Party Autonomy and the Role of Information in the Internal Market

Book Description

Die Frage nach der Privatautonomie und ihren Grenzen spielt seit jeher eine bedeutende Rolle in den nationalen Vertrags- und Privatrechten. Auf europäischer Ebene dominieren Regeln, die zwar die Informationenpreisgabe zwingend vorschreiben, die Bestimmung des Vertragsinhalts dann jedoch wieder den Parteien überantworten. Dieses Grundsatzthema über Geist und Funktionieren des Binnenmarktes, mit dem nach einer möglichst weitgehenden Erhaltung von Freiheit bei gleichzeitiger Verbürgung der notwendigen Schutzziele gefragt ist, ist Gegenstand des vorliegenden Bandes. Es wird hier von Rechtswissenschaftlern und Ökonomen aus verschiedenen Mitgliedstaaten und den U.S.A. erörtert. Zentraler Betrachtungsgegenstand ist die Informationsregel und ihre Ausgestaltung. Insgesamt vereint der Band zweierlei, zum einen die Grundsatzdiskussion - rechtswissenschaftlich, europarechtlich und ökonomisch - zum Regelungsansatz im Recht des Binnenmarkthandels und zum wichtigsten Instrument, der Informationsregel mit ihrer freiheitserhaltenden Grundausrichtung. Andererseits bietet er eine dogmatische Aufbereitung wesentlicher Teile des Rechts des Binnenmarkthandels, des Europäischen Schuldvertragsrechts.

Party Autonomy and the Role of Information in the Internal Market

Book Description

Examination of Party Autonomy and its limits has always raised fundamental questions in national contract and private law. The concentration on information solutions which enhance and leave more space to party autonomy is a fundamentally new approach to this core issue and is typical of Community legislation. The complexity of the question made it advisable to have the different aspects treated and discussed by specialists in different areas: by legal scholars and economists, by EC law and by contract law specialists, by scholars from different jurisdictions with different regulatory approaches and backgrounds. The four parts deal with (1) the economic and constitutionell foundations of the question, with (2) the framework to be found in EC treaty law, with (3) the fundamental and more general aspects relating to substantive EC contract law legislation, and with (4) the most important individual legal measures. The book covers both general contract law (with consumer contracts) and labour contract law.

Information Rights and Obligations

Book Description

Information requirements have become a key element of consumer policy at the European level and are also gaining increasing importance in all other areas of private law. The law stipulates that information provided should not be misleading and also involves requirements regarding the fairness and objectivity of what has been provided. In addition to controlling the veracity of what is voluntarily offered by traders, the law increasingly requires disclosure of certain information. This volume focuses especially on the question of how these information requirements influence the party autonomy. International contributors explore in various contexts whether the legislative policy regarding the information requirements and their relationship to party autonomy has been properly thought through.

Law and Economics in Europe

Book Description

This anthology illustrates how law and economics is developing in Europe and what opportunities and problems – both in general and specific legal fields – are associated with this approach within the legal traditions of European countries. The first part illuminates the differences in the development and reception of the economic analysis of law in the American Common Law system and in the continental European Civil Law system. The second part focuses on the different ways of thinking of lawyers and economists, which clash in economic analysis of law. The third part is devoted to legal transplants, which often accompany the reception of law and economics from the United States. Finally, the fourth part focuses on the role economic analysis plays in the law of the European Union. This anthology with its 14 essays from young European legal scholars is an important milestone in establishing a European law and economics culture and tradition.

Private Autonomy in EU Internal Market Law

Book Description

Ambitious and innovative, this important study offers a fresh perspective on the normative framework of the EU's internal market. The book explores the place of the ideals of private autonomy in the EU's legal order. Indeed, it goes further to explore the parameters of their protection within both its legal and regulatory framework. Looking at the coexistence of, and interaction between, varying expressions of private autonomy, it offers a comprehensive review of the protection of private autonomy at the normative core of the internal market. The book also explores the layers of limitations and conditions imposed on the exercise of private autonomy that generate legal tensions and conflicting forces. In addition to plotting a systematic approach to the question, the book introduces a new framework for better understanding the correlation between the free movement and competition law regimes and the fundamental economic rights protected in the Charter.

Party Autonomy in Private International Law

Book Description

Provides an unprecedented historical, theoretical and comparative analysis and appraisal of party autonomy in private international law. These issues are of great practical importance to any lawyer dealing with cross-border legal relationships, and great theoretical importance to a wide range of scholars interested in law and globalisation.

Algorithmic Marketing and EU Law on Unfair Commercial Practices

Book Description

Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems are increasingly being deployed by marketing entities in connection with consumers’ interactions. Thanks to machine learning (ML) and cognitive computing technologies, businesses can now analyse vast amounts of data on consumers, generate new knowledge, use it to optimize certain processes, and undertake tasks that were previously impossible. Against this background, this book analyses new algorithmic commercial practices, discusses their challenges for consumers, and measures such developments against the current EU legislative framework on consumer protection. The book adopts an interdisciplinary approach, building on empirical findings from AI applications in marketing and theoretical insights from marketing studies, and combining them with normative analysis of privacy and consumer protection in the EU. The content is divided into three parts. The first part analyses the phenomenon of algorithmic marketing practices and reviews the main AI and AI-related technologies used in marketing, e.g. Big data, ML and NLP. The second part describes new commercial practices, including the massive monitoring and profiling of consumers, the personalization of advertising and offers, the exploitation of psychological and emotional insights, and the use of human-like interfaces to trigger emotional responses. The third part provides a comprehensive analysis of current EU consumer protection laws and policies in the field of commercial practices. It focuses on two main legal concepts, their shortcomings, and potential refinements: vulnerability, understood as the conceptual benchmark for protecting consumers from unfair algorithmic practices; manipulation, the substantive legal measure for drawing the line between fair and unfair practices.

The Law of Corporate Finance: General Principles and EU Law

Book Description

1. 1 Investments, Generic Contracts, Payments According to Volume I, contracts are one of the five generic legal tools used to manage cash flow, risk, agency relationships, and information. Many investments are therefore based on one or more contracts. Obviously, the firm should draft good contracts. Good drafting can ensure the same intended cash flow with reduced risk. Bad drafting can increase risk. This volume attempts to deconstruct contracts used by non-financial firms and analyse them from a cash flow, risk, agency, and information perspective. The starting point is a generic contract, i. e. a contract which does not belong to any particular contract type (Chapters 2–7). This volume will also focus on payment obligations. Payment obligations are characteristic of all financial instruments, and they can range from simple payment obligations in minor sales contracts and traditional lending contracts (Chapters 8– 11). 1. 2 Particular Contract Types A number of particular contract types have been discussed in the other volumes of this book. (1) A certain party’s investment contract can be another party’s fu- ing contract. Particular investment contracts will therefore be discussed in Volume III in the context of funding. (2) Many contracts are necessary in the context of business acquisitions discussed in Volume III. (3) Multi-party contracts are c- mon in corporate finance. The firm’s contracts with two or more parties range from syndicated loans to central counterparties’ contracts. Such contracts will be discussed both in Chapter 12 and Volume III.

The Payment Services Directive II

Book Description

This comprehensive and essential Commentary examines both the origins and effect of the EU’s 2015 Payment Services Directive (PSD2). Addressing a significant gap in the available literature, the book is divided into two parts: Part I analyses the legislative provisions of the Directive, while Part II explores the PSD2 implementation experience in selected EU Member States as well as in the United Kingdom.

The Forthcoming EC Directive on Unfair Commercial Practices

Book Description

To encourage cross-border transactions in the Single Market of the European Community, the Commission has proposed general framework legislation to set general standards that forbid unfair marketing practices towards consumers, thereby increasing consumer confidence when deciding whether or not to shop abroad in the Community, either in person or through modern methods of electronic purchasing through the Internet. The essays in this volume critically examine the proposed Directive that prohibits unfair commercial practices, and in particular they consider the potential legal and economic implications of a legal duty to trade fairly in the context of general contract law, the protection of consumers, and the needs of competition policy. The distinguished authors of these essays, from Finland, Germany, Italy, The Netherlands, Spain, and the United Kingdom, explain the different approaches of national legal systems to the legal regulation of marketing practices, and assess the compatibility of the proposed Directive with national law and its likely success in achieving the promotion of trade in the Single Market. About the authorHugh Collins is Professor of English Law at the London School of Economics. He studied law at Oxford and Harvard. He has published extensively in the field of contract law including The Law of Contract 4th ed (London, Butterworths, 2003), and Regulating Contracts (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1999).