Opportunities and Risks in Central European Finances

Book Description

The recent emerging market crises in Asia and other regions suggests that while international capital inflows can make recipient economies stronger, they can potentially also increase the vulnerability of these economies to financial market crises. Two of the most notable sources of vulnerability are the quality of domestic financial intermediation and the speculative nature of some investment flows. 'Opportunities and Risks in Central European Finances' examines the nature of capital flows in the region, seeking to explain its dynamics, and potential sources of vulnerability. The book also appraises some potential costs that could be associated with a financial crisis. Finally, it presents views on how to manage these risks more effectively.

Risks and Returns

Book Description

During the 1990s, Emerging Europe and Central Asia (ECA) opted for a model of rapid financial development focused on bank credit expansion often funded by foreign capital. This model helped boost the financial inclusion of firms and households, but was also accompanied by lower financial efficiency and increased vulnerability to banking crises. The need for financial sector reforms has become more urgent as stagnating income growth, particularly of middle- to lower-income earners, is leading to increased dissatisfaction with the status quo of low productivity growth and limited access to opportunities. This demand for change can be the impetus for rebalancing financial policies to support higher and more inclusive growth. A healthy and balanced financial sector is needed to support structural adjustment in the oil dependent economies of the eastern side ECA and greater innovation in the countries of the western part of ECA. This report argues that financial development must reach beyond increasing access to credit. ECA countries should strive to build balanced financial systems integrating both bank and non-bank markets, enabling prudent financial inclusion. Most importantly, ECA falls significantly behind other world regions in the use of saving products. Striking the right balance across all dimensions of financial development (stability, efficiency, inclusion, and overall depth) is crucial for achieving and sustaining inclusive growth.

Business Performance and Financial Institutions in Europe

Book Description

This book examines the business models, performance, and decision-making approaches employed by financial institutions in Central and Southeast Europe. The respective contributions cover a wide range of industries, including banking, pharmaceuticals, and airline business services, and present both theoretical and empirical studies that highlight economy-wide risks and opportunities for European companies. The book is divided into four parts, the first of which provides a critical assessment of the competitiveness and performance of European companies, while the second examines decision-making approaches at financial institutions; the third and fourth parts address the macroeconomic risks and opportunities for business development in Europe. Intended for scholars, political decision-makers, and practitioners, the book offers new perspectives on Central and Southeast European financial and business research.

European Union Accession

Book Description

As the European Union (EU) launches its common currency (the Euro), Central European (CE) nations are searching for best practices in public liability management in order to smooth their integration into the EU. This work addresses that concern, examining borrowing policies, institution building, portfolio optimization, and the implications of the Euro and EU accession for public debt management. To help the CE countries achieve their goals, the World Bank and the European Commission held a two-day seminar in Brussels in mid-December 1997. European Union Accession presents the papers delivered at that seminar which was attended by all ten EU applicant countries: Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, the Slovak Republic, and Slovenia. The workshop pursued the following goals: 1. to investigate the implications of the launch of the Euro and of the EU accession on fiscal prudence and on the borrowing strategies of CE countries; 2. to facilitate the dissemination of the best public liabilities management techniques developed worldwide; and 3. to explore plausible arrangements to promote prudent public liabilities management in Central Europe through a regional expertise network.

Financial and Fiscal Instruments for Catastrophe Risk Management

Book Description

This work addresses potential innovative insurance mechanisms to compensate flood losses in central Europe by applying financial instruments for pooling multi-country risks to reduce single-country costs.

Climate Finance Toolkit for Europe and Central Asia

Book Description

This Climate Finance toolkit was prepared by the Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, jointly with the United Nations Environment Programme Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia, as part of the efforts both organizations systematically conduct to support countries to access scaled-up sources of climate finance. This document aims at compiling relevant and up to date information on different sources of climate finance, through which countries in Europe and Central Asia could identify opportunities to finance their objectives and goals defined in the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) submitted to the United Nations Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). In this sense, it includes information on the overarching architecture for climate financing at global level and the key conceptual framework related to climate finance and provides detailed briefs for the most relevant sources of finance with operations in this region.

Spain and the Euro

Book Description

Recoge:España y el Euro; Unión monetaria europea; Costes y beneficios de una moneda única en España; Políticas de la Unión monetaria.

The Rise of Green Finance in Europe

Book Description

This book offers a comprehensive discussion of how green finance has been growing thus far and explores the opportunities and key developments ahead, with particular emphasis on Europe. The main features of the market, the key products, the issue of correctly defining green finance, the main policy actions undertaken, the risk of green washing and the necessary steps to mainstream green finance are discussed in depth. In addition, the book analyses some highly relevant aspects of the market that so far have not been sufficiently explored in the policy, industry and academic debate. This includes the potential role of digitalisation and blockchain in fostering green finance, the crucial role of the effective financing of the agriculture to reach climate and environmental targets and the possible relationship between sustainable finance and other forms of "alternative" finance. This book will be of interest to academics, practitioners, financial institutions and policy makers involved in green finance and to the finance industry in general.