Participant-identified Leading Practices That Could Increase the Employment of Individuals With Disabilities in the Federal Workforce

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"The Rehabilitation Act of 1973(Rehabilitation Act) requires agenciesto take proactive steps to provideequal opportunity to qualifiedindividuals with disabilities, but theirrate of employment with the federalgovernment remains low.GAO was asked to identify barriers tothe employment of people withdisabilities in the federal workforceand leading practices that could beused to overcome these barriers. OnJuly 20, 2010, GAO convened a forumto identify leading practices thatfederal agencies could implementwithin the current legislative context.In preparation for the forum, GAOsurveyed a wide range ofknowledgeable individuals to identifybarriers and leading practices. Forumparticipants were selected fromamong respondents (or theirrepresentatives) to reflect varyingexpertise and views concerning theemployment of individuals withdisabilities. The survey resultsformed the basis for the initial forumagenda, and were refined byparticipants to focus on actions theydeemed most important.Comments in this report do notnecessarily represent the views ofany individual participant or theorganizations that these participantsrepresent or with which they are..."

Improving Federal Employment of People with Disabilities

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Federal Agency Employment Strategies: a Framework for Disability Inclusion

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Federal agencies need talented workers to meet new challenges and complete new missions in the 21st century. Currently, there is an underutilized community of talented individuals who want to work and specifically want to work for the Federal Government. In order to better utilize this untapped pool of talent, on July 26, 2010, President Obama signed Executive Order (EO) 13548 on Increasing Federal Employment of Individuals with Disabilities to mark the 20th anniversary of the signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The EO works to establish the Federal Government as a model employer of individuals with disabilities and to improve efforts to employ workers with disabilities through increased recruitment, hiring, advancement, and retention of these individuals. It requires Federal agencies to increase the hiring of people with disabilities by 100,000 over the next five years. EO 13548 is not an isolated effort, but works in coordination with EO 13518 on Employment of Veterans in the Federal Government issued on November 9, 2009; Presidential Memorandum on The Presidential POWER Initiative: Protecting Our Workers and Ensuring Reemployment issued on July 19, 2010; and EO 13583 on Establishing a Coordinated Government-wide Initiative to Promote Diversity and Inclusion in the Federal Workforce issued on August 18, 2011, to recruit, hire, and retain workers with disabilities. EO13583 directs Federal departments and agencies to develop and implement a more comprehensive, integrated, and strategic focus on diversity and inclusion as a key component of their human resources strategies. These Executive Orders augment and complement the requirements under Section 501 of the Rehabilitation Act and implementing regulations and Management Directive 715 (MD-715) requiring Federal departments, agencies, and instrumentalities in the executive branch to prepare an affirmative action program for the hiring, placement, and advancement of individuals with disabilities. Due to the implementation of promising and emerging practices by Federal agencies, more people with disabilities work for the Federal Government now than in the past 20 years. In Fiscal Year (FY) 2011, there were 204,189 employees with disabilities working for the Federal Government, or 11 percent of the Federal workforce. Of these, 18,738 joined the Federal workforce that year, representing 14.7 percent of all new hires. Despite this progress, there is still a great deal of work to be done. In FY 2011, there were 17,845 people with targeted disabilities working for the Federal Government, or 0.96 percent of the Federal workforce. Of these, 1,122 joined the Federal workforce that year, representing 0.88 percent of new hires. To meet the requirements under EO 13548, there are still approximately 60,000 people with disabilities that need to be hired in FY 2012, FY 2013, and FY 2014. Federal Agency Employment Strategies: A Framework for Disability Inclusion identifies existing, promising, and emerging proactive and dynamic employment strategies and practices for recruiting, hiring, advancing, and retaining qualified individuals with disabilities. This tool can assist Federal agencies in making their workplaces inclusive of and welcoming to people with disabilities.

Actions That Could Increase Work Participation for Adults with Disabilities

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The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) calls for the full participation of individuals with disabilities in society, including the workforce. Yet, many barriers exist that may prevent them from staying connected or returning to employment. For instance, eligibility requirements for receiving public disability benefits or health coverage are not always consistent with helping to keep individuals at work or facilitating their return. Also, employers may not know how to accommodate employees with disabilities or may lack financial incentives to do so. This report presents policy options and actions that could be taken to help adults with a current or past work history improve their participation in the workforce. Charts and tables.

Federal Workforce

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Federal Workforce: Practices to Increase the Employment of Individuals with Disabilities

Actions That Could Increase Work Participation for Adults With Disabilities

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"The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)-now in its 20th year-calls for the full participation of individuals with disabilities in society, including the workforce. Yet, many barriers exist that may prevent them from staying connected or returning to employment. For instance, eligibility requirements for receiving public disability benefits or health coverage are not always consistent with helping to keep individuals at work or facilitating their return. Also, employers may not know how to accommodate employees with disabilities or may lack financial incentives to do so.GAO convened a forum on March 16, 2010, to explore policy options and actions that could be taken to help adults with a current or past work history improve their participation in the workforce. Participants included experts and officials representing a variety of views. Prior to the forum, GAO surveyed a larger group of experts to help inform the discussion. Comments expressed during the forum or on the survey do not necessarily represent the views of all participants, the organizations they represent, or GAO.Although GAO is not making recommendations, based on our prior work and consistent with a past GAO proposal to Congress, GAO agrees with forum participants that strong federal..."

Re-charting the Course

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Reports of the committees of the Presidential Task Force on Employment of Adults with Disabilities.