause of love.

Book of Mormon Student Manual

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