Optimal Monetary Policy in a Small Open Economy Under Segmented Asset Markets and Sticky Prices

Book Description

This paper studies optimal monetary policy in a two-sector small open economy model under segmented asset markets and sticky prices. We solve the Ramsey problem under full commitment, and characterize the optimal monetary policy in a calibrated version of the model. The findings of the paper are threefold. First, the Ramsey solution mimics the allocations under flexible prices. Second, under the optimal policy the volatility of non-tradable inflation is close to zero. Third, stabilizing nontradable inflation is optimal regardless of the financial structure of the small open economy. Even for a moderate degree of price stickiness, implementing a monetary policy that mitigates asset market segmentation is highly distortionary. This last result suggests that policymakers should resort to other policy instruments in order to correct financial imperfections.

Optimal Monetary Policy in a Small Open Economy with Habit Formation and Nominal Rigidities

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Introducing habit formation into an open economy macroeconomic model with price stickiness, we examine the characteristics of an optimal monetary policy. We find that, first, the optimal policy rule entails interest rate smoothing and responds to the lagged values of the foreign interest rate and domestic technology shocks as well as their current values. Second, habit formation enriches the dynamics of the economy with a persistent, hump-shaped response of consumption to shocks. Finally, when habit formation does matter, the optimal policy rule achieves a greater welfare improvement over alternative policy rules by achieving lower macroeconomic variability.

Optimal Interest Rate Policy in a Small Open Economy

Book Description

Using an optimizing model we derive the optimal monetary and exchange rate policy for a small stochastic open economy with imperfect competition and short run price rigidity. The optimal monetary policy has an exact closed-form solution and is obtained using the utility function of the representative home agent as welfare criterion. The optimal policy depends on the source of stochastic disturbances affecting the economy, much as in the literature pioneered by Poole (1970). Optimal monetary policy reacts to domestic and foreign disturbances. If the intertemporal elasticity of substitution in consumption is less than one, as is likely to be the case empirically, the optimal exchange rate policy implies a dirty float: interest rate shocks from abroad are met partially by adjusting home interest rates, and partially by allowing the exchange rate to move. This optimal pattern may help rationalize the observed fear of floating.

Optimal Monetary Policy in a Small Open Economy with Financial Frictions

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I analyze how the introduction of financial frictions can affect the trade-off between output stabilization and inflation stability and whether, in the presence of financial frictions, the optimal outcome can be realized, or approached more closely, if monetary policy is allowed to react to aggregate financial variables.Moreover, I explore the issue of whether an inflation targeting cum exchange rate stabilization and a price-level targeting are more suitable rules in minimizing distortions generated by the presence of liabilities defined in foreign currency and in nominal terms. I find that, when the financial accelerator mechanism is working, a price-level targeting rule dominates. One caveat is that the source of the shock plays an important role. Once the financial shock is not operative, the gain from a price-level targeting rule decreases significantly.

Optimal Monetary Policy in Closed Versus Open Economies

Book Description

This paper develops a new open economy macro model of optimal monetary for a small open economy. Our main result is that in this model, the optimal policy problem for the small open economy is isomorphic to the closed economy case studied in Clarida, Gali, Gertler (1999). In particular, the optimal policy can be implemented with a Taylor Rule under which the domestic interest rate adjusts to the equilibrium real interest rate and expected inflation in domestic prices.

Open-Economy Macroeconomics

Book Description

The integration of market economies is one of the most remarkable features of international economics, which has important implications for macroeconomic performance in open economies. Equally important is the declining relevance of the real versus the monetary theory dichotomy. These papers focus on those aspects of monetary policy which relate to credibility and non-neutrality; the domestic adjustment to foreign shocks; the interdependence of open economies and their strategic interactions. An important section is also devoted to the innovative modelling of exchange rate dynamics.

Time Consistency of Optimal Policy in a Small Open Economy

Book Description

In this book, I characterize conditions under which optimal monetary and fiscal policy is time consistent in a stylized small open economy with a flexible foreign exchange rate regime. I show that these conditions depend on the way in which leisure is assumed to enter preferences and/or on the process which productivity is assumed to follow. I further argue that these conditions will fail to be sufficient if the small open economy implements a fixed foreign exchange rate regime. Thus, in a small open economy with conventional debt instruments and with households who have preference over consumption, leisure, and real money balances, it is impossible to have the following at the same time: perfect capital mobility, a credible fixed exchange rate, and time consistency of optimal fiscal policy. Finally, I discuss how to understand the long-term stability of monetary unions from the time-consistency perspective.