Paracelsus's Theory of Embodiment

Book Description

Paracelsus has been called the father of modern chemistry and is legendary for his treatment of syphilis. This work argues that Paracelsus developed an understanding of the body as composed of two distinct sexes, revolutionizing early modern conceptions of the female body as an inversion of or flawed approximation of the male body.

Paracelsus's Theory of Embodiment

Book Description

Paracelsus has been called the father of modern chemistry and is legendary for his treatment of syphilis. This work argues that Paracelsus developed an understanding of the body as composed of two distinct sexes, revolutionizing early modern conceptions of the female body as an inversion of or flawed approximation of the male body.

Magic Into Science

Book Description

PREFACE. THE Author of this very practical treatise on Scotch Loch - Fishing desires clearly that it may be of use to all who had it. He does not pretend to have written anything new, but to have attempted to put what he has to say in as readable a form as possible. Everything in the way of the history and habits of fish has been studiously avoided, and technicalities have been used as sparingly as possible. The writing of this book has afforded him pleasure in his leisure moments, and that pleasure would be much increased if he knew that the perusal of it would create any bond of sympathy between himself and the angling community in general. This section is interleaved with blank shects for the readers notes. The Author need hardly say that any suggestions addressed to the case of the publishers, will meet with consideration in a future edition. We do not pretend to write or enlarge upon a new subject. Much has been said and written-and well said and written too on the art of fishing but loch-fishing has been rather looked upon as a second-rate performance, and to dispel this idea is one of the objects for which this present treatise has been written. Far be it from us to say anything against fishing, lawfully practised in any form but many pent up in our large towns will bear us out when me say that, on the whole, a days loch-fishing is the most convenient. One great matter is, that the loch-fisher is depend- ent on nothing but enough wind to curl the water, -and on a large loch it is very seldom that a dead calm prevails all day, -and can make his arrangements for a day, weeks beforehand whereas the stream- fisher is dependent for a good take on the state of the water and however pleasant and easy it may be for one living near the banks of a good trout stream or river, it is quite another matter to arrange for a days river-fishing, if one is looking forward to a holiday at a date some weeks ahead. Providence may favour the expectant angler with a good day, and the water in order but experience has taught most of us that the good days are in the minority, and that, as is the case with our rapid running streams, -such as many of our northern streams are, -the water is either too large or too small, unless, as previously remarked, you live near at hand, and can catch it at its best. A common belief in regard to loch-fishing is, that the tyro and the experienced angler have nearly the same chance in fishing, -the one from the stern and the other from the bow of the same boat. Of all the absurd beliefs as to loch-fishing, this is one of the most absurd. Try it. Give the tyro either end of the boat he likes give him a cast of ally flies he may fancy, or even a cast similar to those which a crack may be using and if he catches one for every three the other has, he may consider himself very lucky. Of course there are lochs where the fish are not abundant, and a beginner may come across as many as an older fisher but we speak of lochs where there are fish to be caught, and where each has a fair chance. Again, it is said that the boatman has as much to do with catching trout in a loch as the angler. Well, we dont deny that. In an untried loch it is necessary to have the guidance of a good boatman but the same argument holds good as to stream-fishing...

Theophrastus Bombastus Von Hohenheim Called Paracelsus

Book Description

"PROFESSOR STILLMAN explains the apparent mysticism of much of the teaching of Paracelsus by the fact that his great aim was to break the bonds of tradition and dogma by which medicine was held enchained, which he thought could only be done by the "Light of Nature" which included not only the study of natural objects by means of our hands and eyes but also the influence of the stars and other agencies usually regarded in his time as supernatural upon the life and health of man. The science of medicine rested according to Paracelsus on four pillars, philosophy (in which he included natural philosophy), astronomy (which included astrology), alchemy (meaning chemistry), and virtue (or righteousness). Instead of the four Aristotelian elements, earth, air, water, and fire, Paracelsus taught that there were three elements-mercury, the principle of liquidity or volatility; sulphur, the principle of combustibility; and salt, that principle which is permanent and resists the action of fire. Paracelsus attempted, as the ancients, to find an accordance between the macrocosm or universe, and the microcosm or man. Thus the macrocosm consisted of three worlds, the visible and tangible; the astral (or sidereal), the world of the heavenly bodies; and the celestial, or the divine and spiritual. Man, the microcosm, consisted of three corresponding spheres, the visible and tangible, that is, the fluids, organs, bones, etc.; the astral, the sensations, seeing, feeling, perception; and the celestial, the soul. "Stillman gives a most excellent exposition of the Paracelsian theory of disease, the five entities or "ens" which influence the health of man, and the "archaei" which situated in the various organs act as their directing force and regulate their functions. Paracelsus was a great believer in the healing power of nature: "In nature's battle against disease the physician is but the helper, who furnishes nature with weapons, the apothecary is but the smith who forges them. The business of the physician is therefore to give to nature what she needs for her battle-Nature is the physician." "Paracelsus strove to reform the medicine of his day but his efforts were marred by the arrogance with which he behaved. Some of his pages read like the compositions of a paranoiac. He heaps abusive epithets on the ancients as well as on his contemporaries, and continually asserts the vast extent of his knowledge over theirs. "Professor Stillman ranks very high the chemical achievements of Paracelsus, not so much for any epoch-making discovery as for their general importance in the introduction of chemical substances and methods into more general use: "By pointing out a rational and promising field for chemical activity and by his own successful application of chemically prepared remedies he inaugurated a movement which has continued without interruption and with increasing importance to the present day." The contributions of Paracelsus to practical medicine and surgery were quite considerable. He wrote much on syphilis and was the first to state that it might be inherited. He is said to have been the first to point out the relationship between cretinism and goiter. Instead of the customary treatment of wounds with plasters or poultices, he said: "Every wound heals itself if it is only kept clean." He advocated cleanliness, protection from dirt and "external enemies," and the regulation of the diet. "Professor Stillman's book contains a number of interesting illustrations. By those who have studied the life and writings of Paracelsus, it will be esteemed as a useful contribution to the literature. By those who have been awed by the difficulties in the way of a correct understanding of the character and work of this enigmatical being the book should be read, and we feel sure that by it they will be stimulated to further effort." -Annals of Medical History, Volume 3

Anna Zieglerin and the Lion's Blood

Book Description

In 1573, the alchemist Anna Zieglerin gave her patron, the Duke of Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel, the recipe for an extraordinary substance she called the lion's blood. She claimed that this golden oil could stimulate the growth of plants, create gemstones, transform lead into the coveted philosophers' stone—and would serve a critical role in preparing for the Last Days. Boldly envisioning herself as a Protestant Virgin Mary, Anna proposed that the lion's blood, paired with her own body, could even generate life, repopulating and redeeming the corrupt world in its final moments. In Anna Zieglerin and the Lion's Blood, Tara Nummedal reconstructs the extraordinary career and historical afterlife of alchemist, courtier, and prophet Anna Zieglerin. She situates Anna's story within the wider frameworks of Reformation Germany's religious, political, and military battles; the rising influence of alchemy; the role of apocalyptic eschatology; and the position of women within these contexts. Together with her husband, the jester Heinrich Schombach, and their companion and fellow alchemist Philipp Sommering, Anna promised her patrons at the court of Wolfenbüttel spiritual salvation and material profit. But her compelling vision brought with it another, darker possibility: rather than granting her patrons wealth or redemption, Anna's alchemical gifts might instead lead to war, disgrace, and destruction. By 1575, three years after Anna's arrival at court, her enemies had succeeded in turning her from holy alchemist into poisoner and sorceress, culminating in Anna's arrest, torture, and public execution. In her own life, Anna was a master of self-fashioning; in the centuries since her death, her story has been continually refashioned, making her a fitting emblem for each new age. Interweaving the history of science, gender, religion, and politics, Nummedal recounts how one resourceful woman's alchemical schemes touched some of the most consequential matters in Reformation Germany.

The Devil's Doctor

Book Description

Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombast von Hohenheim, who called himself Paracelsus, stands at the cusp of medieval and modern times. A contemporary of Luther, an enemy of the medical establishment, a scourge of the universities, an alchemist, an army surgeon, and a radical theologian, he attracted myths even before he died. His fantastic journeys across Europe and beyond were said to be made on a magical white horse, and he was rumored to carry the elixir of life in the pommel of his great broadsword. His name was linked with Faust, who bargained with the devil. Who was the man behind these stories? Some have accused him of being a charlatan, a windbag who filled his books with wild speculations and invented words. Others claim him as the father of modern medicine. Philip Ball exposes a more complex truth in The Devil's Doctor—one that emerges only by entering into Paracelsus's time. He explores the intellectual, political, and religious undercurrents of the sixteenth century and looks at how doctors really practiced, at how people traveled, and at how wars were fought. For Paracelsus was a product of an age of change and strife, of renaissance and reformation. And yet by uniting the diverse disciplines of medicine, biology, and alchemy, he assisted, almost in spite of himself, in the birth of science and the emergence of the age of rationalism. "Ball produces a vibrant, original portrait of a man of contradictions:" - Publishers Weekly

Embodied Cognition and Shakespeare's Theatre

Book Description

This collection considers issues that have emerged in Early Modern Studies in the past fifteen years relating to understandings of mind and body in Shakespeare’s world. Informed by The Body in Parts, the essays in this book respond also to the notion of an early modern ‘body-mind’ in which Shakespeare and his contemporaries are understood in terms of bodily parts and cognitive processes. What might the impact of such understandings be on our picture of Shakespeare’s theatre or on our histories of the early modern period, broadly speaking? This book provides a wide range of approaches to this challenge, covering histories of cognition, studies of early modern stage practices, textual studies, and historical phenomenology, as well as new cultural histories by some of the key proponents of this approach at the present time. Because of the breadth of material covered, full weight is given to issues that are hotly debated at the present time within Shakespeare Studies: presentist scholarship is presented alongside more historically-focused studies, for example, and phenomenological studies of material culture are included along with close readings of texts. What the contributors have in common is a refusal to read the work of Shakespeare and his contemporaries either psychologically or materially; instead, these essays address a willingness to study early modern phenomena (like the Elizabethan stage) as manifesting an early modern belief in the embodiment of cognition.

The Complete Plays of Robert Browning

Book Description

Pippa Passes is a verse drama, which was dedicated to Thomas Noon Talfourd, who had recently attained fame as the author of the tragedy Ion. The author described the work as "the first of a series of dramatic pieces." King Victor and King Charles was the second play written by Robert Browning for the stage. The subject of the play is the strange incident in 1730–32 in the Kingdom of Sardinia in which the elderly king, Victor Amadeus II, first abdicated in favour of his son Charles Emmanuel III, and then after months of ever-increasing complaints unexpectedly demanded to be restored. He was imprisoned until his death a year later. Browning's treatment is based on 18th century sources which cast Victor as deliberately deceptive, but he goes further to create a secret history in which Charles is exonerated from all charges of cruelty. The play is in four acts and has only four main characters: Victor, Charles, Charles's wife Polyxena, and the minister D'Ormea. Contents: Introduction: Robert Browning by G. K. Chesterton Plays: Paracelsus Strafford Bells and Pomegranates No. I: Pippa Passes Bells and Pomegranates No. II: King Victor and King Charles Bells and Pomegranates No. IV: The Return of the Druses Bells and Pomegranates No. V: A Blot in the 'scutcheon Bells and Pomegranates No. VI: Colombe's Birthday Bells and Pomegranates No. VIII: Luria and a Soul's Tragedy Herakles The Agamemnon of Aeschylus Robert Browning (1812 – 1889) was an English poet and playwright whose mastery of dramatic verse, and in particular the dramatic monologue, made him one of the foremost Victorian poets.

Paracelsus (Theophrastus Bombastus Von Hohenheim, 1493-1541)

Book Description

Drawing upon Huser's 1589 publication of Paracelsus' works, this dual-language volume combines a critical edition of Essential Theoretical Writings on philosophy, medicine, nature, and the supernatural, with new English translations and extensive commentary on the second largest sixteenth-century German-language corpus.

The Embodiment of Reason

Book Description

Commentators on the work of Immanuel Kant have long held that his later "critical" writings are a radical rejection of his earlier, less celebrated efforts. In this pathbreaking book, Susan Shell demonstrates not only the developmental unity of Kant's individual writings, but also the unity of his work and life experience. Shell argues that the central animating issues of Kant's lifework concerned the perplexing relation of spirit to body. Through an exacting analysis of individual writings, Shell maps the philosophical contours of Kant's early intellectual struggles and their relation to his more mature thought. The paradox of mind in matter and the tensions it generates—between freedom and determinacy, independence and community, ideal and real—are shown to inform the whole of his work. Shell's fresh, penetrating analysis of the precritical works will surely catapult them to new prominence in Kant studies. Shell's critique goes further to consider the context of contemporary intellectual life. She explores the fascinating realm of Kant's sexual and medical idiosyncracies, linking them to the primary concerns of his critical philosophy. She develops a sure-to-be controversial treatment of the connection between Kant's philosophy and his chronic hypochondria, and illuminates previously unforeseen connections in a remarkable convergence of life and thought, with important theoretical and practical implications for modern times.