Paradise Lost (English French Edition Illustrated)

Book Description

Milton's story has two narrative arcs, one about Satan (Lucifer) and the other following Adam and Eve. It begins after Satan and the other rebel angels have been defeated and banished to Hell, or, as it is also called in the poem, Tartarus. In Pandæmonium, the capital city of Hell, Satan employs his rhetorical skill to organize his followers; he is aided by Mammon and Beelzebub. Belial and Moloch are also present. At the end of the debate, Satan volunteers to corrupt the newly created Earth and God's new and most favoured creation, Mankind. He braves the dangers of the Abyss alone in a manner reminiscent of Odysseus or Aeneas. After an arduous traversal of the Chaos outside Hell, he enters God's new material World, and later the Garden of Eden. Lucifer, l'ange déchu, vient d'être vaincu par les armées divines. Avec son armée, il s'apprête à relancer une attaque contre le Ciel lorsqu'il entend parler d'une prophétie : une nouvelle espèce de créatures doit être formée par le Ciel. Il décide alors de partir seul en expédition. Sorti de l'enfer, il s'aventure dans le paradis, et trouve le nouveau monde. Après avoir facilement dupé l'ange Uriel en changeant d'apparence, il s'introduit dans le paradis et découvre Adam et Ève. Dieu l'apprend, mais décide de ne rien faire : il a créé l'homme libre, et lui accordera sa grâce quoi qu'il arrive... si toutefois il respecte la justice divine. Son Fils, trouvant le jugement sévère, supplie son Père de prendre sur lui les péchés des hommes, ce à quoi celui-ci consent.

Doré's Illustrations for "Paradise Lost"

Book Description

All 50 of Doré's powerful illustrations for Milton's epic poem, recounting mankind's fall from the grace of God through the work of Satan. Appropriate quotes from the text are printed with each illustration.


Book Description

Paradise Lost

Book Description

One of the greatest Epic poems ever written. A classic retelling of Biblical mythology. A tragic story of civil war in Heaven, where Satan raises impious war by leading a third of the angels in rebellion against God. Written in the XVIIth century during a time of religious revolution in England, it also relates the subsequent stories about the temptation of Adam and Eve by Lucifer, as well as their expulsion from the Garden of Eden. Having gone totally blind, protestant John Milton (1608-1674) wrote Paradise Lost entirely through dictation. This edition reproduces the original first version printed in 1667, consisting of ten books with over ten thousand lines in blank verse. This unique edition also includes the 50 illustrations created in 1866 by Gustave Dore, the most popular and renowned French illustrator of the mid XIXth century, and one of the best of all time.


Book Description

Milton's Paradise Lost

Book Description

"First published in 1667, Milton's aweinspiring, epic poem is considered by many to be the greatest in the English language. Incorporating elements from classical literature and, most notably, the Bible, Paradise Lost was produced by Milton when it seemed that his best work was behind him. Living in the country, away from the hubbub of the recently restored monarchy, Milton communed with his inner being. The result was a poem that was virtually ignored on its publication. It would be for later generations to rescue it from obscurity. Now over 300 years later it is still claiming admirers, and with this new edition of Paradise Lost it is hoped that many more readers will draw inspiration and understanding form Milton's stirring evocation of man's duality." -- BOOK JACKET.


Book Description

The Visions of England

Book Description