Participación ciudadana y gobernanza

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La complejidad de las sociedades actuales, que, además, afrontan inmensos desafíos locales y globales que requieren soluciones dialogadas y asumidas por la mayoría, nos hace entender el porqué una gobernanza con verdadera implicación de la participación ciudadana es hoy una necesidad estructural de las sociedades democráticas. La apuesta decidida por gobiernos abiertos con la colaboración de una ciudadanía activa y comprometida en las decisiones públicas y colectivas requiere contar, entre otros, con personas suficientemente cualificadas y preparadas para acompañar a las instituciones públicas y entidades de la sociedad civil en ese proceso generador de inteligencia colectiva para el fortalecimiento democrático. Esta publicación, surgida del título en Gobernanza y Participación Ciudadana que se imparte en la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, no pretende ni mucho menos abarcar todos los campos metodológicos y de conocimiento relacionados con la construcción democrática de una gobernanza con protagonismo ciudadano. Aquí se han reunido algunas visiones críticas, constructivas y posibilistas de la participación ciudadana que, en última instancia, ayuden a los agentes facilitadores (funcionarios o decisores políticos, activistas de la sociedad civil organizada, profesionales de la innovación social y ciudadana) a contextualizar y encajar de manera realista su papel en la activación de procesos de participación ciudadana.

Gobernanza y sociedad civil

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Fortalecimiento de la sociedad civil para la acción pública y la gobernanza democrática en contextos de desarrollo

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Este trabajo aborda los requerimientos, dilemas y desafíos de la concertación entre organizaciones de la sociedad civil y autoridad pública en contextos de desarrollo, para la obtención de metas de profundización democrática, superación de la pobreza y mayor inclusión social. Se conceptualiza a la sociedad civil como un actor de " lo público no estatal", se revisan experiencias y ejemplos de acción concertada para la superación de problemas sociales y se establecen condiciones para la efectividad de este tipo de experiencias. El trabajo finaliza formulando un conjunto de condiciones y requerimientos de una mejor concertación para la gobernanza democrática en contextos de desarrollo; diversas recomendaciones para la cooperación de desarrollo y otras distinciones necesarias según el objetivo de la participación de la sociedad civil en espacios de concertación.

Innovative Citizen Participation and New Democratic Institutions Catching the Deliberative Wave

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Public authorities from all levels of government increasingly turn to Citizens' Assemblies, Juries, Panels and other representative deliberative processes to tackle complex policy problems ranging from climate change to infrastructure investment decisions. They convene groups of people representing a wide cross-section of society for at least one full day – and often much longer – to learn, deliberate, and develop collective recommendations that consider the complexities and compromises required for solving multifaceted public issues.

Extractive Sector and Civil Society

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4% of Latin America and the Caribbean’s GDP comes from the extractive sector. This figure is equivalent to the amount generated by agriculture in the same region. An effective engagement between governments, companies, and civil society is required to propel sustainable development. With this regional diagnosis of countries rich in natural resources like Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, and the Dominican Republic, the IDB seeks to shed light on best practices among stakeholders of the extractive sectors. It focuses in actions of information, dialogues, consultations, collaborations, and partnerships that are driving development in the region. From the findings of the diagnosis, 3 roadmaps were drafted, to guide the stakeholders in strengthening their engagement.

Democracy and the Public Space in Latin America

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This is a bold new study of the recent emergence of democracy in Latin America. Leonardo Avritzer shows that traditional theories of democratization fall short in explaining this phenomenon. Scholars have long held that the postwar stability of Western Europe reveals that restricted democracy, or "democratic elitism," is the only realistic way to guard against forces such as the mass mobilizations that toppled European democracies after World War I. Avritzer challenges this view. Drawing on the ideas of Jürgen Habermas, he argues that democracy can be far more inclusive and can rely on a sphere of autonomous association and argument by citizens. He makes this argument by showing that democratic collective action has opened up a new "public space" for popular participation in Latin American politics. Unlike many theorists, Avritzer builds his case empirically. He looks at human rights movements in Argentina and Brazil, neighborhood associations in Brazil and Mexico, and election-monitoring initiatives in Mexico. Contending that such participation has not gone far enough, he proposes a way to involve citizens even more directly in policy decisions. For example, he points to experiments in "participatory budgeting" in two Brazilian cities. Ultimately, the concept of such a space beyond the reach of state administration fosters a broader view of democratic possibility, of the cultural transformation that spurred it, and of the tensions that persist, in a region where democracy is both new and different from the Old World models.

The Education System in Mexico

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Over the last three decades, a significant amount of research has sought to relate educational institutions, policies, practices and reforms to social structures and agencies. A number of models have been developed that have become the basis for attempting to understand the complex relation between education and society. At the same time, national and international bodies tasked with improving educational performances seem to be writing in a void, in that there is no rigorous theory guiding their work, and their documents exhibit few references to groups, institutions and forces that can impede or promote their programmes and projects. As a result, the recommendations these bodies provide to their clients display little to no comprehension of how and under what conditions the recommendations can be put into effect. The Education System in Mexico directly addresses this problem. By combining abstract insights with the practicalities of educational reforms, policies, practices and their social antecedents, it offers a long overdue reflection of the history, effects and significance of the Mexican educational system, as well as presenting a more cogent understanding of the relationship between educational institutions and social forces in Mexico and around the world.

The North American Mosaic

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The North American Mosaic has four overarching features. First, it is, to the extent feasible, based on comparable information on the status and trends of major indicators of the state of the environment in Canada,Mexico, and the United States. Second, the report confirms that these three countries together make up an incredibly complex, dynamic, and interconnected ecosystem in which humans play a dominant and decisive role. Third, the report raises important and sometimes disquieting questions concerning the sustainability of some current trends. Finally, the report is a reminder that our economic, social, and physical well-being are utterly dependent on the life-sustaining services provided by nature. This report emphasizes the importance of developing mutually compatible economic, social, and environmental goals and policies across the three-country region.