Participación y gobernanza colaborativa como manifestaciones del derecho a la ciudad

Book Description

El presente documento analiza los desarrollos normativos del derecho a la participación ciudadana en la planeación e intervención en el espacio físico urbano. El autor sostiene que mediante una participación efectiva se puede satisfacer el derecho a la ciudad entendido como el derecho a la producción social del espacio. Tras un análisis de los procedimientos incluidos en las normas, se concluye que existe una pérdida de energía en el proceso de participación por una filtración que está determinada por la incompatibilidad entre los lenguajes técnicos sofisticados y las aspiraciones ciudadanas. Como medida de solución, el tesista propone una metodología de fortalecimiento técnico de las organizaciones comunitarias, que llevan al diseño de acuerdos complejos de gobernanza colaborativa. La ciudadanía convertida al lugar de stakeholder puede así restablecer la energía de la movilización social y la participación ciudadana, y adaptar su estrategia para retomar el rumbo sobre la configuración social del territorio. En otras palabras, para ejercer su derecho a la ciudad.

The OECD Innovation Strategy Getting a Head Start on Tomorrow

Book Description

This book provides a set of principles for fostering innovation in people (workers and consumers), in firms and in government, taking an in-depth look at the scope of innovation and how it is changing, as well as where and how it is occurring.

Resonant Violence

Book Description

From the Holocaust in Europe to the military dictatorships of Latin America to the enduring violence of settler colonialism around the world, genocide has been a defining experience of far too many societies. In many cases, the damaging legacies of genocide lead to continued violence and social divisions for decades. In others, however, creative responses to this identity-based violence emerge from the grassroots, contributing to widespread social and political transformation. Resonant Violence explores both the enduring impacts of genocidal violence and the varied ways in which states and grassroots collectives respond to and transform this violence through memory practices and grassroots activism. By calling upon lessons from Germany, Poland, Argentina, and the Indigenous United States, Resonant Violence demonstrates how ordinary individuals come together to engage with a violent past to pave the way for a less violent future.

Employment in Metropolitan Areas

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Mahatma Gandhi

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Dennis Dalton's classic account of Gandhi's political and intellectual development focuses on the leader's two signal triumphs: the civil disobedience movement (or salt satyagraha) of 1930 and the Calcutta fast of 1947. Dalton clearly demonstrates how Gandhi's lifelong career in national politics gave him the opportunity to develop and refine his ideals. He then concludes with a comparison of Gandhi's methods and the strategies of Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X, drawing a fascinating juxtaposition that enriches the biography of all three figures and asserts Gandhi's relevance to the study of race and political leadership in America. Dalton situates Gandhi within the "clash of civilizations" debate, identifying the implications of his work on continuing nonviolent protests. He also extensively reviews Gandhian studies and adds a detailed chronology of events in Gandhi's life.

Pulping the South

Book Description

The expansion of the pulp and paper industry is one of the most important causes of land and water conflicts in the South. This book examines the threat to livelihood, soil and biodiversity generated by large-scale pulpwood plantations in the South.

Social Innovation and Territorial Development

Book Description

The concept of social innovation offers an alternative perspective on development and territorial transformation, one which foregrounds innovation in social relations. This volume presents a broad-ranging and insightful exploration of social innovation and how it can affect life, society and economy, especially within local communities. It addresses key questions about the nature of social innovation as a process and a strategy and explores what opportunities may exist, or may be generated, for social innovation to nourish human development. It puts forward alternative development options which variously highlight solidarity, co-operation, cultural-artistic endeavour and diversity. In doing so, this book offers a provocative response to the predominant neoliberal economic vision of spatial, economic and social change.

Can Neighbourhoods Save the City?

Book Description

For decades, neighbourhoods been pivotal sites of social, economic and political exclusion processes, and civil society initiatives, attempting bottom-up strategies of re-development and regeneration. In many cases these efforts resulted in the creation of socially innovative organizations, seeking to satisfy the basic human needs of deprived population groups, to increase their political capabilities and to improve social interaction both internally and between the local communities, the wider urban society and political world. SINGOCOM - Social INnovation GOvernance and COMmunity building – is the acronym of the EU-funded project on which this book is based. Sixteen case studies of socially-innovative initiatives at the neighbourhood level were carried out in nine European cities, of which ten are analysed in depth and presented here. The book compares these efforts and their results, and shows how grass-roots initiatives, alternative local movements and self-organizing urban collectives are reshaping the urban scene in dynamic, creative, innovative and empowering ways. It argues that such grass-roots initiatives are vital for generating a socially cohesive urban condition that exists alongside the official state-organized forms of urban governance. The book is thus a major contribution to socio-political literature, as it seeks to overcome the duality between community-development studies and strategies, and the solidarity-based making of a diverse society based upon the recognising and maintaining of citizenship rights. It will be of particular interest to both students and researchers in the fields of urban studies, social geography and political science.

Tourism and Sustainable Economic Development

Book Description

For many countries tourism is an industry of great economic significance; it is seen as a main instrument for regional development, as it stimulates new economic activities. Tourism may have a positive economic impact on the balance of payments, on employment, on gross income and production, but it may also have negative effects, particularly on the environment. Questions arise as to whether it is possible to keep on developing tourism in a certain area without negative or irreversible influences on the environment. Tourism and Sustainable Economic Development provides a theoretical framework for these problems, as well as practical illustrations on the following topics: the conditions under which specialization in tourism is not harmful for economic growth; the trade-offs, if any, between tourism development and economic growth; the need for government intervention and the various policy options and instruments available to policy makers. The book comprises two parts. The first part presents general views on tourism and sustainable economic development, and some opinions on the relationship between tourism and the environment. Some of the basic concepts implicit in sustainability are examined in relation to regional development, urban tourism, art cities, and rural tourism. The second part of the book concentrates on strategies and policy instruments. The purpose is to concisely define and bring together some policies which appear to be necessary, and whose implementation is required if we are to reconcile tourism development with the protection and conservation of the environment. Some analytical tools for policy making with regard to tourism and the environment are developed. As will become clear, there are many gaps in our knowledge that need to be filled if we are to be successful in controlling tourism in a way that puts this important industry onto a sustainable development path.

Tourism in National Parks and Protected Areas

Book Description

This book describes the state of the art of tourism planning and management in national parks and protected areas. It also provides guidelines for best practice in tourism operations. Other objectives are to: Describe case studies and guidelines that contribute to conservation of biological diversity; consider the role of local communities within or near these areas; outline the development of tourism infrastructure and services; discuss visitor management; provide guidelines to enhance the quality of the tourism experience. The focus is global and the book will appeal to both academics and practitioners.