Operation Messiah

Book Description

Saul of Tarsus is one of the best known and most beloved figures of Christianity. This man, later known as St. Paul, set the tone for Christianity, including an emphasis on celibacy, the theory of divine grace and salvation, and the elimination of circumcision. It was Paul who wrote a large part of the New Testament, and who called it euangelion, "the gospel". There is another side of Paul, however, that has been little studied and that is his connection to the Roman military establishment and its intelligence arm. While other scholars and writers have suggested the idea that Paul was cooperating with the Romans, this is the first book-length study to document it in detail. By looking at the traditional story through a new lens, some of the thorniest questions and contradictions in Paul's life can be unravelled. How did he come to work for the Temple authorities who collaborated with the Romans? How was he able to escape from legal situations in which others would have been killed? Why were so many Jews trying to have Paul killed and to which sect did they belong? These and other mysteries will be solved as the authors follow Paul's career and his connections to Roman intelligence.

Caesar's messiah : the Roman conspiracy to invent Jesus

Book Description

"Caesar's Messiah," a real life "Da Vinci Code," presents the dramatic and controversial discovery that the conventional views of Christian origins may be wrong. Author Joseph Atwill makes the case that the Christian Gospels were actually written under the direction of first-century Roman emperors. The purpose of these texts was to establish a peaceful Jewish sect to counterbalance the militaristic Jewish forces that had just been defeated by the Roman Emperor Titus in 70 A.D. Atwill uncovered the secret key to this story in the writings of Josephus, the famed first-century Roman historian. Reading Josephus's chronicle, "The War of the Jews," the author found detail after detail that closely paralleled events recounted in the Gospels. Atwill skillfully demonstrates that the emperors used the Gospels to spark a new religious movement that would aid them in maintaining power and order. What's more, by including hidden literary clues, they took the story of the Emperor Titus's glorious military victory, as recounted by Josephus, and embedded that story in the Gospels - a sly and satirical way of glorifying the emperors through the ages.

Creating Christ

Book Description

Exhaustively annotated and illustrated, this explosive work of history unearths clues that finally demonstrate the truth about one of the world’s great religions: that it was born out of the conflict between the Romans and messianic Jews who fought a bitter war with each other during the 1st Century. The Romans employed a tactic they routinely used to conquer and absorb other nations: they grafted their imperial rule onto the religion of the conquered. After 30 years of research, authors James S. Valliant and C.W. Fahy present irrefutable archeological and textual evidence that proves Christianity was created by Roman Caesars in this book that breaks new ground in Christian scholarship and is destined to change the way the world looks at ancient religions forever. Inherited from a long-past era of tyranny, war and deliberate religious fraud, could Christianity have been created for an entirely different purpose than we have been lead to believe? Praised by scholars like Dead Sea Scrolls translator Robert Eisenman (James the Brother of Jesus), this exhaustive synthesis of historical detective work integrates all of the ancient sources about the earliest Christians and reveals new archeological evidence for the first time. And, despite the fable presented in current bestsellers like Bill O’Reilly’s Killing Jesus, the evidence presented in Creating Christ is irrefutable: Christianity was invented by Roman Emperors. I have rarely encountered a book so original, exciting, accessible and informed on subjects that are of obvious importance to the world and to which I have myself devoted such a large part of my scholarly career studying. In this book they have rendered a startling new understanding of Christianity with a controversial theory of its Roman provenance that is accessible to the layman in a very powerful way. In the process, they present new and comprehensive archeological and iconographic evidence, as well as utilizing the widest and most cutting edge work of other recent scholars, including myself. This is a work of outstanding and original scholarship. Its arguments are a brilliant, profound and thorough integration of the relevant evidence. When they are done, the conclusion is inescapable and obviously profound. Robert Eisenman, Author of James the Brother of Jesus and The New Testament Code "A fascinating and provocative investigative history of ideas, boldly exploring a problem that previous scholarship has not clearly or credibly addressed: how (and why!) the Flavian dynasty wove Christianity into the very fabric of Western civilization." -Mark Riebling, author of Church of Spies: The Pope's Secret War Against Hitler

Operating in the Courts of Heaven

Book Description

Why do some people pray in agreement with Gods will, heart and timing, yet the desired answers do not come? Why would God not respond when we pray from the earnestness of our hearts? What is the problem, or better yet, what is the solution? Robert Henderson believes the answer is found in where your prayer actually takes place. We must direct our prayer towards the Courts of Heaven and not only the battlefield. Robert shows that it is in the courtrooms of Heaven where our breakthroughs can be found. When you learn to operate there you will see your answers unlocked and released. This book will teach you the legal processes of Heaven and how to operate in its courts. When you get off the battlefield and into the courtroom you can grant God the legal clearance to fulfill His passion and answer your prayers.

John the Baptist in History and Theology

Book Description

An analysis that challenges the conventional Christian hierarchy of John the Baptist and Jesus of Nazareth While the Christian tradition has subordinated John the Baptist to Jesus of Nazareth, John himself would likely have disagreed with that ranking. In this eye-opening new book, John the Baptist in History and Theology, Joel Marcus makes a powerful case that John saw himself, not Jesus, as the proclaimer and initiator of the kingdom of God and his own ministry as the center of God's saving action in history. Although the Fourth Gospel has the Baptist saying, "He must increase, but I must decrease," Marcus contends that this and other biblical and extrabiblical evidence reveal a continuing competition between the two men that early Christians sought to muffle. Like Jesus, John was an apocalyptic prophet who looked forward to the imminent end of the world and the establishment of God's rule on earth. Originally a member of the Dead Sea Sect, an apocalyptic community within Judaism, John broke with the group over his growing conviction that he himself was Elijah, the end-time prophet who would inaugurate God's kingdom on earth. Through his ministry of baptism, he ushered all who came to him—Jews and non-Jews alike—into this dawning new age. Jesus began his career as a follower of the Baptist, but, like other successor figures in religious history, he parted ways from his predecessor as he became convinced of his own centrality in God's purposes. Meanwhile John's mass following and apocalyptic message became political threats to Herod Antipas, who had John executed to abort any revolutionary movement. Based on close critical-historical readings of early texts—including the accounts of John in the Gospels and in Josephus's Antiquities—as well as parallels from later religious movements, John the Baptist in History and Theology situates the Baptist within Second Temple Judaism and compares him to other apocalyptic thinkers from ancient and modern times. It concludes with thoughtful reflections on how its revisionist interpretations might be incorporated into the Christian faith.

Redemption Song

Book Description

Operation Odyssey

Book Description

"Above all" I wanted to make Operation Odyssey a great novel (conveying great concepts) and excitingly relevant to our contemporary world...certainly, I wanted the Apostle Paul's Odyssey to be as historically accurate as possible, yet...yet be comparable to the original Voyage of Odyssus after the fall of Troy!!! I wanted to reveal how the journey of the Apostle Paul almost resulted in his death by stoning had he not been rescued by Jesus & Future Technology!! Also, upon his recovery, Paul was provided with a Force Field which actually rendered he and Barnabus invincable....Unless they choose to relinquish same to prove a point!!

The Messiah's Inventions

Book Description

Noah’s ark was an invention of God (elohiym—the plural (three) form of one God—God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit). God the Son later became the incarnate Jesus of Nazareth, the Messiah, the Anointed One, the very Christ. The original Son of God was undoubtedly the divine agent that communed with Noah, inspiring him with the great invention of God to preserve life through the perils of a world-wide Deluge. Noah was the master builder and preacher of righteousness. God could have translated the people and animals to heaven or some other world before that horrific water holocaust of the entire earth, and relocated them back to earth when the Flood was over. But God chose not to do this. God chose a cooperative effort of God and man at great cost to preserve life on earth during that fearful water holocaust. But the ark, as well designed and built as it was, was in itself not sufficient to preserve life. It required the mighty power of God and the heavenly angels to guide and preserve the ark and its inhabitants during that fearful ordeal. “For this they [last day scoffers—evolutionists] willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water: Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished: But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.” 2 Peter 3:5-7 and context (KJV). In the imminent future we face the fearful peril of one third of the population of the earth being incinerated in a nuclear holocaust (Revelation 9:14-21); also the peril of the corona of the sun going out in darkness, like what happened briefly July 19-23, 2013 (Google dark sun), and the earth’s population freezing to death, or the sun continuing its nova sequence, scorching the earth with great heat, and then going out in darkness. What we desperately need now are new inventions of God, the cooperation of God, men, and angels to preserve life in fire, make the sun unnecessary, flood the entire earth with light and clean energy (Revelation 21:23). God has already inspired one man, said of Lucifer himself to be the Everlasting Father incarnate, the Messiah, the Anointed One, the very Christ, with designs of God of inventions to preserve and restore earth to Edenic condition in this doom of fire. The inventions are already roughly designed and the master builder found and educated. All that is needed now are believing people donating money for these costly heavenly inventions. God will not do this all by Himself. He will work with us as we give our all, be it little or much. This book will tell all about the inventions of God for now, to preserve life through fire and to make the sun unnecessary. What is most needed now is belief in God’s Messiahs. So in this book there will not only be science and technology, but theology, history, and prophetic evidences in favor of Messiah A and Messiah B—Jesus of Nazareth and Gordon L. Ziegler of Lacey, Washington U.S.A. Any and all may now make tax deductable donations to Benevolent Enterprises to actualize the divine inventions to preserve life from a holocaust of fire, restore the earth and its people, and make the sun unnecessary with heavenly light and heat.

Bare-Faced Messiah

Book Description

Bare-Faced Messiah tells the extraordinary story of L. Ron Hubbard, a penniless science-fi ction writer who founded the Church of Scientology, became a millionaire prophet and convinced his adoring followers that he alone could save the world. According to his 'official' biography, Hubbard was an explorer, engineer, scientist, war hero and philosopher. But in the words of a Californian judge, he was schizophrenic, paranoid and a pathological liar. What is not in dispute is that Hubbard was one of the most bizarre characters of the twentieth century. Bare-Faced Messiah exposes the myths surrounding the fascinating and mysterious founder of the Church of Scientology - a man of hypnotic charm and limitless imagination - and provides the defi nitive account of how the notorious organisation was created.