Palaeoecology of Africa and the Surrounding Islands

Book Description

These papers derive from a workshop on "Quaternary Sedimentary Records in Central Africa and their Palaeoenvironmental Interpretation", held at the 15th INQUA Congress. They mainly cover the Late Quaternary to Holocene climate and environmental history of today's rainforest regions.

Palaeoecology of Africa & of the Surrounding Islands & Antarctica

Book Description

Vol. 8 contains the proceedings of the International Council of Scientific Unions, Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research, Conference on Quaternary Studies held at ... Canberra ... 1972.

New Serial Titles

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Autour de la géographie Orientale, et au-delà

Book Description

Le Professeur Jacques Thiry a enseigne l'arabe et la critique historique de textes arabes medievaux a l'Universite Libre de Bruxelles jusqu'en 2005. Son domaine de recherche privilegie fut incontestablement l'histoire et la geographie de la region saharienne. A travers ce recueil, ses collegues orientalistes belges tentent de rendre hommage a son travail en lui offrant les resultats de leurs recherches. Le fil conducteur de cet ouvrage est la geographie, theme cher au professeur Jacques Thiry, mais d'autres sujets sont egalement abordes: la dialectologie et la philologie arabes, certains aspects de l'islam et meme l'histoire coloniale belge. Nous avons egalement tenu a rassembler autour de ce travail specialistes du monde arabo-musulman et specialistes de l'Orient ancien, temoignant ainsi de l'activite des orientalistes belges dans leur ensemble.

Wadi Teshuinat. Palaeoenvironment and Prehistory in South-Western Fezzan (Libyan Sahara). Survey and Excavations in Tadrart Acacus, Erg Uan Kasa, Messak Settafet an Edeyen of Murzuq 1990-1995 (CNR, Quaderni di Geodinamica Alpina e Quaternaria, Milano, 7)

Book Description

Il volume è relativo alla campagna archeologica condotta nel 2006 dall'Università La Sapienza’ di Roma e dal Dipartimento di Archeologia di Tripoli nel Sahara libico, nelle aree date in concessione ad ENI North Africa. La documentazione è affidata essenzialmente alle fotografie. Sono riportate, oltre a foto che illustrano le sequenze delle attività di scavo e i reperti ceramici e litici, numerose foto inedite di pitture ed incisioni rupestri. Il testo è in lingua inglese e costituisce il primo rapporto ufficiale sul rischio archeologico nelle aree nelle quali vengono compiute delle ricerche petrolifere. Survey and excavations in the Tadrart Acacus, Erg Uan Kasa, Messak Settafet and Edeyen of Murzuq, 1990-1995

Techniques in Archaeological Geology

Book Description

This 2nd edition is a survey level review of key areas of archaeological geology/geoarchaeology. Principal subject areas include: historical principles; archaeologic and geomorphic surfaces and landforms types; sediments and sediment analytic methods; archaeological stoney materials - petrographic and mineralogic attributes; ceramic materials - mineralogic composition and analytic methods; geochemical methods useful in archaeological geology - studies of materials; commonly used geochronological methods for archaeological geology. Contributions to paleoecology, paleoclimate and ancient cultures as well as multivariate ICP and EDX data are now included.