Origins, Development and Abandonment of an Iron Age Village

Book Description

Excavations of a large Iron Age farming settlement in Northamptonshite spread across five sites, four studied here (The Lodge, Long Dole, Crick Hotel and Nortoft Lane, Kilsby) with Covert Farm, Crick studied in Volume I (9781784912086).

Early Neolithic, Iron Age and Roman settlement at Monksmoor Farm, Daventry, Northamptonshire

Book Description

MOLA (Museum of London Archaeology) has undertaken archaeological work at Monksmoor Farm on the north-eastern edge of Daventry in six different areas. Finds presented here include two early Neolithic pits, a middle Iron Age settlement and two late Iron Age settlements.

Late Iron Age and Roman Settlement at Bozeat Quarry, Northamptonshire: Excavations 1995-2016

Book Description

MOLA (formerly Northamptonshire Archaeology), has undertaken intermittent archaeological work within Bozeat Quarry, Northamptonshire, over a twenty-year period from 1995-2016 covering an area of 59ha. This volume presents excavation findings including evidence of a Late Iron Age and Roman Settlement.

Rethinking Roundhouses

Book Description

Excavated plans of roundhouses may compound multiple episodes of activity, design, construction, occupation, repair, and closure, reflecting successive stages of a building's biography. What does not survive archaeologically, through use of materials or methods that leave no tangible trace, may be as important for reconstruction as what does survive, and can only be inferred from context or comparative evidence. The great diversity in structural components suggests a greater diversity of superstructure than was implied by the classic Wessex roundhouses, including split-level roofs and penannular ridge roofs. Among the stone-built houses of the Atlantic north and west there likewise appears to have been a range of regional and chronological variants in the radial roundhouse series, and probably within the monumental Atlantic roundhouses too. Important though recognition of structural variants may be, morphological classification should not be allowed to override the social use of space for which the buildings were designed, whether their structural footprint was round or rectangular. Atlantic roundhouses reveal an important division between central space and peripheral space, and a similar division may be inferred for lowland timber roundhouses, where the surviving evidence is more ephemeral. Some larger houses were evidently byre-houses or barn houses, some with upper or mezzanine floor levels, in which livestock might be brought in or agricultural produce stored. Such 'great houses' doubtless served community needs beyond those of the resident extended family. The massively-increased scale of development-led excavations of recent years has resulted in an increased database that enables evaluation of individual sites in a wider landscape environment than was previously possible. Circumstances of recovery and recording in commercially-driven excavations, however, are not always compatible with research objectives, and the undoubted improvements in standards of environmental investigation are sometimes offset by shortcomings in the publication of basic structural or stratigraphic detail.

The Oxford Handbook of the European Iron Age

Book Description

The Oxford Handbook of the European Iron Age presents a broad overview of current understanding of the archaeology of Europe from 1000 BC through to the early historic periods, exploiting the large quantities of new evidence yielded by the upsurge in archaeological research and excavation on this period over the last thirty years. Three introductory chapters situate the reader in the times and the environments of Iron Age Europe. Fourteen regional chapters provide accessible syntheses of developments in different parts of the continent, from Ireland and Spain in the west to the borders with Asia in the east, from Scandinavia in the north to the Mediterranean shores in the south. Twenty-six thematic chapters examine different aspects of Iron Age archaeology in greater depth, from lifeways, economy, and complexity to identity, ritual, and expression. Among the many topics explored are agricultural systems, settlements, landscape monuments, iron smelting and forging, production of textiles, politics, demography, gender, migration, funerary practices, social and religious rituals, coinage and literacy, and art and design.

Iron Age, Roman and Anglo-Saxon Settlement along the Empingham to Hannington Pipeline in Northamptonshire and Rutland

Book Description

Reports on excavations by Northamtonshire Archaeology (now MOLA) in the south-east Midlands region; Nineteen sites were investigated, dating primarily to the Iron Age, Roman and Anglo-Saxon periods

Bronze Age, Iron Age, Roman and Saxon settlements along the route of the A43 Corby Link Road, Northamptonshire

Book Description

This volume reports the results of intermittent archaeological mitigation works for the A43 Corby Link Road, Northamptonshire, undertaken by MOLA (Museum of London Archaeology) between June 2012 to October 2013. Evidence was uncovered relating to Bronze Age, Iron Age, Roman and Saxon settlements.

Origins, Development and Abandonment of an Iron Age Village

Book Description

Excavations of a large Iron Age farming settlement in Northamptonshite spread across five sites, four studied here (The Lodge, Long Dole, Crick Hotel and Nortoft Lane, Kilsby) with Covert Farm, Crick studied in Volume I (9781784912086).

Excavations at Stanground South, Peterborough

Book Description

This volume is a report of archaeological excavations at Stanground South undertaken by MOLA between September 2007 and November 2009 on behalf of Persimmon Homes (East Midlands) Ltd and in accordance with a programme of works overseen by CgMs Heritage. The work involved five areas of set-piece excavation and a series of strip map and record areas.

Coton Park, Rugby, Warwickshire: A Middle Iron Age Settlement with Copper Alloy Casting

Book Description

A total area of 3.1ha, taking in much of a settlement largely of the earlier Middle Iron Age, was excavated in 1998 in advance of development. The Iron Age settlement comprised several groups of roundhouse ring ditches and associated small enclosures forming an open settlement set alongside a linear boundary ditch.