Partnership and Profit in Medieval Islam

Book Description

From the point of view of economic history, the ideal way to study any institution of commercial law would be to compare the information contained in legal codes and treatises with the material relating to its application in economic life as manifested by actual contracts, letters, and business records found in archives and other repositories. In the case of the early centuries of the Islamic period, available sources unfortunately preclude such a procedure. Theoretical legal texts exist in abundance, but any corresponding documentary material is for all practical purposes non-extant. In order to determine if the framework in which the trade and commerce of the early Islamic period was carried on--a trade known to have been active and important--we must of necessity rely on legal treatises for most of our information, which trying wherever possible to call upon whatever meager help other literary sources may provide. In the absence of documentary and similar sources, the possibility of investigating the quantitative aspects of trade is all but eliminated. However, in those areas of trade which have been described as qualitative, such as the variety of goods exchanged, the specialization of the merchant class, and the complexity of business methods, legal and other literary sources provide a great deal of valuable information. It is with the institutions of partnership and commenda in the early Islamic period, two of the qualitative components of trade, that Abraham L. Udovitch makes his primary focus in Partnership and Profit in Medieval Islam.

Islamic Law of Business Organization Partnerships

Book Description

The author attempts to spell out the Islamic principles on which business enterprise should be based specially in the area of partnership. He displays a strikingly acute awareness of Islamic laws on the subject, matched by an equally striking awareness of the forms of business organization in vogue in the contemporary world. The work represents a serious scholarly effort to sort out complicated questions such as those mentioned above, to enunciate Islamic principles relative to business enterprise, and to apply them in the changed context of present-day business.

Partnership and Profit-sharing in Islamic Law

Book Description

These principles governing participatory finance and joint ventures are derived from juristic sources - the four principal schools of Islamic law

A Comparative Evolution of Business Partnerships

Book Description

This book, based upon original research in the Ottoman archives, compares the long-term evolution of business partnerships in the world of Islam and the West. In this age of conflict, the author heartens us by revealing how much these civilizations have in common and owe to each other.

Islamic Law and Finance

Book Description

Mirroring the expansion of wealth in the Middle East and Asia and a surge in Islamic self-identity, Islamic banking practices have either become the law of the land or coexist and compete with Western practices in at least six countries. A growing number of institutions and mutual funds (akin to Western ''socially responsible'' funds) have established Islamic investment and other practices to cater to this burgeoning market. Because of its prevalence, practitioners in every banking-related area must familiarize themselves with current Islamic finance practices in order to do business with Muslim clients and to engage in cross-border financing. Injunctions from the "Qur'an and the sayings of Prophet Muhammed have generated a web of interrelated norms which prohibit Islamic financiers from engaging in transactions that involve interest "(riba) and speculation "(gharar). "Islamic Law and Finance describes the dynamic set of Islamically-sanctioned ways financiers can transacat business.

A Comparative Evolution of Business Partnerships

Book Description

This monograph deals with the entrepreneurs, the partnerships they formed and how these partnerships evolved through a time span of about fourteen centuries, that is, from the birth of Islam to the present. The first part of the book examines the evolution of medieval partnership forms in Europe and finally in the United States, while in the second part the much less known Islamic evolution is studied. The study of the Islamic evolution is based on extensive original research conducted in the Ottoman archives. Comparative economic and business historians of these two great civilizations will find this book highly important, while modern Islamic bankers and economists interested in the actual functioning of an Islamic economy will find this volume indispensable reading, for here they have a unique chance to observe an Islamic economy and business operating within an historical framework.

Medieval Islamic Civilization

Book Description

Examines the socio-cultural history of the regions where Islam took hold between the 7th and 16th century. This two-volume work contains 700 alphabetically arranged entries, and provides a portrait of Islamic civilization. It is of use in understanding the roots of Islamic society as well to explore the culture of medieval civilization.

The Business of Identity

Book Description

The Cairo Geniza is the largest and richest store of documentary evidence for the medieval Islamic world. This book seeks to revolutionize the way scholars use that treasure trove. Phillip I. Ackerman-Lieberman draws on legal documents from the Geniza to reconceive of life in the medieval Islamic marketplace. In place of the shared practices broadly understood by scholars to have transcended confessional boundaries, he reveals how Jewish merchants in Egypt employed distinctive trading practices. Highly influenced by Jewish law, these commercial practices served to manifest their Jewish identity in the medieval Islamic context. In light of this distinctiveness, Ackerman-Lieberman proposes an alternative model for using the Geniza documents as a tool for understanding daily life in the medieval Islamic world as a whole.