Pacific Gas and Electric Company's Notice of Intention to Seek Certification for Geysers Unit 17 (78-NOI-3). Final Report

Book Description

The final findings of fact and conclusions of the Commission Committee are presented. The proposed project is described. A summary of the proceedings to date, and local, state, and federal government agency and public comments on the Preliminary Report are included. Site related issues covered emphasized air quality. Other topics included: noise, water quality, hydrology and water resources, biological resources, socio-economic factors, and cultural resources. Public health and safety considerations include: hydrogen sulfide hazards; radionuclides; ammonia, ammonium compounds, and sulfates; mercury; arsenic; boron; sulfur dioxide; and total suspended particulates. Other findings include those on erosion and seismicity. (MHR).

Final Report on the Pacific Gas and Electric Company's Notice of Intention to Seek Certification for Geysers Unit 17, 78-NOI-3

Book Description

Final findings and conclusions are presented on: conformity to the forecast of statewide and service area electric power demands; conformity of the proposed site and facility with applicable local, regional, state, and federal standard ordinances, and laws; and the safety and reliability of the facility. Also included is a proposed decision approving the notice, with conditions, for consideration by the full Commission. In addition, a description of the proposed project, a summary of the proceedings to date; local, state, and federal government agency comments on the Preliminary Report, and the Committee's view of those issues that require further consideration are included. (MHR).

Geothermal Energy Update

Book Description

Preliminary Report on the Pacific Gas and Electric Company's Notice of Intention to Seek Certification for Geysers Unit 16 (78-NOI-6).

Book Description

The preliminary findings of fact and conclusion adopted by the Commission Committee are presented. Also, a description of the proposed project, a summary of the proceedings to date, and local, state, and federal government agency comments on the proposal are included. Preliminary findings and conclusions are presented on: (a) conformity to the forecast of statewide and service area electric power demands; (b) the degree to which the proposed site and facility conform with applicable local, regional, state, and federal standards, ordinances and laws; (c) the safety and reliability of the facility; and (d) the relative merit of the proposed transmission line corridors. (MHR).