Origen of Alexandria and the Theology of the Holy Spirit

Book Description

Origen of Alexandria and the Theology of the Holy Spirit offers a comprehensive account of Origen's pneumatology. In examining the Holy Spirit's identity and activity in Origen's writings, this study reads Origen in his context and surveys his entire corpus. It shows that Origen grounds his pneumatology in Scripture and uses Jewish, philosophical, and earlier Christian teachings in exegeting the passages he believes pertain to the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is revealed to function in Origen's works as a single hypostasis dependent on the Father and Son for both his being and attributes, which ranks the Spirit below the Father and Son. The Spirit, however, is grouped with the Father and Son, distinct from all other beings and ranked above them. The Holy Spirit, therefore, is ranked third of all things. This relationship serves as the basis for Origen's belief that the Spirit's activities—giving spiritual gifts, sanctifying believers and making them holy, offering intercession, inspiring Scripture, and aiding in the interpretation of Scripture—are a common operation of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The Spirit, then, plays an integral role in the salvation of the human person. By offering a comprehensive understanding of Origen's pneumatology, Micah M. Miller also provides a fresh perspective of his Trinitarian thought.

On First Principles

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Origen’s On First Principles is a foundational work in the development of Christian thought and doctrine: it is the first attempt in history at a systematic Christian theology. For over a decade it has been out of print with only expensive used copies available; now it is available at an affordable price and in a more accessible format. On First Principles is the most important surviving text written by third-century Church father, Origen. Origen wrote in a time when fundamental doctrines had not yet been fully articulated by the Church, and contributed to the very formation of Christianity. Readers see Origen grappling with the mysteries of salvation and brainstorming how they can be understood. This edition presents G. W. Butterworth’s trusted translation in a new, more readable format, retains the introduction by Henri de Lubac, and includes a new foreword by John C. Cavadini. As St. Gregory of Nazianzus, Doctor of the Church, wrote: “Origen is the stone on which all of us were sharpened.”

The Spirit, the World and the Trinity

Book Description

This book is a comparative study of two major pneumatological paradigms of Patristic times: the theologies of Origen of Alexandria and Augustine of Hippo.00In a renowned and controversial passage Origen writes: "Of the subsistence of the Holy Spirit, no-one could have even a suspicion, except those who profess a belief in Christ" ('De Principiis', 1,3). But how come that ancient Christian authors elaborated a theology of the Holy Spirit? This innovative study tackles this question by analysing how the exegesis of the Gospel of John shaped the Trinitarian and soteriological agency of the Holy Spirit in the theologies of two of the most important Christian authors of all times: Origen and Augustine. In particular, the Johannine Father-Son-Spirit relation and the dichotomy between God and the world represent the foundation on which Origen and Augustine built their pneumatologies. At a closer look, one even realises that they both conceived the God-man relationship through a Johannine lens.0The heuristic comparison proposed in this book is focused on the three large themes, towards which Origen and Augustine represent opposite approaches: the understanding of the immanent Trinity, the dualism between God and the world and the proper role of the Holy Spirit. On the one hand, Origen put forward a paradigm of participation to explain the oneness and Threeness of God. On the other, Augustine understands God?s self-relation through a paradigm of identity. These two Trinitarian constructions are shaped by a different understanding of the Gospel of John: while Origen?s theology mostly smooths the gospel?s dualism by interpreting God?s salvific act as a gradual spiritualisation of the world, Augustine tends to accentuate the Gospel?s dichotomies by radicalising the Johannine dualism.

Homilies on Isaiah

Book Description

Hans Urs von Balthasar places Origen of Alexandria “in rank . . . beside Augustine and Thomas” in “importance for the history of Christian thought,” explaining that his “brilliance” has captivated theologians throughout history (Spirit and Fire, 1984, 1). This brilliance shines forth in his nine extant homilies on Isaiah, in which he employs his theology of the Trinity and Christ to exhort his audience to play their crucial role in salvation history. Origen reads Isaiah’s vision of the Lord and two seraphim in Isaiah 6 allegorically as representing the Trinity, and this theme runs throughout the nine homilies. His representation of the seraphim as the Son and Holy Spirit around the throne of the Father brought early accusations that Origen was a proto-Arian subordinationist, followed by a pointed condemnation by Emperor Justinian in 553. These homilies, originally delivered between 245 and 248, are extant only in a fourth-century Latin translation. Though St. Jerome, likely because of these controversies, does not identify himself as the Latin translator, the evidence overwhelmingly points to his pen, and his reliability in conveying Origen’s authentic meaning is well documented. If one sets aside the questionable charges of subordinationism, these homilies, expounding on passages from Judges 6-10, come alive with Origen’s legacy of presenting Christ as the central figure of the soul’s ascent to God. Reading allegorically the two seraphim to be Jesus and the Holy Spirit around the Father’s throne, Origen draws a picture of the Trinity as a tightly knit whole in which the Son and the Holy Spirit eternally sing the Trisagion (“Holy, holy, holy”) to each other and the Father about the divine truths of God’s nature, allowing the part of their song that conveys the “middle things” of salvation history to be heard by creation. The “second seraph” is the Son, or Jesus, who descends holding a hot coal, or Scripture, from the altar of the throne, with which he cleanses Isaiah’s lips, or the believer’s soul. Origen employs his signature exegetical method of allegory and typology through the lens of the threefold meaning of Scripture to emphasize to his hearers that Christ is the deliverer, the content, and the reward of the healing Word. He repeatedly assures them that those who submit to Scripture will enter into salvation history’s cycle of cleansing from sin, growth in virtue, and ever-deepening knowledge of God. As a result, they will become like Christ and thus will be prepared to join the Trinity for all eternity at the heavenly wedding feast.

Homilies on Luke

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Homilies on Genesis and Exodus

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Homilies on Numbers

Book Description

Origen was one of the most influential pre-Nicene church fathers, whose exegetical method shaped much of subsequent interpretation of the Old Testament. Some of his theological speculations were condemned in the 6th cenutry, but his influence as a Christian scholar and Old Testament exegete remain undiminished. This book offers a fresh, contemporary translation of Origen's 28 homilies on the book of Numbers.

Historie Et Espit

Book Description

Origen (185-ca. 254), one of the most prolific and influential of the early Church Fathers, is best known to us for his Scripture exegesis. Henri de Lubac's History and Spirit is a landmark study of Origen's understanding of Scripture and his exegetical methods. In exploring Origne's efforts to interpret the four different senses of Scripture, de Lubac leads the reader through an immense and varied work to its center: Christ the Word.

Homilies on Jeremiah and 1 Kings 28

Book Description

Presented in this volume are the remains of twenty-two homilies and a collection of fragments delivered by Origen around A.D. 240. The original texts of the homilies on Jeremiah have not come down to us completely; two of the homilies survive only in a Latin translation of St. Jerome. The homily on I Kings 28, while not a part of the homilies on Jeremiah, deals with the Witch of Endor and has been added to this volume in virtue of its own inherent interest.

Erasmus's Life of Origen

Book Description

Erasmus of Rotterdam (1466-1536) hailed Origen of Alexandria (185-254) as a holy priest, a gifted homilist, a heroic Christian, and a celebrated exegete and theologian of the ancient Church. In this book Thomas Scheck presents one of the fruits of Erasmus's endeavors in the field of patristic studies (a particularly neglected field of scholarship within Erasmus studies) by providing the first English translation, annotated and thoroughly introduced, of Erasmus' final work, the Prefaces to his Edition of Origen's writings (1536). Originally published posthumously two months after Erasmus's death, the work surveys Origen of Alexandria's life, writings, preaching, and contribution to the Catholic Church. The staggering depth and breadth of Erasmus's learning are exhibited here, as well as the maturity of his theological reflections, which in many ways anticipate the irenicism of the Second Vatican Council with respect to Origen. Erasmus presents Origen as a marvelous doctor of the ancient Church who made a tremendous contribution to the Catholic exegetical tradition and who lived a saintly life.