Optimal User Charges and Cost Recovery for Roads in Developing Countries

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What impact do road user charges have on cost recovery? And when they fail to cover total costs, how should the resulting deficit be financed?

Pricing, Cost Recovery, and Production Efficiency in Transport

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Public sector pricing policies may undermine incentives to reduce costs. Therefore measures to promote cost reduction should be part of any pricing policy reform designed to increase cost recovery.

Human and Physical Infrastructure

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Just as market failures necessitate government intervention in the infrastructure sectors, so government failures should be considered in deciding the extent and depth of that intervention.

Infrastructure Delivery

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IFC Lessons of Experience Paper No. 3. Describes the International Finance Corporation's (IFC's) 20 years of leasing experience in developing countries and assesses the developmental impact of leasing. The IFC has invested in leasing companies in more than half of the developing countries that have a leasing industry today.

New Directions in Development Economics

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New Directions in Development Economics is divided into two parts. The first half considers the dilemna of growth with special reference to its environmental cost. The second half focuses on the role of the state in the context of the growing dominance of the free market argument. The contributors include Paul Collier, Partha Dasgupta, Ronald Findlay and Deepak Lal.

Reforming and Privatizing Hungary's Road Haulage

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Options for restructuring the Volàn group -- the current provider of Hungary's public passenger and freight transport services and the largest enterprise in Hungary's road transport industry.

International Symposium on Theory and Practice in Transport Economics Key Issues for Transport beyond 2000 15th International Symposium on Theory and Practice in Transport Economics, Tessaloniki, Greece, 7th - 9th June 2000

Book Description

A clear dichotomy exists between an European economy centred on international trade and the environmental damage to which this focus gives rise. There is a need for a novel approach based on a shift away from the goal of ever-faster travel and ...

Do the Benefits of Fixed Exchange Rates Outweigh Their Costs?

Book Description

Fixed exchange rates have been a bad bargain for the CFA member countries. Under reasonable tradeoffs between output and inflation, these countries would have been better off having the flexibility to adjust to external shocks.