Outgrowing Cultic Christianity

Book Description

We live in a time of religious warfare, not just between different religions, but also between those with differing versions of the same faith. This religious distrust and political conflict may be the worst in American history since the Civil War. Speaking as a “progressive conservative,” biblical scholar Robert Vande Kappelle uses a four-stage model of faith development to rethink core Christian doctrines. Starting with current events and a discussion on the role of religion, this book examines how inadequate faith development makes people of faith susceptible to misinformation, conspiracy thinking, and even to cultic mindsets. People of faith do not choose to believe a lie; they all want to believe what is true. Hence, it is surprising that, in the realm of religion, so many people are willing to rely upon untested and even highly disputed beliefs, beliefs most received as children. Unfortunately, many of these teachings are based upon ancient hopes and fears rather than upon factual historical information. Taken literally, dualistic teachings concerning heaven and hell, sin and salvation, good and evil, and apocalyptic beliefs such as the “end times” and the imminent return of Christ to earth are questionable, not only because they are beyond historical and scientific verification, but also because they can be misused by authoritarian leaders to control and mislead devout individuals. Thankfully, there is a way to outgrow cultic Christianity. The path to spiritual maturity comes by restoring the role of religion, a form of spirituality discovered not by addition, but by a process of subtraction. Outgrowing Cultic Christianity is useful for individual or group study. Each chapter concludes with questions suitable for discussion or reflection.

Outgrowing the Ingrown Church

Book Description

This is a book for pacesetters -- church leaders who desire to help their churches break free of the things that turn them in on themselves. It is a masterly mix of biblical principle, objective analysis, and personal experience.

World Religions and Cults Volume 1

Book Description

Religions in today’s culture seem to be multiplying. Have you ever wondered why certain religions believe and practice what they do? Or how they view the Bible? This volume delves into these and other engaging questions, such as: How can a Christian witness to people in these religions? Do these other religions believe in creation and a Creator? How do we deal with these religions from a biblical authority perspective? Many religions and cults discussed in this first volume openly affirm that the Bible is true, but then something gets in their way. And there is a common factor every time—man’s fallible opinions. In one way or another the Bible gets demoted, reinterpreted, or completely ignored. Man’s ideas are used to throw the Bible’s clear teaching out the window while false teachings are promoted. This book is a must for laymen, church leaders, teachers, and students to understand the trends in our culture and around the world where certain religions dominate, helping you discern truth and guard your faith. When you understand a religion’s origins and teachings, you are in a better position to know how to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ as you take the good news to those in false religions.

Christianity, Cults & the Occult

Book Description

"Christianity, Cults, and the Occult: " Compare 11 Groups with Biblical Christianity "Christianity, Cults, and the Occult," a pamphlet that can be read in 30 minutes or less, takes a close look at eleven cultic movements that have a wide range of occult connections and compares them to the origins and key beliefs of Christianity. "Christianity, Cults, and the Occult" helps Christians understand their own beliefs, explains the backgrounds of different occults, and includes a list of occult terms and definitions, as well as Scriptural warnings against the occult. "14 panels, fits inside most Bibles, 8.5 x 5.5 inches, unfolds to 38 inches long"

Another Gospel

Book Description

Ruth A. Tucker's book is a comprehensive survey of all the major alternative religions in the United States, including the new groups since the 1960s.

Cults, New Religious Movements, and Your Family

Book Description

To help guard yourself and your loved ones against unbiblical spiritual systems, Cults, New Religious Movements, and Your Family offers a concise overview of ten religious groups that a young person is likely to encounter in the 21st century.

The Challenge of the Cults and New Religions

Book Description

Cults and New Religions Aren’t Hard to FindThey’re in your neighborhood . . . your workplace . . . your school . . . maybe even your family.Cults are flourishing across America. Chances are, you’ve encountered one, perhaps even know someone who is involved in a cult. Can you discuss knowledgably the critical differences between Christianity and the teachings of Mormonism, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Scientology, the New Age movement, Hindu-based cults, and other prominent groups and religious movements? In this essential resource, preeminent cult authority Ron Rhodes explains what cults are, why they are cause for concern, and why in the 21st century, as never before, their numbers and memberships are exploding nationally and worldwide. Drawing on his extensive experience as a cult researcher, Rhodes offers to-the-point, cutting-edge information on twelve major cults and new religions:MormonismJehovah’s WitnessesMind SciencesNew Age MovementChurch of ScientologyHindu-based CultsUnification ChurchBaha’i FaithUnitarian UniversalismOneness PentecostalismMasonic LodgeSatanismLearning the distinctives of these groups will equip you to deal with any of the thousands of other less significant cults you may encounter. The Challenge of the Cults and New Religion includes Color photosScripture IndexSubject IndexGlossaryBibliographyAnd your resources don’t end at the last page. You can supplement your knowledge whenever you choose by visiting the author’s Web site at www.ronrhodes.org for free, thorough, up-to-the-minute information on each cult discussed in the book.If you’re concerned for the temporal and eternal welfare of others, The Challenge of the Cults is a must. It will help you confront the deception of false Christs and lying doctrines with the clear, well-grounded truth of biblical Christianity.

Unmasking the Cults

Book Description

In this introduction to the Zondervan Guide to Cults and Religious Movements, Dr. Gomes defines the characteristics of a "cult of Christianity" and why such a group subverts the search for spiritual truth. He explains the emotional and spiritual appeal of cults, who is susceptible, and the techniques cult leaders use to attract members. This book, in dealing with a wide range of issues relating to cults and religious movements in general, complements the other books in the series, all of which focus on specific religious groups. -- Why this series? This is an age when countless groups and movements, old and new, mark the religious landscape in our culture, leaving many people confused or uncertain in their search for spiritual truth and meaning. Because few people have the time or opportunity to research these movements fully, these books provide essential information and insights for their spiritual journeys. Except for this book, each book in the series has five sections: - A concise introduction to the group - An overview of the group's theology -- in its own words - Tips for witnessing effectively to members of the group - A bibliography with sources for further study - A comparison chart that shows the essential differences between biblical Christianity and the group -- The writers of these volumes are well qualified to present clear and reliable information and help us discern religious truth from falsehood.

The Church Alumni Association

Book Description

Many people today, including Christians of deep conviction, are deciding, for one reason or another, to stop attending church. They have been swept up by the avalanche in America known simply as the "nones," thereby joining the ranks of the religiously unaffiliated dubbed the "church alumni association"--or perhaps more accurately "believers in exile"--by Anglican Bishop John Shelby Spong. Research shows that during the first two decades of the twenty-first century, a seismic shift occurred in the U.S. population away from religious institutions and toward disaffiliation. While the causes and effects of this dislocation are varied and numerous, by 2015, the phenomenon of shrinking faith communities was so widespread that "nones" became the third largest religious identity in the world, behind Christians and Muslims. Today there are more religious "nones" than Catholics or evangelicals, and 36 percent of those born after 1981 do not identify with any religion. Does this shift mark a loss of spirituality, or do these changes point to a new global religious awakening, one that affirms religious pluralism and views faith relationally rather than dogmatically--as a way of the heart and not of the head? While some Christians are staying put, experiencing the current shift in traditional church settings, this book proposes a new understanding of the church, a new pattern and vision for Christian living and thinking that can transform our understanding of God, others, nature, and ourselves. Useful for individual or church study, each chapter of The Church Alumni Association concludes with questions for discussion and reflection.


Book Description

Human beings are happiest when they live virtuously. For Jesus and his first followers, living virtuously meant loving God and others as extensions of oneself. However, what began as an inclusive ethical way of life based on unconditional love gradually degenerated into an exclusive social and political religious movement that came to be known as Christendom. Originally a continuation of Jewish messianism, the Christian movement aligned itself with Platonic and Aristotelian elements, comprising a marriage of specific elements of Greek philosophy with Roman imperialism. What if, instead of aligning with the dualist, idealist, exclusivist, and supremacist Socratic movement perpetuated by Plato and his followers, ancient Christians had aligned with the nondualist, realist, inclusivist, and egalitarian Stoic movement spread by Zeno and his followers, an ethical tradition that, like the teachings of Jesus, was guided by providential and natural law ethics? The results of such a synthesis, laid out in this innovative study, are practical, inspiring, and transformative, for they are based on the greatest vision possible for humanity, a nondualist approach to life that counters authoritarian and exclusivist behavior fostered by supremacist political, ethical, and social religious ideologies. Unlike Christendom, based on ecclesiastical triumphalism, the way of Christlikeness, envisioned by Jesus for humanity, is grounded in humility, compassion, service, and love of others.