Operation White Elephant

Book Description

An underground syndicate operates under the layers of registered businesses, Law enforcement officers nickname it the white elephant because of its convuluted registration structure that makes it impossible to pin down individuals running it. Tasila Chungu, a Financial Investgations Bureau (FIB) analyst detects an illegal transaction between two companies, she pushes the case further to get information and winds up in the loop of the syndicate's operation networks, her superiors order her to shut the case down, but Tasila presses on secretely until an operative from IMF and a Zambia army captain team up with her to close the case. Together, the trio collide with not just the syndicate, but also law enforcement bureaucrats who question their rogue investgation and the inadmissibilty of the evidence they gather.

Operation White Out

Book Description

Recovering from his Operation Arctic Sting injuries, USS Teuthis Executive Officer Mac McDowell is tasked with laying SOSUS arrays in the southern Atlantic and off Thurston Island, Western Antarctica. Teuthis tangles with Argentine subs in the south Atlantic, then confronts a ChiCom sub off Thurston Island. Mac and his team experience serious setbacks at the hands of the ChiComs while installing a relay transmitter on a nearby mountain peak. Teuthis discovers an underwater oil operation off Thurston Island and is tasked with escorting a Taiwanese sub and underwater tanker under the cover of the largest military marine exercise since World War II: PacEx89. Teuthis is attacked by a Chinese Han-class sub and a previously unknown North Korean AIP sub despite the protection provided by three U.S. fast-attack subs. Will Mac and Teuthis complete their mission, or will they finally meet their watery graves on the Pacific Ocean abyssal plain?

Defrauding America, Vol. One 4th Ed.

Book Description

Defrauding America, Vol. One, describes in great detail covert operations involving CIA personnel during the past 50 years. It is based on input from dozens of former CIA assets. The book is written by former federal agent Rodney Stich, who has authored over a dozen books on government intrigue. Stich has appeared as guest on over 3,000 radio and TV shows since 1978.

Hills Like White Elephants

Book Description

A couple’s future hangs in the balance as they wait for a train in a Spanish café in this short story by a Nobel and Pulitzer Prize–winning author. At a small café in rural Spain, a man and woman have a conversation while they wait for their train to Madrid. The subtle, casual nature of their talk masks a more complicated situation that could endanger the future of their relationship. First published in the 1927 collection Men Without Women, “Hills Like White Elephants” exemplifies Ernest Hemingway’s style of spare, tight prose that continues to win readers over to this day.

Drugging America

Book Description

Former federal agent Stich, in collaboration with dozens of other insiders, reveals corruption that is undermining, like a Trojan horse, the government and the people of the United States. Also contributing to the books contents are police officers, Mafia family members, and former drug traffickers and smugglers.

Operation of the Superfund Program

Book Description

Operation Matador

Book Description

When Singapore fell to the Japanese in February 1942, Churchill called it the “largest capitulation in British history.” Till today, the myth persists that this was due to the British forces’ being caught off-guard, with their guns facing the wrong direction—towards the sea. This book offers an alternative insight into why Malaya and Singapore were captured by the Japanese. The question of the landward defence of Singapore and Malaya was first raised as early as 1918, eventually taking the form of Operation Matador, the elaborate planning and preparations for which amply demonstrate that the British fully expected the Japanese to attack Singapore from the rear, and had formulated a plan to stop the Japanese at the Kra Isthmus. Yet, when the Japanese forces landed, they found Malaya and Singapore defended by an emasculated fleet, obsolescent aircraft, inadequate artillery and no tanks. The battle for Malaya and Singapore was lost even before the first shot was fired—in the corridors of power at Whitehall. Churchill’s half-hearted support for Operation Matador meant that Malaya was starved of the necessary reinforcements, and the commanders on the spot were expected to “make bricks without straw.” The question that remains: If implemented, might Operation Matador have stopped the Japanese?