Time for God

Book Description

Many people today are thirsty for God and feel a desire for an intense, personal prayer life that is deep and ongoing. But they encounter obstacles that prevent them from following the path seriously, and especially from persevering on it. Time for God was written with these desires and difficulties in mind. In Time for God, author Jacques Philippe mainly concentrates on mental prayer: prayer that consists of facing God in solitude and silence for a time in order to enter into intimate, loving communion with him. Practicing this kind of prayer regularly is considered by all spiritual masters to be an indispensable path that gives access to genuine Christian life—a path to knowing and loving God that empowers us to respond to his call to holiness addressed to each individual. Philippe draws on years of experience as a spiritual guide to illuminate the fundamental principles of mental prayer and describes some common mistakes and misconceptions that can lead it astray. With simplicity and clarity he explains the foundational principles for a healthy prayer life and gives advice for overcoming the various obstacles that arise when one sets off on the path of interior prayer.

Exultación expositiva

Book Description

La predicación cristiana es un medio designado por Dios para transformar a sus oyentes tanto en la mente como en el corazón. Con ejemplos claros de métodos específicos, Piper muestra a los predicadores cómo y qué comunicar desde el púlpito de una manera que toma en serio la tarea de manejar la Palabra de Dios semana tras semana en el contexto de, y como, la adoración cristiana. Christian preaching is a God-appointed means of transforming its hearers in both head and heart. With clear examples of specific methods, Piper shows preachers how and what to communicate from the pulpit in a way that takes seriously the task of handling the word of God week in and week out in the context of, and as, Christian worship.

Buscando la Verdad (Searching for Truth)

Book Description

Este libro es un viaje penetrante, emocionante y decisivo en busca de la verdad divina en cuanto al Creador, la religión, la iglesia y su organización, y el plan de salvación. Acompañe al presentador mientras responde preguntas espiritualmente vitales.

The Mindful Catholic

Book Description

Whether we are carrying out routine life behaviors, trying to pray, or conversing with others, the way our minds work significantly impacts how well we function. But many times we may feel like our mind has a mind of its own. -- You fall into bed exhausted at the end of the day, craving a good night's sleep, only to have your mind race in a million directions. -- Prayer is an exercise in futility, full of distractions and wandering thoughts. -- In the midst of a conversation, you suddenly realize you haven't heard a word the other person has said.-- You arrive at a destination with no recollection of how you got there. These all-too-common occurrences are examples of of how our minds can seem to be completely out of our control. We end up merely going through the motions day after day, feeling anxious and preoccupied. But it doesn't have to be that way. Dr. Greg Bottaro explains how mindfulness can help us become aware of the present moment and accept it. Catholic mindfulness is a way to practically trust God more in our lives. Instead of separating faith from day-to-day life, mindfulness helps bridge the gap so we can feel the sense of safety and peace God intends us to have. Following the simple exercises in this book, you'll discover how mindfulness can help you be more present to everything in your life from a trip to the grocery store or relaxing with friends to listening more attentively to a homily or meditating on the mysteries of the Rosary.

El camino para encontrar un propósito en la vida

Book Description

El autor nos propone que encontremos y mantengamos un propósito en la vida, puesto que perseguir una meta es un factor que da significado al acto de vivir. Aquí se revelan las claves para encontrar este camino y para poderlo mantener a lo largo de la existencia.

When Godly People Do Ungodly Things

Book Description

Based on her experiences and studies, Moore reveals the common denominator of those who are in danger of being seduced by Satan, and presents a guide to authentic repentance and restoration.

La L—gica de la Verdad Divin

Book Description

Shades of Gray

Book Description

SHADES OF GRAY-INTO THE LIGHT is a journey. A collection of stories told in poetic verse and prose of the layers of the human spirit. Stories of life and love and joys and sorrows chronicled by dates in random order taken from events in life. Stories of fact and fiction beginning in DARKSHADES before migrating through the MEDIUMSHADES of life into the eventuality of LIGHTSHADES where hope alwayssprings eternalwhen willing souls refuse to give into anything less than they deserve. SHADES of GRAY-INTO THE LIGHT is a story of change! A story of facing challenges head on that we sometimescreate ourselves as life hands them to usallowing us to make the choices that dictate where our lives willgo. We stand on the threshfold of change where hopes rewards are but a few steps away as long as we dare to dream!


Book Description

Por lo que nosotros conocemos, podemos decir que corresponde a México, el mérito de haber sido el primer país latinoamericano en donde se expusiera, por primera vez, la Filosofía Fenomenológica. Fue allá, en el año de 1927, cuando hice la exposición de la Fenomenología así como el Neokantismo, el Existencialismo de Heidegger y sus antecedentes y la Teoría de los Valores, especialmente de Max Scheler, en mis cátedras de Epistemología analítica y de Metafísica en la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, dependiente de la Universidad Nacional de México. - Dr. Adalberto Garcia de Mendoza