Overcoming the Failure of the Classical Generalized Interior-point Regularity Conditions in Convex Optimization

Book Description

The aim of this work is to present several new results concerning duality in scalar convex optimization, the formulation of sequential optimality conditions and some applications of the duality to the theory of maximal monotone operators. After recalling some properties of the classical generalized interiority notions which exist in the literature, we give some properties of the quasi interior and quasi-relative interior, respectively. By means of these notions we introduce several generalized interior-point regularity conditions which guarantee Fenchel duality. By using an approach due to Magnanti, we derive corresponding regularity conditions expressed via the quasi interior and quasi-relative interior which ensure Lagrange duality. These conditions have the advantage to be applicable in situations when other classical regularity conditions fail. Moreover, we notice that several duality results given in the literature on this topic have either superfluous or contradictory assumptions, the investigations we make offering in this sense an alternative. Necessary and sufficient sequential optimality conditions for a general convex optimization problem are established via perturbation theory. These results are applicable even in the absence of regularity conditions. In particular, we show that several results from the literature dealing with sequential optimality conditions are rediscovered and even improved. The second part of the thesis is devoted to applications of the duality theory to enlargements of maximal monotone operators in Banach spaces. After establishing a necessary and sufficient condition for a bivariate infimal convolution formula, by employing it we equivalently characterize the $\varepsilon$-enlargement of the sum of two maximal monotone operators. We generalize in this way a classical result concerning the formula for the $\varepsilon$-subdifferential of the sum of two proper, convex and lower semicontinuous functions. A characterization of fully en.

Multi-Composed Programming with Applications to Facility Location

Book Description

Oleg Wilfer presents a new conjugate duality concept for geometric and cone constrained optimization problems whose objective functions are a composition of finitely many functions. As an application, the author derives results for single minmax location problems formulated by means of extended perturbed minimal time functions as well as for multi-facility minmax location problems defined by gauges. In addition, he provides formulae of projections onto the epigraphs of gauges to solve these kinds of location problems numerically by using parallel splitting algorithms. Numerical comparisons of recent methods show the excellent performance of the proposed solving technique. ​About the Author: Dr. Oleg Wilfer received his PhD at the Faculty of Mathematics of Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany. He is currently working as a development engineer in the automotive industry.

Hilbert Projection Theorem

Book Description

What is Hilbert Projection Theorem In mathematics, the Hilbert projection theorem is a famous result of convex analysis that says that for every vector in a Hilbert space and every nonempty closed convex there exists a unique vector for which is minimized over the vectors ; that is, such that for every How you will benefit (I) Insights, and validations about the following topics: Chapter 1: Hilbert Projection Theorem Chapter 2: Banach space Chapter 3: Inner product space Chapter 4: Riesz representation theorem Chapter 5: Self-adjoint operator Chapter 6: Trace class Chapter 7: Operator (physics) Chapter 8: Hilbert space Chapter 9: Norm (mathematics) Chapter 10: Convex analysis (II) Answering the public top questions about hilbert projection theorem. (III) Real world examples for the usage of hilbert projection theorem in many fields. Who this book is for Professionals, undergraduate and graduate students, enthusiasts, hobbyists, and those who want to go beyond basic knowledge or information for any kind of Hilbert Projection Theorem.

A Mathematical View of Interior-point Methods in Convex Optimization

Book Description

Here is a book devoted to well-structured and thus efficiently solvable convex optimization problems, with emphasis on conic quadratic and semidefinite programming. The authors present the basic theory underlying these problems as well as their numerous applications in engineering, including synthesis of filters, Lyapunov stability analysis, and structural design. The authors also discuss the complexity issues and provide an overview of the basic theory of state-of-the-art polynomial time interior point methods for linear, conic quadratic, and semidefinite programming. The book's focus on well-structured convex problems in conic form allows for unified theoretical and algorithmical treatment of a wide spectrum of important optimization problems arising in applications.

Introductory Lectures on Convex Optimization

Book Description

It was in the middle of the 1980s, when the seminal paper by Kar markar opened a new epoch in nonlinear optimization. The importance of this paper, containing a new polynomial-time algorithm for linear op timization problems, was not only in its complexity bound. At that time, the most surprising feature of this algorithm was that the theoretical pre diction of its high efficiency was supported by excellent computational results. This unusual fact dramatically changed the style and direc tions of the research in nonlinear optimization. Thereafter it became more and more common that the new methods were provided with a complexity analysis, which was considered a better justification of their efficiency than computational experiments. In a new rapidly develop ing field, which got the name "polynomial-time interior-point methods", such a justification was obligatory. Afteralmost fifteen years of intensive research, the main results of this development started to appear in monographs [12, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19]. Approximately at that time the author was asked to prepare a new course on nonlinear optimization for graduate students. The idea was to create a course which would reflect the new developments in the field. Actually, this was a major challenge. At the time only the theory of interior-point methods for linear optimization was polished enough to be explained to students. The general theory of self-concordant functions had appeared in print only once in the form of research monograph [12].

Interior Point and Outer Approximation Methods for Conic Optimization

Book Description

Any convex optimization problem may be represented as a conic problem that minimizes a linear function over the intersection of an affine subspace with a convex cone. An advantage of representing convex problems in conic form is that, under certain regularity conditions, a conic problem has a simple and easily checkable certificate of optimality, primal infeasibility, or dual infeasibility. As a natural generalization of linear programming duality, conic duality allows us to design powerful algorithms for continuous and mixed-integer convex optimization. The main goal of this thesis is to improve the generality and practical performance of (i) interior point methods for continuous conic problems and (ii) outer approximation methods for mixed-integer conic problems. We implement our algorithms in extensible open source solvers accessible through the convenient modeling language JuMP. From around 50 applied examples, we formulate continuous and mixed-integer problems over two dozen different convex cone types, many of which are new. Our extensive computational experiments with these examples explore which algorithmic features and what types of equivalent conic formulations lead to the best performance.

Convex Analysis and Nonlinear Optimization

Book Description

Optimization is a rich and thriving mathematical discipline, and the underlying theory of current computational optimization techniques grows ever more sophisticated. This book aims to provide a concise, accessible account of convex analysis and its applications and extensions, for a broad audience. Each section concludes with an often extensive set of optional exercises. This new edition adds material on semismooth optimization, as well as several new proofs.

Convex Optimization & Euclidean Distance Geometry

Book Description

The study of Euclidean distance matrices (EDMs) fundamentally asks what can be known geometrically given onlydistance information between points in Euclidean space. Each point may represent simply locationor, abstractly, any entity expressible as a vector in finite-dimensional Euclidean space.The answer to the question posed is that very much can be known about the points;the mathematics of this combined study of geometry and optimization is rich and deep.Throughout we cite beacons of historical accomplishment.The application of EDMs has already proven invaluable in discerning biological molecular conformation.The emerging practice of localization in wireless sensor networks, the global positioning system (GPS), and distance-based pattern recognitionwill certainly simplify and benefit from this theory.We study the pervasive convex Euclidean bodies and their various representations.In particular, we make convex polyhedra, cones, and dual cones more visceral through illustration, andwe study the geometric relation of polyhedral cones to nonorthogonal bases biorthogonal expansion.We explain conversion between halfspace- and vertex-descriptions of convex cones,we provide formulae for determining dual cones,and we show how classic alternative systems of linear inequalities or linear matrix inequalities and optimality conditions can be explained by generalized inequalities in terms of convex cones and their duals.The conic analogue to linear independence, called conic independence, is introducedas a new tool in the study of classical cone theory; the logical next step in the progression:linear, affine, conic.Any convex optimization problem has geometric interpretation.This is a powerful attraction: the ability to visualize geometry of an optimization problem.We provide tools to make visualization easier.The concept of faces, extreme points, and extreme directions of convex Euclidean bodiesis explained here, crucial to understanding convex optimization.The convex cone of positive semidefinite matrices, in particular, is studied in depth.We mathematically interpret, for example,its inverse image under affine transformation, and we explainhow higher-rank subsets of its boundary united with its interior are convex.The Chapter on "Geometry of convex functions",observes analogies between convex sets and functions:The set of all vector-valued convex functions is a closed convex cone.Included among the examples in this chapter, we show how the real affinefunction relates to convex functions as the hyperplane relates to convex sets.Here, also, pertinent results formultidimensional convex functions are presented that are largely ignored in the literature;tricks and tips for determining their convexityand discerning their geometry, particularly with regard to matrix calculus which remains largely unsystematizedwhen compared with the traditional practice of ordinary calculus.Consequently, we collect some results of matrix differentiation in the appendices.The Euclidean distance matrix (EDM) is studied,its properties and relationship to both positive semidefinite and Gram matrices.We relate the EDM to the four classical axioms of the Euclidean metric;thereby, observing the existence of an infinity of axioms of the Euclidean metric beyondthe triangle inequality. We proceed byderiving the fifth Euclidean axiom and then explain why furthering this endeavoris inefficient because the ensuing criteria (while describing polyhedra)grow linearly in complexity and number.Some geometrical problems solvable via EDMs,EDM problems posed as convex optimization, and methods of solution arepresented;\eg, we generate a recognizable isotonic map of the United States usingonly comparative distance information (no distance information, only distance inequalities).We offer a new proof of the classic Schoenberg criterion, that determines whether a candidate matrix is an EDM. Our proofrelies on fundamental geometry; assuming, any EDM must correspond to a list of points contained in some polyhedron(possibly at its vertices) and vice versa.It is not widely known that the Schoenberg criterion implies nonnegativity of the EDM entries; proved here.We characterize the eigenvalues of an EDM matrix and then devisea polyhedral cone required for determining membership of a candidate matrix(in Cayley-Menger form) to the convex cone of Euclidean distance matrices (EDM cone); \ie,a candidate is an EDM if and only if its eigenspectrum belongs to a spectral cone for EDM^N.We will see spectral cones are not unique.In the chapter "EDM cone", we explain the geometric relationship betweenthe EDM cone, two positive semidefinite cones, and the elliptope.We illustrate geometric requirements, in particular, for projection of a candidate matrixon a positive semidefinite cone that establish its membership to the EDM cone. The faces of the EDM cone are described,but still open is the question whether all its faces are exposed as they are for the positive semidefinite cone.The classic Schoenberg criterion, relating EDM and positive semidefinite cones, isrevealed to be a discretized membership relation (a generalized inequality, a new Farkas''''''''-like lemma)between the EDM cone and its ordinary dual. A matrix criterion for membership to the dual EDM cone is derived thatis simpler than the Schoenberg criterion.We derive a new concise expression for the EDM cone and its dual involvingtwo subspaces and a positive semidefinite cone."Semidefinite programming" is reviewedwith particular attention to optimality conditionsof prototypical primal and dual conic programs,their interplay, and the perturbation method of rank reduction of optimal solutions(extant but not well-known).We show how to solve a ubiquitous platonic combinatorial optimization problem from linear algebra(the optimal Boolean solution x to Ax=b)via semidefinite program relaxation.A three-dimensional polyhedral analogue for the positive semidefinite cone of 3X3 symmetricmatrices is introduced; a tool for visualizing in 6 dimensions.In "EDM proximity"we explore methods of solution to a few fundamental and prevalentEuclidean distance matrix proximity problems; the problem of finding that Euclidean distance matrix closestto a given matrix in the Euclidean sense.We pay particular attention to the problem when compounded with rank minimization.We offer a new geometrical proof of a famous result discovered by Eckart \& Young in 1936 regarding Euclideanprojection of a point on a subset of the positive semidefinite cone comprising all positive semidefinite matriceshaving rank not exceeding a prescribed limit rho.We explain how this problem is transformed to a convex optimization for any rank rho.

Interior Point Methods for Linear Optimization

Book Description

The era of interior point methods (IPMs) was initiated by N. Karmarkar’s 1984 paper, which triggered turbulent research and reshaped almost all areas of optimization theory and computational practice. This book offers comprehensive coverage of IPMs. It details the main results of more than a decade of IPM research. Numerous exercises are provided to aid in understanding the material.