Outils d’analyse vidéo : pour une pleine exploitation des données de la vidéoprotection

Book Description

L’utilisation croissante de la vidéoprotection rend nécessaire la mise en place de fonctions d’analyse vidéo pour alléger voire automatiser des tâches aujourd’hui entièrement réalisées par des opérateurs. Après avoir dressé un panorama des avancées et des perspectives en analyse d’image, cet ouvrage détaille les principales fonctions d’analyse vidéo, comme la détection, le suivi et la reconnaissance d’objets d’intérêt (personnes ou véhicules) ou les fonctions de « haut-niveau » visant à interpréter les scènes observées (évènements, comportements, nature de la scène...). Les besoins sont illustrés sous l’angle de deux applications majeures, la sécurité des transports et l’investigation. Les contraintes d’ordres juridique et éthique sont présentées, ainsi que les caractéristiques des données vidéo traitées, au travers des caméras et des méthodes de compression utilisées. La problématique de l’évaluation de performance, tant au niveau opérationnel qu’au niveau des fonctions d’analyse, est également exposée.

Outils d'analyse vidéo

Book Description

La 4e de couverture indique : "L’utilisation croissante de la vidéoprotection rend nécessaire la mise en place de fonctions d’analyse vidéo pour alléger voire automatiser des tâches aujourd’hui entièrement réalisées par des opérateurs. Après avoir dressé un panorama des avancées et des perspectives en analyse d’image, cet ouvrage détaille les principales fonctions d’analyse vidéo, comme la détection, le suivi et la reconnaissance d’objets d’intérêt (personnes ou véhicules) ou les fonctions de « haut-niveau » visant à interpréter les scènes observées (évènements, comportements, nature de la scène...). Les besoins sont illustrés sous l’angle de deux applications majeures, la sécurité des transports et l’investigation. Les contraintes d’ordres juridique et éthique sont présentées, ainsi que les caractéristiques des données vidéo traitées, au travers des caméras et des méthodes de compression utilisées. La problématique de l’évaluation de performance, tant au niveau opérationnel qu’au niveau des fonctions d’analyse, est également exposée."

Video Analytics Algorithms and Distributed Solutions for Smart Video Surveillance

Book Description

The growth in the number of surveillance cameras deployed and the progress in digital technologies in recent years have steered the video surveillance market towards the usage of computer systems to automatically analyse video feeds in a collaborative and distributive fashion. The semantic analysis and interpretation of video surveillance data through signal and image processing techniques is called Video Analytics (VA). In this thesis new video analytics methods are presented that are shown to be effective and efficient when compared to existing methods. A novel adaptive template matching algorithm for robust target tracking based on a modifed Sum of Absolute Differences (SAD) called Sum of Weighted Absolute Differences (SWAD) is developed. A Gaussian weighting kernel is employed to reduce the effects of partial occlusion, while the target template is updated using an Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) Filter. Experimental results demonstrate that the SWAD-based tracker outperforms conventional SAD in terms of efficiency and accuracy, and its performance is comparable to more complex trackers. Moreover, a novel technique for complete occlusion handling in the context of such a SWAD-based tracker is presented that is shown to preserve the template and recover the target after complete occlusion. A DSP embedded implementation of the SWAD-based tracker is then described, showing that such an algorithm is ideal for real-time implementations on devices with low computational capabilities, as in the case of xed-point embedded DSP platforms. When colour is selected as target feature to track, the mean shift (MS) tracker can be used. Although it has been shown to be fast, e ective and robust in many scenarios, it fails in case of severe and complete occlusion or fast moving targets. A new improved MS tracker is presented which incorporates a failure recovery strategy. The improved MS is simple and fast, and experimental results show that it can effectively recover a target after complete occlusion or loss, to successfully track target in complex scenarios, such as crowd scenes. Although many methods have been proposed in the literature to detect abandoned and removed objects, they are not really designed to be able to trigger alerts within a time interval defined by the user. It is actually the background model updating procedure that dictates when the alerts are triggered. A novel algorithm for abandoned and removed object detection in real-time is presented. A detection time can be directly specified and the background is "healed" only after a new event has been detected. Moreover the actual detection time and the background model updating rate are computed in an adaptive way with respect to the algorithm frame processing rate, so that even on different machines the detection time is generally the same. This is in contrast with other algorithms, where either the frame rate or the background updating rate is considered to be fixed. The algorithm is employed in the context of a reactive smart surveillance system, which notified the occurrence of events of interest to registered users, within seconds, through SMS alerts. In the context of multi-camera systems, spatio-temporal information extracted from a set of semantically clustered cameras can be fused together and exploited, to achieve a better understanding of the environment surrounding the cameras and monitor areas wider than a single camera FOV. A highly flexible decentralised system software architecture is presented, for decentralised multi-view target tracking, where synchronisation constraints among processes can be relaxed. The improved MS tracker is extended to a collaborative multi-camera environment, wherein algorithm parameters are set automatically in separate views, upon colour characteristics of the target. Such a decentralised multi-camera tracking system does not rely on camera positional information to initialise the trackers or handle camera hand-o events. Tracking in separate camera views is performed solely on the visible characteristics of the target, reducing the system setup phase to the minimum. Such a system can automatically select from a set of views, the one that gives the best visualisation of the target. Moreover, camera overlapping information can be exploited to overcome target occlusion.

Innovate Bristol

Book Description

Innovate Bristol highlights and celebrates those companies and individuals that are actively working at building a better tomorrow for all. Innovation Ecosystems thrive through the involvement and support of companies and individuals from all industries, which is why the Innovate series not only focuses on the innovators but also those people whom the Innovation Ecosystem, would not be able to thrive without.

Surveillance, Power and Modernity

Book Description

As a result of the writings of Foucault, surveillance has come to be seen as a phenomenon of major importance in modern societies. But there are few, if any, studies which relate the concept of surveillance to that of bureaucracy, thus connecting Foucault to Max Weber. Dandeker's text breaks new ground in re-examining the framework of Weber's analysis of bureaucracy in the light of problems of surveillance. The author also provides a critique of a variety of other theories of the significance of bureaucracy in the modern world. The core of the book is concerned to offer a detailed analysis of the use of bureaucratic surveillance in the state and the economy. The author gives particular attention to the role of warfare in the expansion of surveillance. The text brings together problems that ordinarily are treated in substantial separation from one another, including analyses of staff and line in organization theory, military service and the formation of prisons and asylums.

Invention of Hysteria

Book Description

The first English-language publication of a classic French book on the relationship between the development of photography and of the medical category of hysteria. In this classic of French cultural studies, Georges Didi-Huberman traces the intimate and reciprocal relationship between the disciplines of psychiatry and photography in the late nineteenth century. Focusing on the immense photographic output of the Salpetriere hospital, the notorious Parisian asylum for insane and incurable women, Didi-Huberman shows the crucial role played by photography in the invention of the category of hysteria. Under the direction of the medical teacher and clinician Jean-Martin Charcot, the inmates of Salpetriere identified as hysterics were methodically photographed, providing skeptical colleagues with visual proof of hysteria's specific form. These images, many of which appear in this book, provided the materials for the multivolume album Iconographie photographique de la Salpetriere. As Didi-Huberman shows, these photographs were far from simply objective documentation. The subjects were required to portray their hysterical "type"—they performed their own hysteria. Bribed by the special status they enjoyed in the purgatory of experimentation and threatened with transfer back to the inferno of the incurables, the women patiently posed for the photographs and submitted to presentations of hysterical attacks before the crowds that gathered for Charcot's "Tuesday Lectures." Charcot did not stop at voyeuristic observation. Through techniques such as hypnosis, electroshock therapy, and genital manipulation, he instigated the hysterical symptoms in his patients, eventually giving rise to hatred and resistance on their part. Didi-Huberman follows this path from complicity to antipathy in one of Charcot's favorite "cases," that of Augustine, whose image crops up again and again in the Iconographie. Augustine's virtuosic performance of hysteria ultimately became one of self-sacrifice, seen in pictures of ecstasy, crucifixion, and silent cries.

Photography and Anthropology

Book Description

Photography and anthropology share strikingly parallel histories. Christopher Pinney's provocative and eminently readable account provides a polemical narrative of anthropologists' use of photography from the 1840s to the present. Walter Benjamin suggested that photography 'make[s] the difference between technology and magic visible as a thoroughly historical variable, ' and Pinney here explores photography as a divinatory practice. Though viewed as modern and rational, this quality of photography in fact propelled anthropologists towards the 'primitive' lives of those they studied. Early anthropology celebrated photography as a physical record, whose authority and permanence promised an escape from the lack of certainty in speech. For later anthropologists, this same quality became grounds to critique an imaging practice that failed to capture movement and process. But throughout these twists and turns, anthropology as a practice of 'being there' has found itself entwined in an intimate engagement with photography as metaphor for the collection of evidence. Photography and Anthropology reveals how anthropology provides the tools to re-imagine the power and magic of all photographic practices. It presents both a history of anthropology's seduction by photography and the anthropological theory of photography. This thoroughly researched book draws upon an intimate knowledge of the history of anthropology, photography and the world's major anthropological practitioners.

European Data Protection: In Good Health?

Book Description

Although Europe has a significant legal data protection framework, built up around EU Directive 95/46/EC and the Charter of Fundamental Rights, the question of whether data protection and its legal framework are ‘in good health’ is increasingly being posed. Advanced technologies raise fundamental issues regarding key concepts of data protection. Falling storage prices, increasing chips performance, the fact that technology is becoming increasingly embedded and ubiquitous, the convergence of technologies and other technological developments are broadening the scope and possibilities of applications rapidly. Society however, is also changing, affecting the privacy and data protection landscape. The ‘demand’ for free services, security, convenience, governance, etc, changes the mindsets of all the stakeholders involved. Privacy is being proclaimed dead or at least worthy of dying by the captains of industry; governments and policy makers are having to manoeuvre between competing and incompatible aims; and citizens and customers are considered to be indifferent. In the year in which the plans for the revision of the Data Protection Directive will be revealed, the current volume brings together a number of chapters highlighting issues, describing and discussing practices, and offering conceptual analysis of core concepts within the domain of privacy and data protection. The book’s first part focuses on surveillance, profiling and prediction; the second on regulation, enforcement, and security; and the third on some of the fundamental concepts in the area of privacy and data protection. Reading the various chapters it appears that the ‘patient’ needs to be cured of quite some weak spots, illnesses and malformations. European data protection is at a turning point and the new challenges are not only accentuating the existing flaws and the anticipated difficulties, but also, more positively, the merits and the need for strong and accurate data protection practices and rules in Europe, and elsewhere.

Technology and Terrorism

Book Description

Does modern technology tilt the balance in favour of the terrorists in their constant battle to defeat the efforts of counter-terrorist agencies, or vice versa? How can we assess the feasibility and probability of terrorists in certain circumstances resorting to nuclear, chemical or biological weapons? Bearing in mind that terrorists have already resorted to mass murder in the form of sabotage bombing of airliners, tragically demonstrated in the 1988 bombing of Pan Am 103 over Lockerbie, how effective have the aviation authorities been in using technology and other measures to combat this threat?

The Anthropology of Intentions

Book Description

This multidisciplinary study explores how people make sense of each other's actions.