Osceola His Capture and Seminole Legends

Book Description

"The White Flag and Second Seminole War - The great Seminole Indian leader Osceola was captured by General Hernandez in 1837 just south of Moultrie Creek in St. Augustine Florida along the Old Kings Road once built by the British. His capture was long debated in the US Congress, the Court of England and in European capitols throughout the world. Osceola was flying a white flag of truce. It became a world affair when Osceola later died in Army captivity."-- from book jacket.

Osceola and the Great Seminole War

Book Description

At the time of his death in 1838, Seminole warrior Osceola was the most famous and respected Native American in the world. Born a Creek, young Osceola was driven from his home by General Andrew Jackson to Spanish Florida, where he joined the Seminole tribe. Years later, President Jackson signed the Indian Removal Act, which was not only intended to relocate the Seminoles to hostile lands in the West but would force the return of runaway slaves who had joined that tribe. Osceola—outraged at the potential loss of his people and homeland—did not hesitate to declare war on the United States. Osceola and the Great Seminole War vividly recounts how one warrior with courage and cunning unequaled by any Native American leader before or after would mastermind battle strategies that would embarrass the best officers in the United States Army. Employing daring guerilla tactics, Osceola initiated and orchestrated the longest, most expensive, and deadliest war ever fought by the United States against Native Americans. With each victory by his outnumbered and undersupplied warriors, Osceola's reputation grew among his people and captured the imagination of the citizens of the United States. At the time, many cheered his quixotic quest for justice and freedom, and since then many more have considered his betrayal on the battlefield to be one the darkest hours in U.S. Army history. Insightful, meticulously researched, and thrillingly told, award-winning author Thom Hatch's account of the Second Seminole War is an extraordinarily accomplished work of American history that finally does justice to one of the greatest Native American warriors.

Seminole Chief Osceola

Book Description

Osceola led his people, the Seminoles, in one of the longest struggles of the Indian Wars. In a game of hide and seek in the Florida wetlands, the Seminoles struck deadly blows to the U.S. Army. Osceoloa was never defeated, but was finally double-crossed and captured. The author tells the real story of this fearless leader. The Seminoles had lived peacefully with Spanish settlers and runaway slaves until Florida became part of the United States. When the U.S. government decided the Seminoles should be moved to distant reservations, Osceola helped lead his people into war.


Book Description

Osceola was born Billy Powell in 1804, in what was known at the time as a "Mississippi Territory." His mother, a Creek Indian, married a white trader, but left him early in Billy's life and took her son to 'Spanish Florida', where he grew up with a tribe of "free men" the Spanish called "Seminoli." All the "Seminoli" were farmers, who lived in Northern and Central Florida, where they raised a variety of crops, herds of cattle and a large number of horses and ponies. In the early 1800's, whenever 'Negro' slaves wanted to escape their life in the fields up North, more often than not, they headed South into 'Spanish Florida', where they knew the "Seminoli" would take them in and give them their freedom. Consequently, with so many settlers in Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee and Carolina losing 'Negro' slaves, the U.S government tried to help the settlers by removing all the Indians from Florida, so they could resettle them in a new 'Indian Territory', the government set up West of the Mississippi River. Early in Billy Powell's life, his name was changed to Osceola. He definitely did not think the U.S. government had any right to move all Indians out West, especially since, he believed, all the land, water and animals were given to the people by the Great Spirit! Billy began organizing many of his friends and convinced them to join him in his fight against Army troops of the U.S. government. Unfortunately, they also had to convince some of their own Seminole Chiefs! When the government offered the Chiefs good money for their cattle, ponies and horses, plus free food and supplies, while they waited for schooners to take them out West, many of the Chiefs wanted to accept the governments offer, which Osceola opposed!! When Osceola and his loyal braves began winning battles against the U.S. Army, the Army shipped thousands of armed soldiers with cannon batteries into Florida, to stop the 'up-start' renegade Osceola once and for all! That's when Osceola decided to lead his people to South Florida and convinced them to move into the Everglades an Big Cypress Swamp, where the U.S. Army was unable to follow them or maneuver their horses, troops and cannons. Many Seminole's definitely didn't want to move into a swamp with snakes and alligators, since they had lived their whole as farmers on solid ground. But when Osceola was able to prove to them the Army could not reach them in the swamp, many decided to stay, where they live to this day, the only Indian Tribe never to surrender to the U.S. government! How Billy Powell became Osceola, how he led his people against the U.S. government and how he became a famous Seminole War Chief is what this story is all about. Only by deceit and trickery was Osceola, very sick at the time, lured to Fort Marian located close to St. Augustine and captured by Army troops, before being transferred to Fort Moultrie outside of Charleston, South Carolina. While in custody a very famous artist painted Osceola's picture, which was wildly distributed internationally, which enabled Osceola to become the most famous Indian War Chief in the U.S. When Osceola died in prison, his head was removed and kept as a souvenir for years, until it was donated to a museum and lost in a fire.

Osceola, 1804-1838

Book Description

Discusses the life of Seminole warrior Osceola, from his childhood in an Upper Creek village to his involvement in the Second Seminole War, capture, and death.


Book Description

Describes the life and times of the Seminole chief and warrior who struggled to prevent the removal of his people from their land in Florida.

Osceola the Seminole

Book Description

Legends of the Seminoles

Book Description

Late at night around the campfires, Seminole children safely tucked into mosquito nets used to listen to the elders retelling the old stories and legends. The priceless tales of mischievous Rabbit, the Corn Lady, the Deer Girl, and the creatures of the Everglades are all written down and collected here for readers of all ages. This is a portrait of the beliefs and lifeways of the Seminoles of Florida as well as a delightful read for anyone interested in the first peoples of Florida.

Osceola, Seminole Leader

Book Description

A biography of the Seminole leader who spent his life fighting the white men's attempts to deport his people from Florida.


Book Description

A biography of the Seminole chief who led the resistance of his people against compulsory immigration from their Florida homeland to territory beyond the Mississippi.