Europe in 12 Lessons

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Copyright in the EU Digital Single Market

Book Description

Inside the EU, modernizing its copyright framework for the Internet age is considered a key step toward a Digital Single Market in the creative content sectors. To explore the most suitable and realistic policy options to achieve this objective, the CEPS formed a task force to foster a multistakeholder dialogue on the major challenges for copyright law in the online content sector today. Drawing on those discussions, this report contains the conclusions and policy recommendations organized around three main themes: - Licensing rules and practices in the online music and film sectors - The definition and implementation of copyright exceptions in the digital environment - The present and future of online copyright enforcement in Europe

Audiovisual Media Services Without Frontiers

Book Description

The current ongoing revision of the EC's Television without Frontiers (TVwF) Directive clearly raises major questions for the future of the regulation of linear and non-linear services. However, it also gives rise to reflection concerning the Council of Europe's European Convention on Transfrontier Television (ECTT), a parallel regulatory instrument concerning cross-border broadcasting. At a time of major transformation of the European legal instruments which are applied to broadcasting and new audiovisual services, this new report from the European Audiovisual Observatory takes stock of recent and current problem areas in broadcasting regulation in the light of the challenges these will raise for the new extended regulation. The report analyses issues of the practical application of the TVwF Directive and the ECTT in their current form. It also raises the question of the future cohabitation of the two instruments following the completed revision of the TVwF Directive, not forgetting that there will clearly be a period where the two instruments will be "out of phase" with each other.

European Media Law

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Supplies an in-depth commentary on EU media law, with detailed analysis of all important legislation and court decisions. It leads European lawyers with vast knowledge and practical experience of media law provide detailed expert commentary.

The Palgrave Handbook of European Media Policy

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Containing state-of-the-art contributions on the various domains of European media policies, this Handbook deals with theoretical approaches to European media policy: its historical development; specific policies for film, television, radio and the Internet; and international aspects of the fragmented policy domain.

Protecting the right to freedom of expression under the European Convention on Human Rights

Book Description

European Convention on Human Rights – Article 10 – Freedom of expression 1. Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers. This article shall not prevent States from requiring the licensing of broadcasting, television or cinema enterprises. 2. The exercise of these freedoms, since it carries with it duties and responsibilities, may be subject to such formalities, conditions, restrictions or penalties as are prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic society, in the interests of national security, territorial integrity or public safety, for the prevention of disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals, for the protection of the reputation or rights of others, for preventing the disclosure of information received in confidence, or for maintaining the authority and impartiality of the judiciary. In the context of an effective democracy and respect for human rights mentioned in the Preamble to the European Convention on Human Rights, freedom of expression is not only important in its own right, but it also plays a central part in the protection of other rights under the Convention. Without a broad guarantee of the right to freedom of expression protected by independent and impartial courts, there is no free country, there is no democracy. This general proposition is undeniable. This handbook is a practical tool for legal professionals from Council of Europe member states who wish to strengthen their skills in applying the European Convention on Human Rights and the case law of the European Court of Human Rights in their daily work.

Harmonizing European Copyright Law

Book Description

The European concern with copyright and related rights -- Object, subject, and duration of protection -- Exclusive rights and limitations -- Rights management information and technological protection measures -- Term extension for sound recordings -- Term calculation for co-written musical works -- Orphan works -- The blessings and curses of harmonization -- The last frontier : territoriality.

Cultural Heritage in the European Union

Book Description

This volume offers a critical inquiry into the ever-evolving notion of cultural heritage and the way it has been made accessible, governed, and protected by the institutional, operational, and legal structures of the European Union.