Papers of the sixth Algonquian Conference, 1974

Book Description

The Sixth Algonquian Conference was held in Ottawa, October 4-6, 1974. It was an inter-disciplinary conference embracing archaeology, history, ethnography and linguistics, and this collection comprises most of the papers presented.

Canadian Ethnology Society: Papers from the sixth annual congress, 1979

Book Description

Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Congress of the Canadian Ethnology Society (1979) with contributed papers ranging in topic from semiology to the seventeenth century Iroquois wars to Japanese ghost stories.

Chipewyan marriage

Book Description

A study of the kinship terms used by the Mission Chipewyan and the social ramifications that result from their basis on relative age and genealogical position, the confusion surrounding kindred and hunting unit functions, and the implications of marriage. Published in English.

Solstice-aligned boulder configurations in Saskatchewan

Book Description

Of eleven Saskatchewan boulder configurations examined by the authors, three were found to correlate to astronomical phenomena. Although a search for local oral traditions which might explain these associations proved largely fruitless, there was some evidence that the configurations may have functioned as memorials to dead chiefs and as year-beginning markers for past calendar keepers.

Eight Inuit myths / Inuit unipkaaqtuat pingasuniarvinilit

Book Description

Literary and morphemic translations of eight Nassilingmiut (Central Arctic Inuit) myths are provided.

Neighbors and intruders

Book Description

The first comprehensive overview of the Native peoples residing in the Hudson’s River area since E. M. Ruttenber’s History of the Indian Tribes of Hudson’s River (1872), this volume utilizes data from a variety of sources including archaeology, historical documents, and linguistic analyses.

North-West River (Sheshatshit) Montagnais :a grammatical sketch

Book Description

This work outlines the grammatical categories and inflections, both nominal and verbal, of the Montagnais dialect of North-West River, Labrador. The phonological system of the dialect is briefly sketched and, although the present work does not treat the derivational aspects of Montagnais morphology, certain very common derivational forms are included. A survey of the chief sentence types of the North-West River Montagnais is provided.

After Columbus

Book Description

This volume comprises a new collection of essays--four previously unpublished--by James Axtell, author of the acclaimed The European and the Indian and The Invasion Within: The Contest of Cultures in Colonial North America, and the foremost contemporary authority on Indian-European relations in Colonial North America. Arguing that moral judgements have a legitimate place in the writing of history, Axtell scrutinizes the actions of various European invaders--missionaries, traders, soldiers, and ordinary settlers--in the sixteenth century. Focusing on the interactions of Spanish, French, and English colonists with American Indians over the eastern half of the United States, he examines what the history of colonial America might have looked like had the New World truly been a "virgin land," devoid of Indians.