Os lugares da exclusão social

Book Description

Aborda a problemática da exclusão social através da análise da exclusão social e inclusão social. A sua preocupação central consiste na problematização desse par conceitual em diferentes conceitos (sociais, culturais e educacionais aos níveis local, nacional e supranacional) através de uma análise dos lugares - corpo, trabalho, cidadania, identidade e território - sobre as quais a exclusão social tem efetivos impactos. Analisa as teorias sobre a exclusão social através do estudo de seus efeitos reais sobre os indivíduos, grupos e sociedades com base nos três paradigmas socioculturais, isto é, o das sociedades tradicionais, o das sociedades modernas e o das emergentes sociedades pós-modernas.

Teorias de Exclusão Social

Book Description

Annotation. "This book approaches the problematic of social exclusion by way of the analysis of the symbiotic pair social exclusion/social inclusion. Its main concern is the problematisation of this pair in different contexts (both social, cultural and educational and at the local, national and supranational levels) through an analysis of five of the sites - body, work, citizenship, identity and territory - upon which social exclusion/inclusion makes its impact. Thus, an inductive approach to theories on social exclusion (and social inclusion) is developed through the study of their real effects on individuals, groups and society on the basis of three socio-cultural paradigms, namely, traditional societies, modern societies and emerging post-modern societies."

Teorias de Exclusão Social

Book Description

This book approaches the problematic of social exclusion by way of the analysis of the symbiotic pair social exclusion/social inclusion. Its main concern is the problematisation of this pair in different contexts (both social, cultural and educational and at the local, national and supranational levels) through an analysis of five of the sites - body, work, citizenship, identity and territory - upon which social exclusion/inclusion makes its impact. Thus, an inductive approach to theories on social exclusion (and social inclusion) is developed through the study of their real effects on individuals, groups and society on the basis of three socio-cultural paradigms, namely, traditional societies, modern societies and emerging post-modern societies. Este livro aborda a problemática da exclusão social através da análise do par simbiótico exclusão social/inclusão social. A sua preocupação central consiste na problematização desse par conceptual em diferentes contextos (sociais, culturais e educationais aos níveis local, nacional e supranacional) através de uma análise dos lugares - corpo, trabalho, cidadania, identidade e território - sobre os quais a exclusão social/inclusão social tem efectivos impactos. Assim, desenvolve-se, de forma indutiva, uma abordagem das teorias sobre a exclusão social (e, é claro, da inclusão social) através do estudo dos seus efeitos reais sobre os indivíduos, grupos e sociedade com base nos três paradigmas socioculturais, quer dizer, o das sociedades tradicionais, o das sociedades modernas e o das emergentes sociedades pós-modernas.

Moving Beyond Boundaries in Disability Studies

Book Description

What challenges are posed by changing transnational trends, agendas and movements that affect disabled people’s lives, and what can disabled people, their representative organisations and their governments do to advance the agenda for self-determination and inclusion? This book draws together the writing of academics and activists to depict the experience and perspective of disabled people in relation to a range of contemporary social changes, with a focus firmly on ways in which disabled people and their allies can act to counter disabling policies and practices. Throughout the book there is an emphasis on disabled people’s own voices and activism as the critical driver of theoretical critique and practical change. Chapters address a wide range of cultural, institutional and personal arenas to explore and contest the boundaries that disabled people seek to move beyond, from cross-border labour movements in Korea to experience of day services in England, from continuing and long-lasting realities of wars in Lebanon, Cambodia and Somalia to the beauty of harmony in Navajo traditions for understanding disability, from collective activism to individual participation in the Olympics. This book is recommended reading for students, researchers and activists interested in Disability Studies and is directly relevant to policy makers and practitioners in a position to reshape rights, spaces and innovations in response to the priorities disabled people feel and articulate are important for their lives. It was originally published as a special issue of Disability & Society.

Education and other modes of thinking in Latin America

Book Description

After long periods of military dictatorships, civil wars, and economic instability, Latin America has changed face, and become the foremost region for counter-hegemonic processes. This book seeks to address contemporary paradigms of education and learning in Latin America. Although the production of knowledge in the region has long been subject to imperial designs and disseminated through educational systems, recent interventions – from liberation theology, popular education, and critical literacy to postcolonial critique and decolonial options – have sought to shift the geography of reason. Over the last decades, several Latin American communities have countered this movement by forming some of the most dynamic and organised forms of resistance: from the landless movements in Brazil to the Zapatistas in the Chiapas region of Mexico, from the indigenous social movements in Bolivia to Venezuela’s Chavistas, to mention but a few. The central question to be addressed is how, in times of historical ruptures, political reconstructions, and epistemic formations, the production of paradigms rooted in ‘other’ logics, cosmologies, and realities may renegotiate and redefine concepts of education, learning, and knowledge. Consequently, this book transcends disciplinary, epistemological, and methodological boundaries in education and learning by engagement with ‘other’ paradigms. This book was originally published as a special issue of the International Journal of Lifelong Education.

Exclusão social

Book Description

Geoinformação em urbanismo

Book Description

Representações computacionais do espaço urbano; Dimensões humanas em estudos urbanos: medidas espaciais para as desigualdades socioterritoriais; Geotecnologias e sensoriamento remoto orbital e aerotransportado para a compreensão do urbano; Mudanças ambientais globais e impactos em centros urbanos: a geoinformação no suporte a previsão, enfrentamento, recuperação e mitigação de desastres naturais; A captura do metabolismo urbano: modelos e modelagem computacional de dinâmicas do espaço urbano e regional.

Tourism and Culture in the Age of Innovation

Book Description

This book focuses on cultural tourism as it develops into the second decade of the new millennium. It presents recent hospitality and tourism research findings from various sources, including academic researchers and scholars, industry professionals, government and quasi-government officials, and other key industry practitioners. It discusses the latest tourism industry trends and identifies gaps in the research from a pragmatic and applied perspective. It includes specific chapters on innovation in tourism, the virtual visitor, cross-cultural visions of digital collections, heritage and museum management in the digital era, cultural and digital tourism policy, marketing and governance, social media, emerging technologies and e-tourism and many other topics of contemporary significance in global hospitality and tourism. The book is edited in collaboration with the International Association of Cultural and Digital Tourism (IACuDiT) and includes the proceedings of the Second International Conference on Cultural and Digital Tourism.

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Portugal and its Empire, 1250-1800 (Collected Essays in Memory of Glenn J. Ames).

Book Description

The collection, which appeared as Vol. 17, No. 1 of the Portuguese Studies Review, features one of the last studies by Glenn Ames, dealing with the Goa Inquisition and with Franco-Portuguese rivalry in the Indian Ocean. The study heads a collection of essays covering Portuguese late medieval nobiliary registers, papal policy and Portuguese trade in sub-Saharan Africa, Portuguese Sebastianist millenarianism, the visual staging of political power in Rio de Janeiro, the commercial genesis of slave "ethnonyms", personal slave narratives, and women's voting rights in Portugal. The collection presents essays by Glenn J. Ames, José d'Assunção Barros, Ivana Elbl, José Maurício Saldanha Álvarez, Eduardo Medeiros, Adriana Pereira Campos, and Elsa M. Dias.