Outpourings of a Beloved Heart

Book Description

The name "beloved" refers to one who is dearly loved and deeply treasured. God called Jesus His Beloved Son in whom He is well pleased and because of Jesus, we have been accepted into God's family and given the right to be called His children. So we are deeply loved by our Heavenly Father and He loves us as much as He loves Jesus. But do you believe that with all your heart? What about when you are surrounded by the worries and cares of life? Are you still sensitive to His love then? Do you feel you are too imperfect to be loved by a perfect God? Do you feel you carry so much garbage that His love can't possible take away? Well here's a chance to know more about the Father's love for you through poetry and reflections. It is a chance to find peace, comfort and joy in His presence. A chance to be reassured that His love for you never fails even in the storm. These are the outpourings of a heart that has found true solace in the arms of a loving God.

Nineteenth-century Theories of Art

Book Description

This unique and extraordinarily rich collection of writings offers a thematic approach to understanding the various theories of art that illumined the direction of nineteenth-century artists as diverse as Tommaso Minardi and Georges Seurat. It is significant that during the nineteenth century most artists felt compelled to found their artistic practice on a consciously established premise.

Amritanjali: A Spiritual Seeker's Outpouring Of Love

Book Description

This Book Contains The Compilation Of Poems By Swami Turiyamritanandapuri. Lacking Formal Education, The Author Had Nothing To Call His Own In The Material World And Was Guided By Destiny To Amma. The Budding Poet In Him Has Been Flowering In Amma's Inspiring Presence. His Life Is Ever Centered On Amma, Who Is His Unfailing Inspiration, The Melody,Theme And Tune Of All His Songs. The Reader Will Notice In These Poems Different Moods - The Very Yearning And Seeking, The Sheer Joy Of Finding Final Refuge At The Feet Of His Guru And God, The Pangs Of Separation, And The Calm Assurance Of The Ultimate Merger Into The Great Being - So Characteristic Of All Earnest Spiritual Seekers. Published By The Disciples Of Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, Affectionately Known As Mother, Or Amma The Hugging Saint.

To Heaven with Diana!

Book Description

First published in 1960, this study and translation (from the original Latin) of the letters of Jordan of Saxony (c. 1190-1237), a Dominican friar, to Diana d'Andalò (1200-1236), a cloistered Dominican nun, brings to life an extraordinary friendship, forged in their shared love of God.

The Last Great Outpouring

Book Description

After four hundred years of prophetic silence, God sent John the Baptist to announce the coming of the Messiah, the baptism He would bring, and the in-breaking of the kingdom of God on earth. In response, people streamed to the Jordan River to hear John’s words and be baptized by him in the Jewish ritual mikveh bath for cleansing from sin and defilement. John’s calling was to prepare the people for the coming glory. Our God is nothing if not consistent—the same yesterday, today and forever. As in the days leading to the return of Jesus, He therefore continues to send messengers in advance to announce coming moves of the Spirit in order to prepare His people to receive. Author R. Loren Sandford believes God is about to do something huge, wonderful, and even unprecedented in scope and impact, and he is urging Christians everywhere to prepare for it. Beginning with the prophet Haggai and moving through the Bible, Loren lays a foundation for his belief that the time of the last great outpouring and the Lord’s return is now. He writes, “The church in our day has been ravaged and diminished in influence under pressure from the idolatrous culture that surrounds us and that, figuratively speaking, a remnant is even now returning from exile. It’s time to rebuild on a biblical foundation and construct a temple adequate to contain the outpouring God is about to send.” Loren says we must reject our present culture, which is steeped in consumerism and a focus on self, and return to a culture of covenant. The former has weakened and destroyed us, while the latter will edify and strengthen us. As John the Baptist came in the spirit and power of Elijah to prepare the way, prophetic voices are now rising to proclaim that the greatest outpouring of the Holy Spirit in history is coming. The great last days’ move of God approaches and the call for preparation now is the same as John preached so long ago. Through reliable prophetic voices, God now cries for holiness and cleansing to uproot everything in ourselves and in our churches not solidly rooted in the nature of Jesus and the Father.

Laura’S Scrolls

Book Description

Coming from humble means and an abusive family, Laura works hard to climb out of that lifestyle. Though an ordinary woman, she is successful and has everything she wants. But shes not happy. Something is missing in her life. One day, a friend invites her to a church revival. Laura has no idea what to expect at this rural church but tries to have an open mind, expecting to witness men in expensive three-piece suits beg for money, just as shes seen on television. That night, her life changes. Laura picks up a Bible and begins to learn all she can about God, Jesus, and the scriptures. Laura is stunned when God begins to speak to her and requests she write down his words. She is grateful and blessed to have been chosen by God for this task. She shares those communications with God in Lauras Scrolls, a fictional work written to show the power of Gods love.

The Grace Outpouring

Book Description

An inspiration for the creation of houses of prayer around the world, The Grace Outpouring is a captivating account of spiritual renewal on a Welsh hillside. When Roy Godwin turned his back on a lucrative consulting job to lead the quiet retreat center Ffald-y-Brenin in West Wales, he wasn’t sure what was next. Then God showed up. In the years since the Godwins welcomed their first surprise guests to Ffald-y-Brenin, God has drawn thousands of seekers to this converted hill-farm with a tangible presence of healing and power. Along with its accompanying study guide, The Grace Outpouring offers fascinating stories of God’s work on a remote hillside as well as inspiring insight into how God can work in readers’ own communities.