Status of Panchayati Raj in the States of India, 1994

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Contributed articles on socio-economic profiles, historical evolution and functions of Panchayati Raj.

Panchayati Raj Institutions

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Study with special reference to Dindigul District of Tamil Nadu, India.

Panchayati Raj In Action

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The enactment of the 73rd Constitution Amendment Act, 1992 has brought to frontline the significance of Pachayati Raj System. Based on the framework provided in the Amendment, the State Governments initiated measures and gave shape to the concept of local governance through legislations and rules. The successful implementation of the constitutional amendment, State legislations and rules determine the overall functioning of PRIs. The functioning of PRIs has thrown up many issues and problems. In this book an attempts is made to discuss these issues and problems. The book covers a broad spectrum of Panchayati Raj System organizational structure, powers, functions, personnel, finance and overall performance. The book will be useful to students, research scholars, and teachers of Political Science and Public Administration and to policy makers, bureaucrats, social activists and all those concerned with democratic decentralization.

Panchayati Raj & Rural Development: Policy, Practice & Implication

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This book establishes a link between the Panchayati Raj and Rural Development. Panchayati Raj being people-centric institutions promotes quality of life of the people living in the rural areas. India is a home of villages where a large chunk of population lives whereas Panchayati Raj is a hearth of governance and development in rural areas. Government has assigned developmental tasks to Panchayati Raj bodies by involving people and their representatives. The goal of Panchayati Raj Institutions and Rural Development Schemes are interlined which focus on resolving issues of the people and take care of development. Government of India, through its legislations, empowers elected representatives of Panchayati Raj Institutions to share their responsibilities in developmental process and promotes services to the local people. This book covers strategy and evolution of Panchayati Raj system and effectiveness of centrally sponsored schemes. This book is useful for the functionaries of Panchayati Raj and Rural Development, students of Political Science, Rural Development Management, Scholars of M.Phil., & Ph.D., Development Agents, Social Activists, Students of different competitive examinations, etc. This book comprises important themes of Panchayati Raj and Rural Development which fulfills expectation of the readers.

New Panchayati Raj in Action

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Roads to Model Panchayati Raj

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Dr. Vaibhav Uniyal, LL.M., PhD. (Law) Assistant Professor, Law College Dehradun, Uttaranchal University Dr. Vaibhav Uniyal, LL.M., PhD. (Law) is Assistant Professor at Law College Dehradun, Uttaranchal University. Dr. Vaibhav Uniyal received his elementary education in Riverdale High School, Dehradun and completed his secondary education from Marshall School, Dehradun. Post-secondary education, he completed his BSC form Graphic Era University Dehradun and LL.B. and LL.M. both from Law College Dehradun (HNB Garhwal University and Uttaranchal University) respectively. He accomplished his Ph.D. from Uttaranchal University under the supervision of Prof. Rajesh Bahuguna on the topic ‘Panchayat Raj in India: A Study in The Light of The Constitution (seventy third amendment) Act, 1992 with special reference to The State of Uttarakhand.’ He specializes in Constitutional Law and Administrative Law. With 12 research papers published in National and International journals, he has been working as an Assistant Professor at Law College Dehradun, Uttaranchal University Dehradun. Prof. Rajesh Bahuguna, LL.M., NET, PhD. (Law) Dean, Law College Dehradun & Pro Vice Chancellor, Uttaranchal University Prof. Rajesh Bahuguna, LL.M., NET, PhD. (Law) is Dean at Law College Dehradun & Pro Vice Chancellor, Uttaranchal University. Dr. Rajesh Bahuguna did his LL.B. and LL.M. both from Jai Narayan Vyas Jodhpur University. He accomplished his Ph.D. from Kurukshetra University on the topic ‘Alternative Dispute Resolution system in India.’ He specializes in Constitutional Law and Alternative Dispute Resolution. He has more than 42 years of working experience which include 15 years service in prestigious Indian Air Force and the residue is his teaching, research as well as administrative experience. He is one of the founder faculty members of Law College Dehradun, established on 1st August, 2002. He took over the position of Principal on 1st August, 2005. He is also the Chief Editor of Dehradun Law Review and LCD Newsletter. A renowned face in legal academia of the state, he is a Member of more less than 14 top ranked institutions related to Law. Prof. (Dr.) Rajesh Bahuguna is a recipient of numerous Awards and Appreciations, most noteworthy being, from His Excellency Governor of Uttarakhand. He has supervised 8 PhD students. With more than 20 National and International publications to his name Dr. Rajesh Bahuguna has also successfully completed a project of MNRE.