Out-of-core Hydrodynamic Simulations of Cosmological Structure Formation [microform]

Book Description

Astrophysical and cosmological structure formation are challenging problems because they involve dynamical and hydrodynamical processes that can span a large range in scale, mass, and energy. Hydrodynamic and N-body simulations are powerful tools with which to solve the nonlinear physics, and their continuing development and application is the focus of this thesis. I present a new approach to Eulerian computational fluid dynamics that is designed to work at high Mach numbers encountered in astrophysical simulations. The Eulerian conservation equations are solved in an adaptive frame moving with the fluid where Mach numbers are minimized. The Moving Frame code separately tracks local and bulk flow components, allowing thermodynamic variables to be accurately calculated in both subsonic and supersonic fluid. This thesis includes the first astrophysical application of Eulerian hydrodynamic simulations to model the formation of blue stragglers through stellar mergers. The off-axis collision of equal mass stars produces a single merger remnant. The merger of n = 3 polytropes results in substantial chemical mixing throughout the remnant, while the merger of realistic M = 0.8 M & odot; main sequence stars produces significant mixing only outside of the core. The Out-of-core Hydro code is applied to running the largest Eulerian hydrodynamic simulation to date for studying the thermal history of the high redshift 3 & le; z & le; 7 intergalactic medium. The temperature-density and gas-dark matter density relations, as well as the scatter in these relations, are robustly quantified. Reionization and shock heating are observed to influence the temperature of the photoionized gas. An out-of-core hydrodynamic code has been developed for high resolution cosmological simulations. Out-of-core computation refers to the technique of using disk space as virtual memory and transferring data in and out of main memory at high I/O bandwidth. The code is based on a two-level mesh scheme where short-range physics is solved on a high-resolution, localized mesh while long-range physics is captured on a lower resolution, global mesh. Furthermore, a parallel particle-mesh N-body code is applied to simulating the clustering of dark matter halos. The PMFAST simulations show that that several bias parameters are consistent with being scale-invariant, a useful property for doing cosmology with galaxy clustering.

Simulating the Universe

Book Description

In this thesis, we harness the power of modern scientific computing to explore the formation and evolution of cosmological structure in a wide variety of astrophysical scenarios. We explore the nonlinear dynamics associated with the interplay between cold dark matter (CDM), baryons, ionizing radiation, and cosmic neutrinos, within regimes where analytic calculations necessarily fail. We begin by providing an overview of structure formation and its connections to the fields of study considered here: the epoch of reionization, galactic substructure evolution, and cosmic neutrinos. We then present a rigorous numerical convergence study of cosmological hydrodynamics simulations post-possessed with radiative transfer to study the impact of small-scale absorption systems within the intergalactic medium (IGM) during the onset of reionization. We present converged statistics of the IGM on smaller scales and earlier times than previously considered. Moreover, we provide strict resolution limits for hydrodynamic simulations to properly resolve the unheated IGM. Next we study the infall and dynamical evolution of CDM halos in a galactic host. We find the behaviour of low-mass subhalos is qualitatively different than previously described for high-mass subhalos. In particular, the evolution of low-mass subhalos, with masses less than 0.1 per cent that of the host, is mainly driven by their concentration. This presents an opportunity to use concentration as a predictive indicator of substructure evolution. We finish this thesis with an investigation of a recently proposed method for constraining individual neutrino mass from cosmological observations. Such a detection depends on the ability to reconstruct the CDM-neutrino relative velocity, which we show can be accomplished using linear transformations of an observed galaxy field. Based on this, we perform the world's largest cosmological N-body simulation and present preliminary results for the observational prospects of cosmic neutrinos.

Hydrodynamic Simulations and Tomographic Reconstructions of the Intergalactic Medium

Book Description

The Intergalactic Medium (IGM) is the dominant reservoir of matter in the Universe from which the cosmic web and galaxies form. The structure and physical state of the IGM provides insight into the cosmological model of the Universe, the origin and timeline of the reionization of the Universe, as well as being an essential ingredient in our understanding of galaxy formation and evolution. Our primary handle on this information is a signal known as the Lyman-alpha forest (or Ly-alpha forest) -- the collection of absorption features in high-redshift sources due to intervening neutral hydrogen, which scatters HI Ly-alpha photons out of the line of sight. The Ly-alpha forest flux traces density fluctuations at high redshift and at moderate overdensities, making it an excellent tool for mapping large-scale structure and constraining cosmological parameters. Although the computational methodology for simulating the Ly-alpha forest has existed for over a decade, we are just now approaching the scale of computing power required to simultaneously capture large cosmological scales and the scales of the smallest absorption systems. My thesis focuses on using simulations at the edge of modern computing to produce precise predictions of the statistics of the Ly-alpha forest and to better understand the structure of the IGM. In the first part of my thesis, I review the state of hydrodynamic simulations of the IGM, including pitfalls of the existing under-resolved simulations. Our group developed a new cosmological hydrodynamics code to tackle the computational challenge, and I developed a distributed analysis framework to compute flux statistics from our simulations. I present flux statistics derived from a suite of our large hydrodynamic simulations and demonstrate convergence to the per cent level. I also compare flux statistics derived from simulations using different discretizations and hydrodynamic schemes (Eulerian finite volume vs. smoothed particle hydrodynamics) and discuss differences in their convergence behavior, their overall agreement, and the implications for cosmological constraints. In the second part of my thesis, I present a tomographic reconstruction method that allows us to make 3D maps of the IGM with Mpc resolution. In order to make reconstructions of large surveys computationally feasible, I developed a new Wiener Filter application with an algorithm specialized to our problem, which significantly reduces the space and time complexity compared to previous implementations. I explore two scientific applications of the maps: finding protoclusters by searching the maps for large, contiguous regions of low flux and finding cosmic voids by searching the maps for regions of high flux. Using a large N-body simulation, I identify and characterize both protoclusters and voids at z = 2.5, in the middle of the redshift range being mapped by ongoing surveys. I provide simple methods for identifying protocluster and void candidates in the tomographic flux maps, and then test them on mock surveys and reconstructions. I present forecasts for sample purity and completeness and other scientific applications of these large, high-redshift objects.

Using Hydrodynamic Simulations to Understand the Structure and Composition of the Circumgalactic Medium of Milky Way-sized Galaxies

Book Description

We explore the structure and evolution of baryons within Milky Way-sized halos (M ~ 1012 Msun) via hydrodynamic simulations. First, we employ a two-fluid model to study the dynamics of a relativistic, diffusive cosmic ray proton (CR) fluid interacting with the thermal interstellar medium (ISM). This model was implemented into the eulerian hydrodynamics code enzo, used throughout this dissertation. After testing this model on analytically tractable scenarios in one dimension, it is unleashed upon an idealized disk simulation in a rapidly-star forming setting, where we find evidence for robust, mass-loaded winds driven by the diffusive CR fluid. These winds reduce the galaxy’s star formation rate (SFR) and circulate on order as much mass into winds as into forming stars. We then extend this model to a cosmological setting where the diffuse CR fluid proves capable of redistributing star formation within the forming disk, reducing the overly-peaked rotation curves in non-CR runs and producing thin, extended disks with visible spiral structure.

Simulations of Structure Formation in the Universe

Book Description

In the last century, new observational techniques and discoveries such as the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation have brought a new dimension of knowledge about the Universe. Therefore new theories and models have been proposed to explain the observed Universe. Computer simulations are a very important tool because they lay a bridge between theory, often over-simpli ed, and observations, which reveal the complexity of our Universe. In this thesis, it is given a review of observations including the most important discoveries and results that help to describe the Universe and have been used to develop the models considered nowadays. The cosmological theory behind the large-scale structure formation is explained, from the basis of the Friedman model to the formation of structures through the linear, quasi-linear and non-linear regime, including the Zeldovich approximation and the spherical collapse model. Furthermore, the di erent types of codes used for cosmological simulations are introduced, focusing on the N-body codes and presenting the code used in this thesis, developed by Klypin & Holtzman (1997). The tools used to analyse the results: density plots, power spectrum and mass variance are described as well. Three main sets of simulations have been performed: a basic simulation (RUN0) with standard cosmological parameters, simulations of CDM and simulations of Hot+Cold Dark Matter (HCDM). All the simulations use 323 particles, while di erent cosmological parameters have been changed e.g. 8, m, and n. Thus, it is observed that higher values of m and low values of lead to more clustering and hence more developed structures. Moreover, the e ect of 8 appears to be critical, since it determines the amplitude of the density uctuations at the initial redshift of the simulation. When studying the presence of hot dark matter, the main di erence comes from the cut-o in the power spectrum due to the hot dark matter free-streaming, resulting in less developed structures. Similarly to the previous case, the e ects of the cosmological parameters are explained for this model. Finally, some additional simulations regarding dark halos populations and density pro- les are included in the Appendix.