Organizations Listed in the ... CSIET Advisory List

Book Description

A list of international youth exchange programs to which CSIET has granted full, provisional, or conditional listings. E-mail and Web links to the programs are given when available. More detailed coverage is offered in the print Advisory list of international educational travel and exchange programs.

2015 - 2016 Advisory List of International Educational Travel & Exchange Programs

Book Description

CSIET's (The Council on Standards for International Educational Travel's) Advisory List features the international student exchange organizations accepted for listing for the 2015-16 academic year, including specific listing status (Full, Provisional, Conditional), contact information, and countries served. The programs listed in this book were found to be in compliance with CSIET Standards based on the information available to CSIET and/or a compliance audit process conducted by independent certified public accountants. Listing is neither an endorsement of an organization nor a guarantee of the quality of its programs. In addition, listing by CSIET does not suggest that only listed organizations are legitimate. CSIET membership does not denote acceptance for listing in the Advisory List.


Book Description

Working World

Book Description

Now available in a new second edition, Working World: Careers in International Education, Exchange, and Development offers an engaging guide for cause-oriented people dedicated to begin or enhance careers in the now burgeoning fields of international affairs. Mueller and Overmann expand their original dialogue between a career veteran and a young professional to address issues that recognize the meteoric rise of social media and dramatic geopolitical events. They explore how the idea of an international career has shifted: nearly every industry taking on more and more international dimensions, while international skills—linguistic ability, intercultural management, and sensitivity—become ever more highly prized by potential employers. This second edition of Working World offers ten new and four significantly updated profiles as well as new and expanded concepts that include work-life balance, the importance of informational interviews, moving on, and key building blocks for international careers.Like the award-winning first edition, Working World is a rare and valuable resource to students and graduates interested in careers in international affairs, mid-career professionals who want to make a career change or shift, as well as guidance counselors and career center specialists at universities.

The Exchange Student Survival Kit 3rd Edition

Book Description

FOR STUDENTS GOING ABROAD, THE EXCHANGE STUDENT SURVIVAL KIT IS THE FIRST THING TO PACK! Study exchange has never been more important. Ask anyone who has been an exchange student. As we come more and more to realize how interconnected our world is, living for a time in another culture may be the most valuable experience a young person needs in the 21st Century. Students embarking on this life-changing adventure need tried-and-true advice. THE EXCHANGE STUDENT SURVIVAL KIT is the essential guide for young people interested in traveling abroad on an international exchange program. In an approach that documents each phase of the experience, it shows students how to avoid many common misunderstandings and problems that can occur in the course of their adjustment to a new culture, a new family, a new school and a new community. The book is full of examples taken from the experiences of dozens of exchange students from a broad spectrum of cultures and shows how to manage the unexpected "culture shock" and deal with the specific issues that emerge when immersing yourself in an unfamiliar culture.