The Extortioners

Book Description

Professor Clayton is happily married, but there is another woman and also a teenage son who learns that the person he calls ‘uncle’ is actually his father. Now, Clayton is being blackmailed. Chief Inspector (‘Handsome’) West has to battle a motorcycle gang and dodge danger to himself and others as he fights to prevent the truth being revealed.

Call for the Baron

Book Description

A series of minor thefts at Vere House prompts the owners to call in John Mannering to investigate. Whilst Mannering is doing so, jewels and the famous Deverall necklace are stolen. The police are also called and Mannering must prove his own innocence when he discovers someone has planted the stolen necklace in his room . . .

Murder, London - Miami

Book Description

Roger (‘Handsome’) West of Scotland Yard investigates from Chelsea, London to Miami. Sir David Marshall, a diplomat, is seemingly involved in a jealous brawl over a woman, but West believes there is more to the matter than meets the eye. His belief is soon vindicated and he sets off on a trail to find the truth.

Feathers for the Toff

Book Description

Sheila is angry when Richard Rollison (aka ‘The Toff’) is reluctant to help. Her friend Danny has been arrested, but she proclaims his innocence. When Rollison meets Danny he hostile and doesn’t want anything to do with Sheila. Thus begins a mystery which inevitably sees Rollison drawn into danger – but this time from a very unusual source.

If Anything Happens to Hester

Book Description

John Mannering (aka ‘The Baron’), retired jewel thief and shop owner in London’s Mayfair, sets off to find a missing girl and subsequently becomes involved in a convoluted plot involving blackmail, theft and murder. There is also danger lurking for Mannering as he nears what he assumes to be the finish, but is it?

Seven Days To Death

Book Description

Commander George Gideon is involved in a life and death struggle to prevent Ruby Benson’s killer husband from seeking revenge after she attempts to give him up to the cops. He’s brutal, sadistic, on the streets and dangerous! Just how long can a week get when you are Scotland Yard’s finest?

Salute the Toff

Book Description

Fay worked for James Draycott in his estate management company. Then, one day, Draycott didn’t turn up. She consulted The Honourable Richard Rollison (aka ‘ The Toff’), London’s legendary private detective. ‘The Toff’ found himself in conflict with a notorious underworld gang who had no hesitation in ‘disposing’ of awkward enquirers.

The Dissemblers

Book Description

James Mortimer Liddel is charged with the murder of Lancelot Hay. All, however, is not as it seems and a conundrum develops for the famed Inspector West of Scotland Yard. There are visiting Americans; false accusations; a trial, and behind it all a spy ring. Only West and his uncanny instinct for the truth will get to the bottom of this puzzle.