Islamic Law and Empire in Ottoman Cairo

Book Description

A study of Islamic law and political power in the Ottoman Empires richest provincial cityWhat did Islamic law mean in the early modern period, a world of great Muslim empires? Often portrayed as the quintessential jurists law, to a large extent it was developed by scholars outside the purview of the state. However, for the Sultans of the Ottoman Empire, justice was the ultimate duty of the monarch, and Islamic law was a tool of legitimation and governance. James E. Baldwin examines how the interplay of these two conceptions of Islamic law religious scholarship and royal justice undergirded legal practice in Cairo, the largest and richest city in the Ottoman provinces. Through detailed studies of the various formal and informal dispute resolution institutions and practices that formed the fabric of law in Ottoman Cairo, his book contributes to key questions concerning the relationship between the shariaa and political power, the plurality of Islamic legal practice, and the nature of centre-periphery relations in the Ottoman Empire.Key featuresOffers a new interpretation of the relationship between Islamic law and political powerPresents law as the key nexus connecting Egypt with the imperial capital Istanbul during the period of Ottoman decentralizationStudies judicial institutions such as the governors Diwan and the imperial council that have received little attention in previous scholarshipIntegrates the study of legal records with an analysis of how legal practice was represented in contemporary chroniclesProvides transcriptions and translations of a range of Ottoman legal documents

Manufacturing in the Ottoman Empire and Turkey, 1500-1950

Book Description

This book provides the first comprehensive history of manufacturing in the Ottoman Empire and its Turkish successor state. As the Ottoman Empire evolved, manufacturing underwent an unusual trajectory. Expansion in the sixteenth century gave way to transformation and adaptation after the Industrial Revolution. Then, in the earlier part of the twentieth century, modern Turkey's attempt at state-led industrialization became a model for many developing countries. Suraiya Faroqhi, Mehmet Genc, Donald Quataert, and Caglar Keyder, experts on different phases of the manufacturing trajectory, provide here exceptional case studies of manufacturing activities in their social and political contexts, integrating first-hand research with surveys of the literature. This work offers rich material for historians, economists, and other social scientists, including those interested in the origins of underdevelopment and development in the contemporary world.

Tocqueville in the Ottoman Empire

Book Description

Based on archival research, this work examines the Ottoman ancien regime. The author argues that the success of the regime was due to the articulation of a complex financial network revolving around central state elite investments and an Istanbul-based and supervised banking system.

The Cambridge History of Turkey: Volume 2, The Ottoman Empire as a World Power, 1453–1603

Book Description

Volume 2 of The Cambridge History of Turkey examines the period from the conquest of Constantinople in 1453 to the accession of Ahmed I in 1603. During this period, the Ottoman Empire moved into a new phase of expansion, emerging in the sixteenth century as a dominant political player on the world scene. With territory stretching around the Mediterranean from the Adriatic Sea to Morocco, and from the Caucasus to the Caspian Sea, the Ottomans reached the apogee of their military might in a period seen by many later Ottomans, and historians, as a golden age in which the state was strong, the sultan's might unquestionable, and intellectual life and the arts flourishing. In this volume, leading scholars assess the considerable expansion of Ottoman power and effervescence of the Ottoman intellectual and cultural world. They also investigate the challenges that faced the Ottoman state, particularly in the later period, as the empire experienced economic crises, revolts and drawn-out wars.

Revenue-Raising and Legitimacy

Book Description

This study examines for the first time the finance procedures and documents of the post-classical Ottoman Empire. It provides an overview of institutional and monetary history and a detailed description of assessment and collection processes for Cizye, Avariz and Iltizam-collected taxes, the documents produced by these processes, and the information they contain. The finance department's detailed record-keeping, procedural continuity, and provision of economic justice made it a bulwark of stability in a period of turmoil. For specialists, this book introduces a multitude of sources on the economic and social history of the post-classical age, while for comparativists it places the empire in its seventeenth-century context. It links Ottoman administrative change with early modern state formation and reformulates the seventeenth century as a period of consolidation, not decline.