Pamphlets Relating to Choral Music Performances in Minnesota

Book Description

The Minnesota Historical Society Pamphlet Collection contains announcements of and programs for choral performances of both sacred and secular music in communities outside of Minneapolis and St. Paul, including groups that performed in the Twin Cities in general. Choirs, choruses, choral associations, glee clubs, and groups of music students performed a variety of songs, choral works, oratorios, cantatas, and the like, sometimes interspersed with instrumental pieces. A few items pertain to the organizations themselves.

Pamphlets Relating to Choral Music Performances in Minneapolis

Book Description

The Minnesota Historical Society Pamphlet Collection contains announcements of and programs for choral performances in Minneapolis of both sacred and secular music by choirs, choruses, choral associations, glee clubs, and groups of music students. They performed a variety of songs, choral works, oratorios, cantatas, and the like, sometimes interspersed with instrumental pieces. A few items pertain to the organizations themselves. Includes a few performances by ethnic choral groups.

Pamphlets Relating to Choral Music Performances in Saint Paul

Book Description

The Minnesota Historical Society Pamphlet Collection contains announcements of and programs for choral performances in St. Paul of both sacred and secular music by choirs, choruses, choral associations, glee clubs, and groups of music students. They performed a variety of songs, choral works, oratorios, cantatas, and the like, sometimes interspersed with instrumental pieces. Handel's "Messiah" was frequently performed. A few items pertain to the organizations themselves. Includes a few performances by Swedish, Norwegian, and other ethnic choral groups.

Pamphlets Relating to Vocal Music Performances in Minnesota

Book Description

The Minnesota Historical Society Pamphlet Collection contains advertisements and programs for performances by individual singers, either alone or in programs featuring several singers; for performances by duos, trios, and quartets; and for mixed vocal and instrumental performances in which the principal vocalist received star billing. Most were held in Minneapolis or St. Paul, with a few from other Minnesota cities.

Pamphlets Relating to Concert Performances in Minnesota

Book Description

The Minnesota Historical Society Pamphlet Collection contains programs and advertisements for concerts performed in Minnesota. They include musical events that feature both vocal and instrumental performances; performances by members of, or under the auspices of, local musical groups; performances by touring groups; recitals and musicales, particularly by music pupils and instructors; and announcements of concert series or seasons, either by particular performers or music groups or at a specific venue. Some combine musical with recitative or dramatic performances. There are small separate groups of programs for performances sponsored by the St. Paul Musical Society (1873-1879) and Musical Club (1897-1898); by pupils and teachers of the MacPhail School of Music; and concerts given in the Flame Room at the Hotel Radisson in Minneapolis.

Pamphlets Relating to Performances of Religious Music in Minnesota

Book Description

The Minnesota Historical Society Pamphlet Collection contains programs and advertisements for concerts and other performance of sacred and religious music in Minnesota, mainly held in Minneapolis and St. Paul churches. There are several programs for the Medallion Artists Series of First Covenent Church, Minneapolis, which focuses on contemporary Christian music and lectures.

Pamphlets Relating to Chamber Music Performances in Minnesota

Book Description

The Minnesota Historical Society Pamphlet Collection contains advertisements and programs for performances of chamber music and by chamber music ensembles and string quartets. The majority were held in Minneapolis or St. Paul.

Pamphlets Relating to Performances of Popular, National, and Folk Music in Minnesota

Book Description

The Minnesota Historical Society Pamphlet Collection contains programs and advertisements for performances and performers of jazz, blues, country, rock, ethnic, "pops," and other styles of popular music, and of United States folk and patriotic music. Includes separate folders for the musical group Sorry Muthas and for programs of the City of Saint Paul Pop Concerts (1940s-1950s).

Pamphlets Relating to Women's Music in Minnesota

Book Description

The Minnesota Historical Society Pamphlet Collection contains pamphlets and printed ephemera relating to organizations for women composers and musicians; to performances of musical works produced by and for women; and to woman-owned concert production companies.

Pamphlets Relating to Music Festivals in Minnesota

Book Description

The Minnesota Historical Society Pamphlet Collection contains advertisements and programs for performances specifically billed as music festivals, "music weeks," and the like, including sangerfests and other ethnic music festivals and those devoted to the works of a single composer.