Our Daily Manna October - December 2020 For Children and Teens

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Note that when God introduced Himself to Moses in Exodus 3, He did not says, "I Was" (past tense). He said, "I AM" (fresh and present tense). To really know Him as "I AM', you must know Him in the present (not in the past). But you cannot know Him in the present (as "I AM", unless you come to Him everyday through HIS WORD, PRAYER and WORSHIP. This is what OUR DAILY MANNA helps to provide for you and your family, through its organized DAILY PRACTICAL LIFE STORIES, inspirational bible expositions, breakthrough prayer points, songs and strong prophetic declarations OCTOBER DAY 2 BASIC SCRIPTURE: ISAIAH 55:6 IRON IS BEST BEATEN WHEN HOT 2 We are all tools in the hands of God. God is our blacksmith who is ready to enter the furnace for our sake in order to create the perfect you. Any child of God who wants to be an instrument in the hands of God for the destruction of the kingdom of the enemy must be ready to allow himself or herself to become red hot in the vineyard of God. If you are cold, God cannot forge you into the beauty He wants you to be. To be hot means to be fervent in the Lord all the days of your life and to live a righteous and acceptable life that is pleasing to Him. When you allow God to use you, there is a lot He will do with you such that enemies will run whenever they see you. Beloved child of God, allow God to forge a sword out of you which you can use to destroy the enemies. Let Him forge a harmer out of you. You and Him can then use the hammer to build His house inside you. Submit yourself to God Almighty today. Memory Verse: ROMANS 12:11 Prayer Points 1. Father Lord, fire up my zeal for you in the name of Jesus. 2. I shall not go cold in your vineyard oh Lord in Jesus name

Our Daily Manna October - December 2020

Book Description

Our Daily Manna October - December 2020 A Devotional Booklet for Champions Adult Edition Note that when God introduced Himself to Moses in Exodus 3, He did not says, "I Was" (past tense). He said, "I AM" (fresh and present tense). To really know Him as "I AM', you must know Him in the present (not in the past). But you cannot know Him in the present (as "I AM", unless you come to Him every day through HIS WORD, PRAYER and WORSHIP. This is what OUR DAILY MANNA helps to provide for you and your family, through its organized DAILY PRACTICAL LIFE STORIES, inspirational bible expositions, breakthrough prayer points, Prayer for prevention and cure of coronavirus (COVID-19) songs and strong prophetic declarationsNOVEMBER 2020 Day 25 - SEPARATION OF CONJOINEDTWINS: LIFE IS INDIVIDUALIZED 1BASIC SCRIPTURE: 2 CORINTHIANS 5:10; EZEKIEL 18: 19-22Conjoined twins are not a very common medical condition. It occurs once in every 2.5 million births. Two girls were born in January 2017 in the town of Charsadda, Pakistan to a 34 year-old Pakistani mother of 9. The two girls, Safa and Marwa Ullah, were not only conjoined twins, but they were also craniopagus twins; meaning they were joined at the head. Their father died of a heart attack while their mother was pregnant with them. After they were born, the children were left to be taken care of by their mother, grandfather and uncle. One thing was uppermost in the minds of members of these girls' family and physicians in their home country - the children must be separated to live their individual lives. To achieve this, the family travelled with them to London to the Great Ormond Street Hospital for children, one of the few hospitals worldwide that has surgeons experienced in separating craniopagus twins. Though they said the odds were against these 2 little girls when they were born, they still determined that they must be separated to live their individual lives. After over 50 hours of a series of surgeries over a 5-month period, Safa and Marwa were finally separated on February 11, 2019. The surgeries involved about 100 staff of the London hospital and both girls are doing well today. Awesome you will say, but what the Holy Spirit is saying to a user of today's devotional is that: Life is individualized. STOPTRYING TO BE LIKE OTHERS! Every one of us, irrespective of the circumstances of birth, has his or her own destiny! You cannot live another man's life. You have a life to live for which you will give account to your God. We are told in 2 Corinthians 5:10: "For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ..." On that judgment day, God will not judge TWINS as TWINS! He will judge them as INDIVIDUALS! Moreover, Ezekiel 18 makes it clear that parents will not be held accountable on the last day for the shortcomings of their children and vice versa. Wow! Hear Catherine of Sienna: "Be who you were created to be and you will set the world on fire". Yes! NO TWO DESTINIES ARE THE SAME! Be yourself! Live your life! Walk your lane and you will set your world on fire...(To be continued tomorrow).

Our Daily Manna for Children and Teens: A Devotional Booklet for Champions, Vol. 10 Section 10, 11 & 12, October - December 2018

Book Description

Our Daily Manna For Children and TeensA Devotional Booklet For Champions, VOL. 10 SECTION 10, 11 & 12, October - December 2018By Bishop Dr. Chris E. Kwakpovwe- Daily Success and Deliverance Prayers- Daily Practical Children Devotionals- Crossword Puzzle- Daily Prophetic Declarations/Simple Health Matters- Childen Songs- Gems For Success! December Day 30BASIC SCRIPTURES: PSALM 119:9-11;1PETER 5:8 Memory Verse: 1 PETER 5:8DID YOU INFORM THEM? A young girl started feeling very attached to a boy she met on the internet. One day, the boy invited her to visit him at home. Unknown to the girl, the boy had ulterior motives for inviting her. She left school to go meet him, without informing herparents or her friends about where she was going. That was how the poor girl was used for rituals. This incident happened in the state of Ondo in South West Nigeria. Many young children are easily carried away by the idea of friendship. They thinkeverybody who says they are their friends is truly their friends. If the place your friend invites you to is a place you cannot tell your parents about, do not go. It could be a trap. The girl in our story was thought to be in school, but instead was elsewhere in the company of a wicked person that called himself her friend. Be careful. Prayer Points 1. Help me Lord to be truthful to my parents in all my endeavours in Jesus name.2. Oh Lord my God, every evil friend plotting evil against me, let your fire expose them in the name of Jesus name

Our Daily Manna October - December 2019

Book Description

Our Daily Manna October - December 2019A Devotional Booklet for ChampionsBishop (Dr.) Chris E. KwakpovweNote that when God introduced Himself to Moses in Exodus 3, He did not says, "I Was" (past tense). He said, "I AM" (fresh and present tense). To really know Him as "I AM', you must know Him in the present (not in the past). But you cannot know Him in the present (as "I AM", unless you come to Him everyday through HIS WORD, PRAYER and WORSHIP. This is what OUR DAILY MANNA helps to provide for you and your family, through its organized DAILY PRACTICAL LIFE STORIES, inspirational bible expositions, breakthrough prayer points, songs and strong prophetic declarationsOCTOBER 2019 - Day 5 - YOU ARE NOT THEIR GOD!BASIC SCRIPTURES: PROVERBS 13: 15-25It's been popularly reported that a rich Harvard university graduate said: "My one big mistake in life has been providing a trust fund for my five children. I'm very comfortable paying for an education for as long as they want to study in a reputable university. However, providing additional funds so they could have a lifestyle beyond what they have achieved on their own was a mistake". A leadership teacher, John Maxwell says "If you do everything for your children, what will they do for themselves?'' By the time they finish university education, we have slaved and built houses for them, put car keys in their hands, bankrolled their weddings when they're getting married. What then will they do for themselves? In the course of doing these for them, some people develop hypertension and all sorts of illnesses. Some slump and die. Some steal to achieve these luxuries for their children. Inheritance goes beyond material things. Give them the right values, strong character and a revelatory knowledge of the power they carry as an extension of God; they will. -they will create water to sell in the desert and sell sand to the Arabs to build mansions for themselves. Do something for your children to make them have a softer take off but do not take over their lives." The above is so true but the LORD wants you to know that YOU ARE NOT THE GOD OF YOUR CHILDREN. You are their parent or guardian! Their ULTIMATE PROVIDER is Jehovah God! Let those you are helping know this. Yes! Proverbs 13: 22 (NIV) says: "A good man leaves an inheritance for his children's children..." but balance it with Vs. 24: "He who spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is careful to discipline him." So leaving an inheritance and USING THE ROD (meaning training, discipline and experience - NOT SPOILING THEM ) must go together! If you leave an inheritance without training, then that inheritance will be ABUSED! Tell your children HOW TO MAKE THEIR OWN MONEY! Allow them to make their own mistakes! And let them know that if God could do it for you, He can do it for them! Always remind them that the only thing guaranteed to them is A GOOD EDUCATION and a FANTASTIC ROD (balanced training)! Nothing more! If they get a house or cash from you, it is a privilege, not a right! Make sure you enjoy your little blessings or wealth as much as possible because your children might even go to court to fight themselves after your death - WILL or no WILL! Oh what a life!STOP PLAYING GOD!

Our Daily Manna October - December 2018

Book Description

Our Daily Manna October - December 2018 Black and White By Bishop Dr. Chris E. Kwakpovwe A Devotional Booklet For Champions - Daily Wisdom - Business Secrets - 22 Promise of God For Achievers - Daily Prophetic Declaration - Gems for success -Motivation Bullets - 402 Deliverance Prayer Points NOVEMBER 10 - EVERY TRIUMPH IS A STORY OF REJECTION! BASIC SCRIPTURE: ZACAHRIAH 4:1-10 The story is told of a partially deaf four year-old kid who came home with a note in his pocket from his teacher

Our Daily Manna

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March 2017 Day 2DODGE THE PROCESS! MISS THE PRODUCT!BASIC SCRIPTURE:HABAKKUK 2: 1- 4Patience is profitable. It's a lost virtue in our culture today. There is so much craze for wealth because people are no more patient. Armed robbery, prostitution or corruption, etc, for example, are the consequences of impatience. The year 2017 is still young! Prayers are being prayed. Planning is going on. There is excitement in the spirit world because the word "EVIDENCE" is being announced worldwide over divine megaphones. But you must realize that there is always a time lag between the day you plant pineapple or apple seed and when you actually harvest the fruit from the full-grown tree. Every divine purpose delivers in stages and there is a time for every purpose on this earth including your own. Don't cage or hinder your destiny by seeking for shortcuts. If you dodge the process - patience, you will miss the product. Habakkuk 2:3 declares: "for the vision is yet for an appointed time; but at the end, it shall speak and not lie. Though it tarry (as the year progresses), wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry." God is bigger than our biggest plans. He is working on your behalf. You need patience to obtain this year. Don't compare yourself with others or look around negatively. God's calendar for you is not the same with your next-door neighbour. Patience mixed with praise and worship will shield you from avoidable mistakes. Meditate also, on Micah 7:7! Your year will end in peace and glory and there shall be EVIDENCE that you serve a living God. The fullness of any vision speaks only at the end. Wait! You will never end up in shame! Amen! PRAYER POINTS: Take Song 2: Standing on the ...1. In your own words, pray about today's word as led.2. Make a commitment on your knees that you will not panic or hurry or dwell in self - comparison with others.3. Use the Gems For Success page before bedtime today

Our Daily Manna October - December 2017 4th Edition

Book Description

Our Daily Manna October - December 2017, 4th Edition By Bishop Chris, A daily Devotional For Champions!Bishop Dr. Chris Kwakpovwe is a dynamic man of God with strong prophetic, healing, preaching and teaching ministries. Since he met the Lord and got born again on February 3rd 1976, as a student at the prestigious government college Ughelli, Delta State of Nigeria, he's been preaching the word in Creeks, Villages and cities with signs following.He is a qualified pharmacist (1983) from the University of Ife (now Obafemi Awolowo University) in Nigeria. By the grace of God, he is the founder of the various Manna Prayer Mountain (MPM) worldwide. Many years ago, he served as an assisting founding pastor of the chapel of praise church under Bishop Isaac Nwaoji for years! The Lord called him into full time ministry in 1992, having combined pharmacy and ministry for 9 years. He got his Ph.d. in Theology, in 1999 and also on Sunday December 16th 2001, He was awarded an honorary doctorate degree in Theology by the Calvary Academy in collaboration with the Light House Christian University, Brooklyn, New York, USA.He is the president, board of governors of the Liberty Bible College International. Bishop Dr. Chris was the ex-president of the Nigerian Christian Corpers Fellowship (NCCF) in 1984 and has worked with many Christian bodies such as the scripture Union, The Nigerian Fellowship of Evangelical Students (NIFES), The Christian Association of Nigeria, (CAN) and the Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria (PFN). On July 7th 2013, he was publicly ordained as Interdenominational Bishop by the United Pentecostal Collage of Bishops USA/Nigeria.

Our Daily Manna

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November 2016 Day 21WHEN THE POPE LOST HIS COOL - 1 BASIC SCRIPTURE: EPHESIANS 4: 22-29The Pontiff of the Catholic Church, Pope Francis, is known for his calmness and accommodating nature. In February 2016, while visiting Mexico, something unusual happened. The man of God lost his temper. Video footage showed that while the Pope was greeting a crowd of worshippers and admirers in Morella, Mexico, a devotee grabbed him by his cassock and wouldn't let him go. The person pulled so hard that the Pontiff lost his balance and fell into a wheel-chair bound man. Aides and security men stopped the Pope from falling to the ground. After he returned to an upright position, his face turned angry. He looked at the person, raised his voice and said twice in Spanish, "Don't be selfish". The Pope thereafter made a surprise move; he kissed the fellow on the head!What do you do when you lose your cool? In the face of provocation, the Pope after expressing his anger and disappointment, quickly kissedthe man on the head. Modern psychologists view anger as a primary, natural and mature emotion experienced at times by virtually all humans and it has a functional value for survival. They say anger can mobilize psychological resources for corrective action. What they kick against is uncontrolled anger.And that is exactly what the Bible says. Anger is allowed, but sin that comes as a result of anger is what God frowns at. Today's scripture is explicit about this. It clearly says, "Be ye angry, and sin not..."(vs. 26). Control your anger! Anger is an acidic substance that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to the vessel in which it is poured! People will rate you, hate you, shake you and break you. But how far you stand is what makes you! Never, never allow anger to control you! Shalom. In the storms of life , ODM is LIFE'S PARACHUTE. Give a soul/family a copy this week!PRAYER POINTS: Take Song 4: There's not a friend...1. Pray about today's word generally as led now.2. Repent from past uncontrolled anger.3. Satan, you are a liar; anger, bitterness, wrath, etc shall not be a tollgate to my destiny this year in Jesus name.4. I scatter every satanic agenda concerning the end of this year in Jesus name (Pray it very well).5. Pray about the remaining days of the year seriously now. Cancel any end-of-year BAD NEWS.6. Pray about today seriously and any other issue(s) affecting your peace.Get my new books: "Blasting Down Your Walls of Jericho" and "My Womb Must Open by Fire " from any bookshop nationwide.

War Against Haman - 13

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Daily Manna

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