Overview of forest tenure reforms in Indonesia

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This working paper presents the status of forest tenure in contemporary Indonesia; it explores how forest tenure reforms emerge and the options for formal approaches to securing customary rights in Indonesia. It also presents an overview and analysis of Indonesia's legal and institutional framework for tenure reform. Forest tenure reforms in Indonesia have evolved through dynamic, interactive, collaborative processes that have involved both State and non-State institutions. Both the processes and the products (such as policies and programs) of forest tenure reforms in Indonesia, such as the 1999 reforms that resulted in social forestry schemes, have not been effectively implemented in Indonesia due to the: onerous process of obtaining a permit; lack of direction and motivation of staff within implementing agencies in supporting social forestry; limited capacity and resources among both communities and implementing agencies to comply with the technical requirements to process the permit; and macro-level economic prioritization of extractive activities that concentrate benefits in the corporate sector. Moreover, women and marginal members of indigenous peoples and local communities have been largely left out. However, recent developments such as Constitutional Court Ruling No. 35/2012 defined land and forests within customary territories as private entities, and not State land and forests. Furthermore, recent government initiatives for recognizing existing agroforestry practices within kawasan hutan by granting land title or bringing them under social forestry schemes are important developments that can help to resolve conflicts. Finally, the government's ambitious target of bringing 12.7 million ha of State forest area under community management, deregulation of some of the steps for obtaining a social forestry permit and the involvement of non-State actors in tenure reform processes have the potential to further strengthen local people's rights and security over land and forests, if properly supported and implemented.

Gender and forest tenure reform in Indonesia

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This Working Paper analyzes the gender dimensions of forest tenure and forest tenure reform in Indonesia. Data were derived from CIFOR's research on forest tenure reform at the national and provincial levels, focusing on the provinces of Lampung and Maluku. Additional data were taken from training workshops on gender and community-based forest tenure reform held at these two sites. The study forms part of CIFOR's Global Comparative Study on Forest Tenure Reform (https://www.cifor.org/gcs-tenure/).

What future direction for forest tenure reform implementation in Indonesia?

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Taken together, forest tenure reform implementation in Lampung and Maluku provinces capture key issues common across different settings in Indonesia, e.g. coordination among government actors, limited government budgets and uncertainty created by changing

Practitioners Handbook on Good Practice in Implementing Forest Tenure Reform

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This short handbook outlines the nature of the problems faced by government agency personnel in the implementation of tenure reforms and is aimed at supporting their understanding of the issues and helping overcome challenges. It provides an introduction to key concepts and problems||discusses the results of a survey presenting the perceptions of government practitioners on the prevalence and importance of these issues||and proposes some mitigation strategies.

Forest tenure reform implementation in Lampung province

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Key messages The future of forest tenure security for local forest dependent communities in Lampung province is linked to the effective implementation of social forestry (SF) programs, which granted communities management rights to state forests. If SF schemes are implementated effectively, the tenure rights of forest dependent communities will be assured.Participatory prospective analysis (PPA) by an expert group consisting of governmental and nongovernmental organization representatives, identified six key driving forces that will influence SF implementation in the next 10 years. These include:- the dynamics of SF regulations including regulation of forest product businesses- economic options created by communities to improve livelihoods- community tenure rights to forest resources- budgetary support from regional government- human resources capacities of implementating agents such as the Province Forestry Office, Forest Management Unit (FMU) and NGOs- the clarity of stakeholder roles including community awareness.The different scenarios, which describe plausible conditions of forest tenure reform implementation in Lampung, range from persistence of the status quo, where communities continue to have partial rights to state forests, to variations that include full ownership rights, complete withdrawal of community rights to forests, and the privileging of economic interests over environmental sustainability.The desired scenarios are associated with adequate budget allocations including dedicated budgets for implementation. Lack of coordination is a disadvantage and is characteristic of undesired scenarios. The capacity of implementing agents is also a key factor, especially their capacity to work with communities and to support them. Functional forest-based enterprises to support community livelihoods, which in turn provide strong incentives for sustainable forest management, are important. Taken together, the scenarios suggest that devolving SF implementation to the lowest unit, the FMU, is the best option. However, this should be accompanied by community empowerment, the allocation of adequate budgets and support and cooperation among all involved actors.The expert group developed an action plan for enhancing SF scheme implementation over the next 10 years. Strategies include enhancing budgetary support to the regional government, strengthening the role of the FMU, strengthening community tenure rights and enhancing local livelihoods. Key actions include supporting cross-sectoral coordination, developing PES systems to boost regional government revenues, increasing legal literacy at community level and community/participatory mapping of resources.The action plan will be integrated into Lampung Provincial Government's forestry development program and will guide Lampung's Social Forestry Working Group.Overall, the PPA method reveals that the implementation of SF programs is multi-faceted, capturing the diverse concerns and roles of different stakeholders. It also enhances the capacity of stakeholders to jointly analyse problems, to anticipate the future and to design current actions to mitigate future problems or enhance the likelihood of meeting desired objectives.

Forests for People

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Who has rights to forests and forest resources? In recent years governments in the South have transferred at least 200 million hectares of forests to communities living in and around them . This book assesses the experience of what appears to be a new international trend that has substantially increased the share of the world's forests under community administration. Based on research in over 30 communities in selected countries in Asia (India, Nepal, Philippines, Laos, Indonesia), Africa (Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Ghana) and Latin America (Bolivia, Brazil, Guatemala, Nicaragua), it examines the process and outcomes of granting new rights, assessing a variety of governance issues in implementation, access to forest products and markets and outcomes for people and forests . Forest tenure reforms have been highly varied, ranging from the titling of indigenous territories to the granting of small land areas for forest regeneration or the right to a share in timber revenues. While in many cases these rights have been significant, new statutory rights do not automatically result in rights in practice, and a variety of institutional weaknesses and policy distortions have limited the impacts of change. Through the comparison of selected cases, the chapters explore the nature of forest reform, the extent and meaning of rights transferred or recognized, and the role of authority and citizens' networks in forest governance. They also assess opportunities and obstacles associated with government regulations and markets for forest products and the effects across the cases on livelihoods, forest condition and equity. Published with CIFOR

Forest Resources Management in Indonesia (1968-2004)

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This book explores the forestry sector and its context, investigating the management of forest resources in Indonesia. It covers topics including forest fires, deforestation, water pollution, depletion of biodiversity, climate change and environmental damages. The book adopts a political economy approach, elaborating on the role of direct actors such as the central government, private companies and local governments, and the role of indirect actors. In addition, readers will discover anthropological and sociological perspectives through engagement with local communities such as the Kutai, Banjar and Rejang ethnic groups, Chinese trading communities, NGOs and Academics. Featuring interviews with 91 informants and participatory observations, the text draws on secondary literature to provide a comprehensive overview of the subject. This work is illustrated with figures, tables and maps and will be of particular interest to students and researchers of forest policies. It makes a valuable contribution to forest sciences and will also be useful to those in non-government organizations, politicians and business men with an interest in forest resources management, or a deeper interest in Indonesia.

Securing tenure rights in Maluku, Indonesia

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Key messages Participatory prospective analysis is an effective tool for strengthening the capacity of stakeholders including government agencies, NGOs, academia, private sector and community representatives in joint analysis and problem solving. It allows intense interaction among stakeholders, and helps to develop a common understanding of the current situation, to plan for the future and to begin to construct collective agreements around forest resource management.Experts view tenure security in a multi-dimensional way. It transcends the actual bundle of rights granted to include the institutions and processes deemed necessary for local rights to be exercised and guaranteed. For them, tenure security comprises governance dimensions that are embodied in implementation processes, as well as interventions that are anticipated to generate value/income from the rights that are held by communities.Key driving forces of local tenure security were identified as: regional governance, local government budgets, tourism potential, customary rights and institutions, strengthening the rights and voice of indigenous women, land conversion and spatial planning, local regulation, community knowledge, awareness and community empowerment.Five contrasting scenarios were developed by the expert group members. Each scenario captured their expectation of local community tenure security in the future given different combinations of eight factors that drive tenure security. One scenario was selected as best for future implementation. Based on the best scenario, an action plan for assuring local tenure rights was crafted through public consultation. This will be integrated with regional government programs.The favored scenarios emphasized good governance, collaboration, respect and recognition of customary rights and institutions, while the rejected scenarios exemplified situations that were under the exclusive control of dominant government or private sector actors.Taken together, these five scenarios, regardless of their desirability, point to the key issues in the ability of tenure reforms to achieve tenure security for local communities in Maluku. Important constraints on reform implementation include budget allocation, coordination, changes of policy and regulation, lack of spatial planning data and lack of recognition of customary rights. These factors are important for implementing forest reform and could provide a threat to tenure security.