Our Lord Prays for His Own

Book Description

(Foreword by W. H. Griffith Thomas; introduction by S. Maxwell Coder) Regarded by some as the greatest classic ever written on Christ's high priestly prayer for His people.

Our Lord Prays for His Own

Book Description

Our Lord Prays for His Own: Thoughts on John 17

Book Description

THIS chapter is emphatically the Lord’s prayer. That which we commonly call the Lord’s prayer He taught His disciples, but did not use Himself. The petition, “Forgive us our trespasses,” could never have been uttered by the Lord Jesus Christ. This prayer, on the other hand, is His own—His disciples were not invited to unite in it; it was a prayer they did not and could not utter. Evidently the Lord spake so as to be heard, and the disciples listened. The Holy Ghost has provided that not one petition should be lost to the church of God. We often find our Lord teaching His disciples to pray, and we read of Him spending even whole nights in prayer; but we never find Him praying with His disciples. Indeed, there would seem to be something incongruous in Christ kneeling down with His disciples for prayer; there must always have been something peculiar in His petitions. At this time His work on earth was well-nigh ended: nothing remained for Him but to die: “I have finished the work which Thou gavest Me to do.” (v. 4.) The Last Supper was over. The Lord had dispensed to His disciples the broken bread and poured-out wine, memorials of His dying love; He had expressed to them His desire, that in remembrance of Him, they should often gather together and thus show forth His death in this illustration and their union with Himself and with each other, until His return to them in glory. He had washed their feet; He had comforted them; He had opened His whole heart to them. He now opens it for them to Him before whom “all hearts are open, all desires known, and from whom no secrets are hid;” and having poured out His soul into the ear, and into the bosom of God, He went forth into Gethsemane. May God the Spirit be with us and give unction and understanding to our hearts, while we meditate on His most precious prayer.

The Assurance of Our Salvation (Studies in John 17)

Book Description

Just hours before his betrayal and arrest, Jesus offered his famous High Priestly Prayer—one of the most intimate moments between Christ and his Father recorded in Scripture. John 17 has thus greatly encouraged Christians for millennia as it boldly affirms our connection to Christ. In this masterful, verse-by-verse exposition of Jesus’s words, renowned Bible teacher and preacher Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones lays before us the richness, the depth, the wonder—and the assurance—of God’s plan of salvation.


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With a scholar's mind and a pastor's heart, N. T. Wright helps us discover the clues John gives in his gospel that we might see even more clearly the reality of who Jesus is, the new creation he inaugurates and the difference that all makes. Includes 26 sessions for group or personal study.

Meditations on the Lord's Prayer

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This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work. As a reproduction of a historical artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

God the Son Incarnate

Book Description

Nothing is more important than what a person believes about Jesus Christ. To understand Christ correctly is to understand the very heart of God, Scripture, and the gospel. To get to the core of this belief, this latest volume in the Foundations of Evangelical Theology series lays out a systematic summary of Christology from philosophical, biblical, and historical perspectives—concluding that Jesus Christ is God the Son incarnate, both fully divine and fully human. Readers will learn to better know, love, trust, and obey Christ—unashamed to proclaim him as the only Lord and Savior. Part of the Foundations of Evangelical Theology series.

The Lord's Prayer

Book Description

“THE LORD'S PRAYER” I began writing this book in 2005. I was drawn to write it for several reasons. First, The Lord wants his people to Pray without Ceasing. Secondly, this is how Jesus taught his disciples to pray; the biblical outline and importance of Praise & Kingdom first before our own needs. Jesus also used this to say; “Get in your prayer closets.” (His statement before he recited this prayer) More accurately become more intimate with me. Jesus asked and is asking all; “Could you not pray with me for “one hour”. These have not changed today and only have increased in importance. The Lord is now confirming His Word by saying; “My House shall be a House of Prayer” YOU ARE THAT HOUSE OF PRAYER!

The Greatest Prayer Ever Prayed

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The digital copies of this book are available for free at First Fruit's website. place.asburyseminary.edu/firstfruits --- CONTENTS The Prayer Life of Jesus The Hour is at Hand God Glorified on the Earth The Manifested Christ From Glory to Glory

The Prayers of Jesus

Book Description

"If your soul is dry and your prayers are dead, here is living water to revive and refresh you." — David Murray Jesus's ministry on earth as a human was marked by a devotion to prayer. Through his prayer life, we see what it means to truly depend on God. Examining all of Jesus's prayers recorded in the New Testament, this book reflects on the content and structure of the Son of God's words to his Father— helping us imitate his example as we commune with our heavenly Father as adopted sons and daughters in Christ.