Science Museums in Transition

Book Description

The nineteenth century witnessed a dramatic shift in the display and dissemination of natural knowledge across Britain and America, from private collections of miscellaneous artifacts and objects to public exhibitions and state-sponsored museums. The science museum as we know it—an institution of expert knowledge built to inform a lay public—was still very much in formation during this dynamic period. Science Museums in Transition provides a nuanced, comparative study of the diverse places and spaces in which science was displayed at a time when science and spectacle were still deeply intertwined; when leading naturalists, curators, and popular showmen were debating both how to display their knowledge and how and whether they should profit from scientific work; and when ideals of nationalism, class politics, and democracy were permeating the museum's walls. Contributors examine a constellation of people, spaces, display practices, experiences, and politics that worked not only to define the museum, but to shape public science and scientific knowledge. Taken together, the chapters in this volume span the Atlantic, exploring private and public museums, short and long-term exhibitions, and museums built for entertainment, education, and research, and in turn raise a host of important questions, about expertise, and about who speaks for nature and for history.

Samuel Griswold Goodrich, Creator of Peter Parley

Book Description

Peter Parley has, alas, gone the way of the children he once entertained, the children of our great-grandfathers in the early half of the American nineteenth century. But in his day he was a household word, a teller of cautionary tales, instructive fables, and reports of strange lands. He lived in the series of little books found in thousands of homes, in the elementary readers and textbooks, even in the spate of imitation and spurious "Peter Parley" books--and he lived in the hearts of young readers across the new country. If Peter Parley is forgotten today, his creator Samuel Griswold Goodrich is no less well remembered, though in their lifetime the two were almost synonymous. In later years Goodrich even resembled his fictitious narrator--gouty foot, silver hair, stout wooden cane, and all. Believing old Peter Parley and his creator deserve a better fate, Daniel Roselle has dipped into our history to produce this biography of Samuel Griswold Goodrich. A well-known author, editor, and publisher even before he conceived Peter Parley books, Goodrich deserves at least a footnote to American literary history. As the author of the most popular children's books of his day, he demands recognition as a cultural and educational force. And Professor Roselle's charming and straightforward narrative helps recapture the spell of the era and the wonder of childhood stories. Daniel Roselle's interest in Samuel Griswold Goodrich stems from his twin interests in history and in children's literature. One of his major fields is French folklore, and in the 1950's a Fulbright research grant enabled him to travel widely in France gathering authentic folk stories in the oral tradition; many of these he has since published in a variety of magazines, both popular and scholarly. He has also published poems and stories of his own, as well as scholarly articles and A World History, a high school text.