Our God Shall Come

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Our God Shall Come

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Come, Lord Jesus!

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‘The second coming of Jesus Christ is the core of the biblical worldview, the climax of the biblical message, the cornerstone of biblical theology, and the centrepiece of authentic biblical faith for the twenty-first century.’ At the heart of this bold opening statement by Stephen Motyer is the conviction that Jesus Christ is the ‘centre’ of the Scriptures, even though he only appears at the end. For the New Testament writers, Jesus Christ revolutionized their understanding of the Scriptures and gave them a new centre around which to interpret the work of God in the world – and the climax of that work is the ‘second coming’ of that same Jesus Christ. Jesus himself used the language of the Scriptures to promise his ‘coming again’, the ‘coming of the Son of Man’. Hence we need the whole of Scripture to understand what the second coming means for us today. The fact that the Bible ends with the prayer ‘Come, Lord Jesus!’ (Revelation 22:20) is deeply appropriate. The second coming is the ‘end’ of the biblical message, its ‘omega point’, its grand finale, the denouement when all the players in the drama of earth history, both human and angelic, are gathered in the drawing room to hear the Master unpack the plot and give the verdict. Motyer’s comprehensive, stimulating study is divided into two parts. Part One, ‘The biblical frame’, examines three Old Testament passages and lays the foundation for Part Two, ‘New Testament hopes and visions’, which explores a series of key texts. He focuses on the second coming, rather than on millennialism or the ‘end times’, in order to provide the fundamental biblical theology that must underlie our whole sense of God’s future for his world.

The Second Coming of Christ Our Lord

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Bible Notes Genesis 1:1: "In the beginning God created heaven and earth." Note: I believe that God is an all-powerful Creator. That any person with basic common sense can understand. You cannot understand God without first believing that there is a God. To understand God, you will have to get back to the basics. You have to understand that man back in the time when the book was written only used what he had around him to describe what he was writing. I believe that God created all things by using atoms, which connects us to him. We cannot separate from these connecting atoms of God until we refuse to believe that he is the Creator. Until we die, we have the choice to believe or not. But once we do not choose to believe, at death we are separated from him and cannot be reconnected. Genesis 1:2: "And the Earth was without form and void. And darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters." Genesis 1:3: "And God said, 'Let there be light; and there was light.'" I believe that God is all-powerful atoms of a loving father of all people that believe in him, to anyone who will just basically believe, but those who choose not to believe will live without the light and will be in darkness of knowledge for life and death. Genesis 2:7: "And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul." Again you have to see that in that time the words in that time had no way to relate to what I believe was dust then atoms now. God is first and foremost the ultimate, the original scientist, way ahead of our time and never to be caught in terms of knowledge. An all-loving Father of creation. The creation is not perfect, but the Creator is. His children are also not perfect, but only by believing in the Father's Son will we one day become perfect as the Father. Another interesting thing that God did was to not let Enoch die as others before him. The book declares that God took him as he was to heaven. So many times we have heard that planes and ships have vanished, but God may have taken these chosen people home to heaven, like he did with Enoch and Elijah. Genesis 5:24: "And Enoch walked with God: and he was not for God took him." In the book of Genesis, referring to the living soul placed in man by God, if man creates or clones a man and the man has no soul, he is void of God's connection; therefore, the man that is cloned is anti-God and has no soul. Animals have no soul put in them by God; therefore, it can be cloned. There is no doubt that man and woman had the gift of God to live forever but did not listen to God's simple instructions: to not eat of the tree. So therefore, God had to drive man from the very place we want to be-God's place attached to him as a loving father, real and looking out for the good of his children who believe in him. Today's questions are still as interesting as back when the Bible was written, maybe even more as to why man did not and still will not listen to God. There is no tale in telling this story, for this is a true story. On capital punishment is very clear in Genesis 9:6, "Whoso sheddeth man's blood by man shall his blood be shed; for in the image God made he man." Another realness of God is in Genesis 11:5, "And the Lord came down to see the city and the tower which the children of men built." This proves that God traveled from heaven to earth. September 11, 2001, the war between good and evil began. The Antichrist of the faceless god to the terrorist Ali has lifted its ugly head and struck out at the Christian believers around the world. Our God of the Holy Bible will prevail through Jesus Christ our Lord. Take heart, all who believe and trust in the words of our Lord, which are in the Holy Bible. Satan's fate is already cast and our Lord and Savior will have the final word. And God will again travel to earth to claim his followers and destroy the Satan-led nations of the world and his people.

Christ's Second Coming

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Come, Lord Jesus

Book Description

Bestselling Author John Piper Examines End-Times Theology and Scripture's Command to Love the Second Coming of Christ Many people are curious about the second coming of Christ—what it will be like, when it will happen, and what signs will come first. In his latest book, Come, Lord Jesus, John Piper addresses all these issues, but stresses that those who love the second coming of Christ will receive a crown of righteousness (2 Timothy 4:6–8). Piper examines key biblical texts around the second coming while encouraging readers toward a Spirit-awakened affection for Jesus's return. He also explores important questions such as, Could Jesus come at any moment, or must certain events happen first?; What does it mean to "Watch, for you know neither the day nor the hour"?; and What should we be doing when he comes? With a special focus on the teachings of Jesus, Paul, and Peter, Come, Lord Jesus portrays not only the glory of the revealed Savior, but also the glorification of the resurrected saints. Essential, Christ-Exalting Eschatology: Piper guides Christians to examine whether they long for the appearing of Christ, and what this event will mean for Christians, non-Christians, and for Christ himself Careful Exegesis: Piper pays close and precise attention to the words of Scripture, especially with a view to showing how Jesus and Paul were of one mind about the second coming Practical: The final 5 chapters are devoted to how Christians should live in this age between the first and second appearing of Christ Written by Bestselling Author John Piper: Author of Don't Waste Your Life, Desiring God, and Providence

The Second Coming of Christ

Book Description

This book was originally published in 1896. It has eight chapters, each one written by a well-known minister of the era, except the last chapter written by an unknown with the initials J.W. Written for the layman, not the scholar, each chapter is in one way or another about the return of Christ. It is a very good book for anyone seeking to learn the basics of the second coming of Christ, called eschatology. Even though I have written four books on Bible prophecy, I plan to read this book and add it to my library. (Michael D. Fortner, publisher) AUTHORS of the chapters: 1. Harriet Beecher Stowe 2. D. L. Moody 3. J. C. Ryle 4. George Muller 5. D.W. White 6. G. C. Needham 7. Charles H. Spurgeon 8. J.W.