Palaeoecology of Africa, volume 14

Book Description

This reference provides up-to-date information on research in many different disciplines which give an overall insight into the environmental history of Africa.

Palaeoecology of Africa

Book Description

This volume contains 14 contributions on topics such as hydrology, palaeontology, pedology, sedimentology and glaciations, Holocene geomorphology, Plio/Pleistocene rift evolution in Sahara, Sahel, Kenya, Malawi & S Africa.

New Studies on Former and Recent Landscape Changes in Africa

Book Description

Volume 32 (2013) of the internationally recognized and acclaimed yearbook series ‘Palaeoecology of Africa’ publishes 9 new interdisciplinary scientific papers on former and recent landscape evolution and on past environments of the African continent (e.g. climate change, vegetation dynamics and growing impact of humans on ecosystems). These papers expand horizons and interconnections to various types and methodologies of research on environmental dynamics from the Pliocene up to the present: review articles and regional case studies cover Nigeria, Cameroon, selected areas of the Congo basin, Kenya, Malawi, Namibia and South Africa. This volume also gives space to researchers from Africa to present their findings to a wider international audience. Today, by growing awareness of the worldwide impact of Global Change, it has become obvious that aside of the northern and southern hemisphere Polar region also the environmental setting in Africa was subject to considerable changes over time. Natural shifts in climate at least since the Pliocene have caused repeated and strong modification in the area dynamics of ecosystems located in lower latitudes. By a variety of so-called ‘proxies’ – researched and applied by the different authors from numerous disciplines – an attempt is made to reconstruct the evolution of landscapes over space and time. Besides such spatio-temporal oscillations in forested and savanna areas of Africa this volume of ‘Palaeoecology of Africa’ also focuses on possible relationships between environmental change and human impact, also on the perception of this phenomenon of recent ‘climate changes’ by different stakeholders. This book will be of interest to all concerned with low latitudes ecosystem changes and their respective interpretation in the framework of natural climate and vegetation change evidenced by a variety of methods that allow us to read and learn from ‘proxy data’ archives. Archaeologists, Palynologists, Palaeobotanist, Geographers, Geologists and Geomorphologists will find this edition equally useful for their work.

Palaeoecology of Africa and the Surrounding Islands - Volume 26

Book Description

This volume offers comprehensive and up-to-date information on research in many different disciplines which give an overall insight into the environmental history of Africa.

Palaeoecology of Africa, volume 18

Book Description

This volume includes 32 contributions on topics such as climatology, oceanography, anthropology and archaeology.

Palaeoecology of Africa and the Surrounding Islands

Book Description

These papers derive from a workshop on "Quaternary Sedimentary Records in Central Africa and their Palaeoenvironmental Interpretation", held at the 15th INQUA Congress. They mainly cover the Late Quaternary to Holocene climate and environmental history of today's rainforest regions.

Palaeoecology of Africa & of the Surrounding Islands & Antarctica

Book Description

Vol. 8 contains the proceedings of the International Council of Scientific Unions, Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research, Conference on Quaternary Studies held at ... Canberra ... 1972.

Palaeoecology of Africa, volume 16

Book Description

This text gives an environmental history of Africa, concentrating on 30 contributions on oceans and ocean margins, the Sahara and West Africa.

Palaeoecology of Africa

Book Description

This text contains the proceedings of the VIIIth biennial conference, held in Bloemfontein.