Overcoming logistics-related barriers to higher-value exporte – a decision framework to identify policy measures

Book Description

Logistics is key to a country’s trading opportunities. Poor trade logistics performance, measured in the cost and complexity of importing and exporting, precludes many countries from diversifying their economies and can hamper trade, growth and employment. This is acutely relevant for developing countries, where a frail logistics environment, i.e., the combination of logistics infrastructure and services, is often a factor in weak trade. While trade consists of imports and exports, exports are crucial to a country’s development due to their potential to increase income and employment. Supply chain delays increase transportation costs and hence product costs, thus decreasing the competitiveness of exports. They force companies to hold higher inventory to avoid production stoppages due to delays in procuring preliminary products. While logistics services are mostly provided by private actors, governments play a key role in ensuring a well-functioning logistics environment, for example, through providing public infrastructure, customs procedures, or vocational training. Given limited resources, identifying and prioritizing investments are crucial tasks for developing nations. This dissertation develops a decision framework for the public sector as to which logistics interventions to carry out in a country wishing to facilitate higher-value exports. Higher-value exports here refer not just to a higher amount of exports, but to a higher value added of exports. The framework is applied to three product categories: automotive products, perishable agricultural products, and high-tech manufacturing. It is then applied to Vietnam, Morocco, and Kyrgyzstan, three middle-income countries representing different geographies, population sizes, and industrial structures. Methods to develop the framework include structured and semi-structured interviews, data analyses from public sources, and a review of the literature. The results include product-category-specific logistics requirements, gap analyses for the three countries, and policy recommendations for measures to improve logistics for high-tech manufacturing in Vietnam, automotive products in Morocco, and perishable agricultural goods in Kyrgyzstan. Although the suggested logistics measures are applicable to the three case study countries, the framework’s first part (target set-up of the logistics environment and logistics requirements) can be applied to other countries wishing to facilitate exports in the three product categories. Guidelines on potential measures to improve the logistics environment for the three product categories are included and can be used by policymakers in other countries. The framework developed here can also be applied to other product categories. It uses a structured approach that enables identifying recommended policy measures even with a narrow empirical base of public country-level, logistics-related data and insights from interviews with logistics stakeholders. Logistik ist der Schlüssel zu den Handelschancen eines Landes. Eine niedrige außenhandelsbezogene Logistikleistung, gemessen in Kosten und Hindernissen von Importen und Exporten, hindert viele Länder daran, ihre Volkswirtschaften zu diversifizieren, und kann Außenhandel, Wachstum und Beschäftigung hemmen. Dies gilt insbesondere für Entwicklungsländer, in denen ein schwieriges Logistikumfeld, d. h. das Zusammenspiel von Logistikinfrastruktur und Logistikdienstleistungen, oft ein Faktor für schwachen Außenhandel ist. Während Außenhandel sowohl aus Exporten als auch aus Importen besteht, sind Exporte aufgrund ihres Potenzials zur Steigerung von Wohlstand und Beschäftigung von entscheidender Bedeutung für die Entwicklung eines Landes. Verzögerungen in der Lieferkette erhöhen die Transport- und damit die Produktkosten und beeinträchtigen die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit von Exporten. Sie zwingen Unternehmen, höhere Lagerbestände zu halten, um Produktionsausfällen aufgrund von Verzögerungen bei der Beschaffung von Vorprodukten vorzubeugen. Obwohl Logistikdienstleistungen hauptsächlich von privaten Akteuren erbracht werden, spielen nationale Regierungen eine Schlüsselrolle bei der Gewährleistung eines gut funktionierenden Logistikumfeldes, z. B. über öffentliche Infrastruktur, Zollabfertigung oder Berufsausbildung. Angesichts begrenzter Ressourcen sind das Ermitteln und Priorisieren notwendiger Investitionen entscheidende Aufgaben für Entwicklungsländer. Diese Dissertation entwickelt ein Entscheidungsmodell für den öffentlichen Sektor, welche handelslogistischen Interventionen in einem Land durchgeführt werden sollten, um Exporte innerhalb höherwertiger Produktkategorien zu ermöglichen. Höherwertige Exporte beziehen sich hier nicht nur auf eine höhere Exportmenge, sondern auch auf eine höhere Wertschöpfung der Exporte. Das Entscheidungsmodell wird auf drei Produktkategorien angewendet: Automobilprodukte, leichtverderbliche Agrarprodukte und Hightech-Produkte. Sodann wird das Modell auf Marokko, Kirgisien und Vietnam angewendet, drei Länder mit mittelhohem Einkommen, die unterschiedliche Weltregionen, Bevölkerungsgrößen und Industriestrukturen repräsentieren. Die zur Erstellung des Entscheidungsmodells verwendeten Methoden umfassen strukturierte und semistrukturierte Interviews, Datenanalysen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen und Literaturanalysen. Die Ergebnisse beinhalten produktkategorie-spezifische Logistikanforderungen, Lückenanalysen für die drei Länder sowie Handlungsempfehlungen für Regierungsmaßnahmen zur Verbesserung der Logistik für Automobilprodukte in Marokko, leichtverderbliche landwirtschaftliche Güter in Kirgisien und Hightech-Fertigung in Vietnam. Obgleich die vorgeschlagenen Logistik-Maßnahmen nur für die drei Fallstudienländer gelten, kann der erste Teil des Entscheidungsmodells (die Idealkonfiguration des Logistikumfeldes sowie produktkategoriespezifische Logistikanforderungen) auf andere Länder angewendet werden, die Exporte in den drei Produktkategorien fördern möchten. Ebenfalls enthalten sind Leitfäden für die Regierungen anderer Länder bezüglich möglicher Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung des Logistikumfelds der drei Produktkategorien. Das hier entwickelte Entscheidungsmodell kann auch auf andere Produktkategorien angewendet werden. Es bedient sich einer strukturierten Herangehensweise, die es ermöglicht, empfohlene staatliche Maßnahmen auch auf einer schmalen empirischen Basis aus logistikbezogenen Daten und Erkenntnissen aus Interviews mit Logistikakteuren herauszuarbeiten.

Logistics in Lagging Regions

Book Description

Small scale producers in developing countries lack easy access to efficient logistics services. They are faced with long distances from both domestic and international markets. Unless they consolidate their trade volumes they face high costs which diminish their ability to trade. However, the process of consolidation is not without cost nor does it occur on its own accord. As a result, the consolidation is typically handled by intermediaries. Using case studies of sisal and soybean supply chains in Brazil and India respectively, this study explores the role and impact of intermediaries in facilitating trade in lagging regions. The study assesses the horizontal relationships between the small scale producers in thin markets and the vertical connections between different tiers of the same supply chain. The study analyzes the traditional approach to linking producers namely through cooperatives and itinerant traders and the relatively newer innovations using ICT. The study finds that farmers linked through the different mechanisms are more integrated to international supply chains or are able to better manage supply chains longer than would otherwise be the case. Intermediaries play several roles including providing transport services and facilitating market exchanges, payments, risk sharing and quality improvements. Generally, information technology driven innovations make it easier to integrate adjacent steps in the value chain. This report on logistics performance at the sub-national level is an on-going endeavour. Similar analysis is being carried out in some countries in Africa to identify the evolving role of intermediaries in low income regions. The results will be developed into a major publication on this topic, with recommendations on how development agencies, civil society and the private sector can improve the design of strategies to reduce logistics costs in low income areas.

Management model for social and environmental impact in logistics through blockchain technologies

Book Description

In the context of the advancing digitalization of logistics processes, blockchain technologies are gaining in importance. Within the scope of sustainable logistics networks, they contribute to cross-stakeholder transparency and support the tracking and verification of products and processes to improve social and environmental parameters. The goal of this work is to develop a holistic management model to help users understand blockchain technologies in the context of their logistics network and to assess the mindful adoption of these technologies to specific problems. In addition, the model should enable the conclusion of expected impacts on participating actors within the logistics network with regard to social and environmental sustainability and, in a further step, provide a holistic approach to the implementation of blockchain technologies. Methodologically, a systematic literature analysis, two workshops and a case study exploration will be conducted for this purpose. Within the systematic literature analysis, 285 articles are evaluated and 53 relevant articles are synthesized. Based on the Nominal Group Technique, a first workshop with 30 experts from manufacturing companies, logistics service providers, technology companies and universities will be conducted and supplemented by a subsequent survey. In a second workshop, three use cases of blockchain technologies are analyzed with 24 experts in open and moderated group discussions. Finally, three exemplary case studies and eight expert interviews are conducted and systematically evaluated with respect to cross-case findings. The result of this thesis is a four-phase management model that guides users through the process of evaluating and implementing blockchain technologies in the context of sustainable logistics. While the first phase assesses requirements of the logistics network for general applicability of blockchain technologies, the second phase includes a model for the mindful adoption of blockchain technologies. Based on this, phase three provides a sustainability impact model to explain social and environmental impacts of individual actors involved in the logistics network. The fourth phase ultimately represents the implementation of blockchain technologies in logistics and is based on five management areas in which specific design recommendations, methods and tools are provided to enable a successful implementation. Finally, the thesis provides an outlook on a future vision and shows which changes in logistics networks can be expected due to blockchain technologies. Im Rahmen der voranschreitenden Digitalisierung von Logistikprozessen gewinnen Blockchain-Technologien zunehmend an Bedeutung. Sie leisten im Kontext nachhaltiger Logistiknetzwerke einen Beitrag zur akteursübergreifenden Transparenz und unterstützen die Nachverfolgung und Verifizierung von Produkten und Prozessen zur Verbesserung sozialer und ökologischer Parameter. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, ein ganzheitliches Management Modell zu entwickeln, das Anwender dabei unterstützt, Blockchain-Technologien im Kontext ihres Logistiknetzwerks zu verstehen und die achtsame Anwendbarkeit dieser Technologien für spezifische Problemstellungen zu prüfen. Zudem soll das Modell eine Ableitung der zu erwartenden Effekte auf beteiligte Akteure innerhalb des Logistiknetzwerkes hinsichtlich der sozialen und ökologischen Nachhaltigkeit ermöglichen und in einem weiteren Schritt einen ganzheitlichen Ansatz zur Implementierung von Blockchain-Technologien bereitstellen. Methodisch werden dafür eine systematische Literaturanalyse, zwei Workshops sowie eine Fallstudienuntersuchung durchgeführt. Im Rahmen der systematischen Literaturanalyse werden 285 Artikel ausgewertet und 53 relevante Artikel synthetisiert. Basierend auf der Nominal Group Technique wird ein erster Workshop mit 30 Experten von Fertigungsunternehmen, Logistikdienstleistern, Technologieunternehmen und Hochschulen durchgeführt und durch eine anschließende Befragung ergänzt. Im Rahmen eines zweiten Workshops werden drei Anwendungsfälle von Blockchain-Technologien mit 24 Experten in offenen und moderierten Gruppendiskussionen analysiert. Abschließend werden drei exemplarische Fallstudien sowie acht Experteninterviews durchgeführt und systematisch hinsichtlich fall-übergreifender Erkenntnisse ausgewertet. Das Ergebnis dieser Arbeit ist ein vierphasiges Management Modell, dass den Anwender durch den Prozess der Bewertung und Implementierung von Blockchain-Technologien im Kontext nachhaltiger Logistik führt. Während in der ersten Phase Anforderungen des Logistiknetzwerks auf generelle Eignung für Blockchain-Technologien geprüft werden, umfasst die zweite Phase ein Modell für die achtsame Adoption. Darauf aufbauend wird in Phase drei ein Modell zur Erklärung sozialer und ökologischer Effekte einzelner beteiligter Akteure des Logistiknetzwerks bereitgestellt. Die vierte Phase repräsentiert letztlich die Implementierung von Blockchain-Technologien in der Logistik und basiert auf fünf Managementbereichen, in denen gezielt Handlungsempfehlungen, Methoden und Werkzeuge bereitgestellt werden, um eine erfolgreiche Umsetzung zu ermöglichen. Abschließend gibt die Arbeit einen Ausblick auf eine zukünftige Vision und zeigt auf, welche Veränderungen in Logistiknetzwerken durch Blockchain-Technologien zu erwarten sind.

Logistics Services

Book Description

This investigation provides an overview of the global logistic services industry, including major industry players, factors driving growth, and industry operations; examines trade and investment in selected logistic service markets; identifies existing impediments to the provision of international logistic services; and examines the potential effects of removing impediments on trade. Demand for logistic services, which involve planning, managing, and executing the transport of goods within global supply chains, is largely driven by firms' increasing desire to outsource some or all logistics-related activities to specialists. Such specialists are better able to manage global supply chains that are increasing in complexity as a result of globalization, production techniques such as "just-in-time" (JIT) manufacturing, and electronic commerce. Trade liberalization contributes to the growth of logistic services by reducing tariffs and eliminating nontariff barriers, thereby increasing merchandise trade flows. However, impediments remain, especially in customs clearance, where varying levels of inefficient procedures delay shipments and increase import costs. Other impediments include restrictions on investment, non-transparent or discriminatory licensing procedures, and labor restrictions. These impediments may be horizontal in nature, affecting all service suppliers equally, or they may be sector specific. Transportation services, a component of logistic services, may be further impeded by domestic regulations that prohibit competition or limit access to essential facilities, such as ports. Some of these impediments may be addressed unilaterally by, for example, transportation sector liberalization; or through multilateral, regional, or bilateral trade negotiations. The Commission's econometric analysis demonstrates that both U.S. merchandise exports and foreign merchandise exports transshipped through the United States are sensitive to the availability and quality of logistic services in the importing country. Lower levels of logistics-related trade impediments - especially with respect to airport, seaport, and customs procedures - in the importing country are associated with higher U.S. merchandise exports. The effects on trade are most robust for U.S. airborne exports, which tend to be time-sensitive, higher-valued exports. For countries that have the weakest logistic services environments, as measured by responses to the supplier questionnaire developed for this report, analysis shows that the reduction or removal of impediments could lead to significant percentage increases in U.S. merchandise exports.

Uganda's Human Resource Challenge

Book Description

Despite significant economic recovery and improved macro-economic indicators since 1986, Uganda's economy continues to face considerable challenges. This book analyses the relationship between economic and human resource development in the country. It identifies deficits in capabilities, skills, know-how, experience, linkage building, and technology use as well as undesirable business practices. These shortcomings limit economic diversification, productivity enhancement, job and income creation, as well as poverty reduction. The book calls for more efforts towards human resource development. The current narrow mainstream economic policy focus on macro-economic stability, a favourable investment climate, and improved physical infrastructure alone will not foster economic development and broad-based well-being. The Ugandan people and the private sector need more state support - in addition to the predominant education and health focus of the government and donors - if they are to develop the required human resources. More and better training, enhanced learning at the place of work and an improved business culture are vital. It is essential to focus on technical, organisational, managerial, entrepreneurial, learning, innovative, social, and institutional capabilities. Efforts towards dealing with these challenges will require attention to the political-economic climate of the country. To make the argument, the author covers a wide range of topics such as training and learning, technology, productivity, latecomer development, competitiveness, labour market, MSMEs, entrepreneurship, value chains, cooperation and trust, and human resource management. The book contains more than 130 figures, tables and information boxes. - See more at: http: //www.africanbookscollective.com/books/ugandas-human-resource-challenge#sthash.4XThRHxq.dpuf

Aid for Trade at a Glance 2015 Reducing Trade Costs for Inclusive, Sustainable Growth

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The Aid for Trade Initiative has allowed for the active engagement of a large number of organisations and agencies in helping developing countries and especially the least developed build the infrastructure and supply-side capacity they need to connect to regional and global markets and improve ...

Colonialism in Africa 1870-1960: Volume 4

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A comprehensive study of recent African history, examining the political, social, and economic effects of colonialism.

The Growth of the Fruit and Vegetable Export Industry in Peru

Book Description

This is the first book that analyzes the growth of the Peruvian fresh fruit and vegetable (FFV) export industry from the view point of the industrial development. Instead of pointing out comparative advantages in production factors such as favorable climate and cheap labor, this book focuses on the strategies of agribusiness companies, industrial organizations, and the public sector in the FFV export industry. The analysis is based on the theoretical frameworks of coordination, integration, and upgrades in value chains, business strategies to overcome seasonality and mitigate risks in agriculture, and cluster development based on joint actions among players in the industry. Based on the field studies with major FFV production and export companies and industrial organizations, the case studies describe specific innovations in management and organizations taken by key actors in the industry. This book can help policymakers in developing countries seek industrial development options based on agricultural exports.