Derechos humanos y transformación política en contextos de violencia

Book Description

Análisis crítico con un enfoque multidisciplinario, único hasta ahora en México, de las oportunidades y desafíos de los derechos humanos. Los autores aquí reunidos analizan los derechos humanos como una práctica social que se realiza en medio de relaciones asimétricas de poder, en el marco del ya convulsionado siglo xxi. Pensados como un discurso que se convierte en práctica social y en campo de disputa para la definición de significados, los derechos humanos pueden generar marcos de oportunidad para la transformación político-social pero, también, pueden constituir un obstáculo para el cambio y la construcción de subjetividades emancipadas.

Latin America

Book Description

The 21st century Latin American developmental welfare state model is based on a new public-private alliance, where state-led developmental social policy relies for its implementation mainly on proactive, emerging regional entrepreneurs and a growing middle class. This volume illustrates where innovative development strategy may be in the making.

Comunicación política y gobierno de coalición

Book Description

La presente obra analiza, desde el punto de vista teórico y práctico, la problemática que presenta la comunicación de los gobiernos de coalición. No en vano, el fenómeno coalicional ha ido adquiriendo un interés creciente, especialmente tras los cambios experimentados por el sistema de partidos y la irrupción de gobiernos de signo plural. En este contexto, cobran relieve las pautas de funcionamiento interno acordadas y, en especial, la comunicación política. Sin duda, los partidos coaligados deben priorizar la elaboración de planes que permitan relacionar el gobierno con la sociedad, y asegurar una buena sintonía entre la emisión y recepción de los mensajes por parte de las bases electorales. De ahí que la profesionalizaciónestratégica de las estructuras comunicativas de los ejecutivos o un buen manejo de las nuevas tecnologías coadyuve a que estos gobiernos sean más creíbles, duraderos y gocen de mayor reputación.

Decadent Developmentalism

Book Description

Complementarities between political and economic institutions have kept Brazil in a low-level economic equilibrium since 1985.

Brazilian Foreign Policy in Changing Times

Book Description

Brazilian Foreign Policy in Changing Times contributes both empirically and theoretically to the study of international relations. The book illuminates Brazilian foreign policy in the democratic era, a subject scarcely touched on elsewhere. This book also offers a new conceptualization of the debate on the path to an autonomous foreign policy.

The Challenges for Building Regional Integration in the Global South

Book Description

This book analyzes regional integration in South America with a focus on the Mercosur and Brazilian foreign policy from the 1990s. It reviews the history of the Mercosur and identifies the results achieved by the bloc, as well as the causes of difficulties and the reasons for stalemates over nearly 30 years of its existence. The authors identify the complex interrelation between domestic and foreign factors that have shaped Brazilian foreign policy. From 1991 onwards, relations between Latin American countries have changed while the Mercosur developed from a free trade area to a customs union. While intrabloc trade grew, there were huge difficulties in the form of regional institutional affirmation and cooperation. This history is of the utmost importance to understanding regionalism and politics in Latin America. The book therefore has two interrelated analytical dimensions: namely, focus on ideas and identity; and behavior, actions, and economic and political interests. This very topical book is of interest for researchers and students of Brazilian foreign policy and those of Latin American and/or Mercosur countries. Particularly, readers interested in regionalism will find important theoretical and empirical elements in this book, as well as discussions necessary for comprehending the role of big, emerging countries, and the potential and limits to their international role.

The Politics of Political Science

Book Description

In this thought-provoking book, Paulo Ravecca presents a series of interlocking studies on the politics of political science in the Americas. Focusing mainly on the cases of Chile and Uruguay, Ravecca employs different strands of critical theory to challenge the mainstream narrative about the development of the discipline in the region, emphasizing its ideological aspects and demonstrating how the discipline itself has been shaped by power relations. Ravecca metaphorically charts the (non-linear) transit from “cold” to “warm” to “hot” intellectual temperatures to illustrate his—alternative—narrative. Beginning with a detailed quantitative study of three regional academic journals, moving to the analysis of the role of subjectivity (and political trauma) in academia and its discourse in relation to the dictatorships in Chile and Uruguay, and arriving finally at an intimate meditation on the experience of being a queer scholar in the Latin American academy of the 21st century, Ravecca guides his readers through differing explorations, languages, and methods. The Politics of Political Science: Re-Writing Latin American Experiences offers an essential reflection on both the relationship between knowledges and politics and the political and ethical role of the scholar today, demonstrating how the study of the politics of knowledge deepens our understanding of the politics of our times.

International Security and Democracy

Book Description

Dominguez has drawn together fifteen leading scholars on international relations and comparative politics from Latin America, the Caribbean, and the United States, thus bringing to bear varying national perspectives from several corners of the hemisphere to analyze the intersection between regional security issues and the democracy building process in Latin America.

Routledge Handbook of Brazilian Politics

Book Description

With contributions from leading international scholars, this Handbook offers the most rigorous and up-to-date analyses of virtually every aspect of Brazilian politics, including inequality, environmental politics, foreign policy, economic policy making, social policy, and human rights. The Handbook is divided into three major sections: Part 1 focuses on mass behavior, while Part 2 moves to representation, and Part 3 treats political economy and policy. The Handbook proffers five chapters on mass politics, focusing on corruption, participation, gender, race, and religion; three chapters on civil society, assessing social movements, grass-roots participation, and lobbying; seven chapters focusing on money and campaigns, federalism, retrospective voting, partisanship, ideology, the political right, and negative partisanship; five chapters on coalitional presidentialism, participatory institutions, judicial politics, and the political character of the bureaucracy, and eight chapters on inequality, the environment, foreign policy, economic and industrial policy, social programs, and human rights. This Handbook is an essential resource for students, researchers, and all those looking to understand contemporary Brazilian politics.

Foreign Policy and Political Regime

Book Description

No livro são analisadas as vinculações entre a alternância de regimes políticos e a formulação e a implementação da política externa. Além de estudos teóricos sobre o assunto, o livro publica análises inéditas sobre os casos do Brasil, EUA, França, Rússia, África do Sul, Argentina, Chile e outros, em perspectiva comparada.