Parallel Universes

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Explores the degree to which a belief in parallel universes shapes the thinking of contemporary physicists in areas as diverse as relativity, psychology, quantum mechanics, and cosmology.

Other Worlds, Other Universes

Book Description

In –Decision,” Adam Cavanaugh wants to become a published writer and a spaceman. Who is the man who tells him otherwise? In –The Door,” Tyler Jones Grant is determined to open it. When he manages to do so the unexpected happens to him. –Forever Love” tells the story of Willy�s love for Janice and Janice�s love for Willy. But when Willy becomes an Android what does Janice do? –Number Twelve and the Glorious Bastards” have an ultimate battle that the Glorious Bastards must win. –Homecoming” is about Star Pilot Carter Rogers landing back on Earth after being gone for many years. In –All that Glitters,” Spider and McIntyre were certain they would become rich when they landed on the asteroid of pure gold. –The Visitors.” A Trainie and a Superior landed on their food supply world for a discussion. –Where Is That Asteroid?” Gar Ragan and Sam Jockowich search for an uncharted asteroid named Sexsema. –Opus One Thousand Outwits the Devil.” When Opus dies he doesn�t go up, he goes down to outwit the devil. In –Looky Loos on the Moon,” Earth has had the ultimate war. What is left of the human race migrates to the domes on the Moon. Suicide is rampant among the survivors. –Who Or What is Abby?” There isn�t anything Abby cannot do. She is called upon to meet with frog-like aliens from outer space who want to buy Earth�s junk. The question arises as to what the aliens consider to be junk. It�s up to Abby to find out.

Many Worlds in One

Book Description

A Leading Figure in the Development of the New Cosmology Explains What It All Means Among his peers, Alex Vilenkin is regarded as one of the most imaginative and creative cosmologists of our time. His contributions to our current understanding of the universe include a number of novel ideas, two of which—eternal cosmic inflation and the quantum creation of the universe from nothing—have provided a scientific foundation for the possible existence of multiple universes. With this book—his first for the general reader—Vilenkin joins another select group: the handful of first-rank scientists who are equally adept at explaining their work to nonspecialists. With engaging, well-paced storytelling, a droll sense of humor, and a generous sprinkling of helpful cartoons, he conjures up a bizarre and fascinating new worldview that—to paraphrase Niels Bohr—just might be crazy enough to be true.

Other Worlds

Book Description

First published in 1885. The Preface begins: It is proposed to rehearse the lustrous story of Rome, from its beginning in the mists of myth and fable down to the mischievous times when the republic came to its end, just before the brilliant period of the empire opened. As one surveys this marvellous vista from the vantage-ground of the present, attention is fixed first upon a long succession of well- authenticated facts which are shaded off in the dim distance, and finally lost in the obscurity of unlettered antiquity. The flesh and blood heroes of the more modern times regularly and slowly pass from view, and in their places the unsubstantial worthies of dreamy tradition start up. The transition is so gradual, however, that it is at times impossible to draw the line between history and legend. Fortunately for the purposes of this volume it is not always necessary to make the effort. The early traditions of the Eternal City have so long been recounted as truth that the world is slow to give up even the least jot or tittle of them, and when they are disproved as fact, they must be told over and over again as story.

Parallel Universes

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Parallel Worlds

Book Description

The national bestselling author of The God Equation takes us on a thrilling journey to explore black holes and time machines, multidimensional space and the possibility that parallel universes may lay alongside our own. “A wonderful tour, with an expert guide.” —Brian Greene, New York Times bestselling author of The Elegant Universe Kaku skillfully guides us through the latest innovations in string theory and its latest iteration, M-theory, which posits that our universe may be just one in an endless multiverse, a singular bubble floating in a sea of infinite bubble universes. If M-theory is proven correct, we may perhaps finally find answer to the question, “What happened before the big bang?” This is an exciting and unforgettable introduction into the new cutting-edge theories of physics and cosmology from one of the pre-eminent voices in the field.

Other Worlds

Book Description

Paul Davies explains the significance of the amazing quantum universe, where fact is stranger than any science fiction. He takes us into a world where commonsense notions of space, time, and causality must be left behind as the realm of solid matter dissolves into vibrating patterns of ghostly energy, and where mind and matter are interwoven in a subtle and holistic manner. An Australian physicist and author of GOD AND THE NEW PHYSICS, Davies writes for the lay reader in simple language.

Parallel Universes

Book Description

Among the unsolved mysteries on Earth, there is the building of the Great Pyramid. Decoding its role and context has always been a big debate among scholars of different disciplines. Such an elaborate monument, according to tradition, was built by simple people. Nonetheless, with no other means but copper chisels and hammers, these simple people were able to quarry millions of blocks of rock, up to 70 tons in weight, and transport them for hundred of kilometers to be lifted for the desired design, with a maximum degree of accuracy. That’s where the debate starts. The method of building the pyramid of Khufu remained unrecorded. Similarly, many other ancient cultures left behind works which prove to have been realized by making use of advanced technology. What happened to that technology is a big question. The author develops a deep analysis based upon measurements and mathematics, giving us the possibility to recollect modern data, comparing current knowledge to something that seems to be very accurate and more scientifical than official archaeology has lead us to believe. “This work, however, is not about my beliefs. Nor is it just a metaphorical narrative about the existence of an entity with knowledge infinitely more sophisticated than human endeavour. The evidence presented proves to be the work of a very developed culture. In other words, this work is not about what is perceived or described in modern times as belief, but rather concrete evidence of subtle knowledge mastered by beings who, as it turns out, visited us.” Nicolae Sirius was born in 1950 in Lupșanu, Romania. He has been a published poet since 1968, but in 1986 he wanted his career to grow and defected from Romania, moving to Australia. After leaving Australia he has lived in Germany and Austria before settling in Japan in 1997. He has published in Romanian and English and his works have been performed in English. Some of his plays are “The Last Dictator, Abel, and God” and “Gregor’s nightmare”.

Parallel Worlds

Book Description

Is the universe we currently inhabit the only one? or are there an infinite number of others, each a different region of an endless 'multivers'?. And is our human future bound up with this quest for new worlds?

Other Worlds

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