Passing the Baton

Book Description

After World War II, the United States used international sport to promote democratic values and its image of an ideal citizen. But African American women excelling in track and field upset such notions. Cat M. Ariail examines how athletes such as Alice Coachman, Mae Faggs, and Wilma Rudolph forced American sport cultures—both white and Black—to reckon with the athleticism of African American women. Marginalized still further in a low-profile sport, young Black women nonetheless bypassed barriers to represent their country. Their athletic success soon threatened postwar America's dominant ideas about race, gender, sexuality, and national identity. As Ariail shows, the wider culture defused these radical challenges by locking the athletes within roles that stressed conservative forms of femininity, blackness, and citizenship. A rare exploration of African American women athletes and national identity, Passing the Baton reveals young Black women as active agents in the remaking of what it means to be American.

Pass the Baton

Book Description

Taking the Music Room beyond Engagement All too often the music classroom stifles students with one-size-fits-all curricula and repertoire. In Pass the Baton, authors Kathryn Finch and Theresa Hoover turn that paradigm on its head, offering a vision of music education that empowers students as critical thinkers who exercise voice and choice to question, discover, connect, and play like never before-in and out of the classroom. Pass the Baton offers readers a comprehensive guide to crafting engaging music lessons that transform students from passive consumers to vibrant creatives. Whether you're looking to rethink general music or overhaul your ensemble groups, Pass the Baton is chock-full of generative, actionable, and impactful tools. Finch and Hoover have drawn on deep research and years of experience in the music room to provide a guide for all music educators to create a learner-centered environment and give students the opportunity to truly own the creative process. This book is a must read for teachers who want to empower students to become self-sufficient lifelong learners. It is a guidebook for creating a vibrant classroom where student learning is the first priority. Kristin Gomez, MA, director of orchestras at Jefferson Middle School and Abingdon Elementary School As I watch my daughters grow up and be inspired by music in their lives, I read this thinking, "this is the type of music education I want for my own kids." This is a great book that reminds us that music education should be in every school in the world. George Couros, educator and author of The Innovator's Mindset Music teachers are often required to attend professional development that does not seem to relate to our performance-driven classes. We are left to figure out the applications on our own. Pass the Baton makes the connections for us in a way that empowers not only music students but music teachers. Mari Schay, editor of Activate! Magazine and early elementary music teacher

Passing the Baton of Light

Book Description

Passing the Baton of Light is the unique and unusual story of one woman who went from wearing the robes of a stripper to those of a respected member of the clergy. This is a book about Gods light and the lure of Hollywoods spotlight. Beverly Powers past reads like fiction, but her credentials speak for themselves. From three Elvis Presley movies, to dozens of Red Skelton Shows, to portraying herself in Breakfast at Tiffanys with Audrey Hepburn, Beverlys life is a world of dichotomies. Passing the Baton of Light is a story of a family tree filled with rotten fruit, thorns and weeds: the abuse; betrayals; choices and the consequences. This book is filled with tell-all accounts of how one woman fought to bring light to herself and the darkened world she was born into. This is a true story of miracles; of love between two teenagers who grow old together; a mother who struggles to save her prodigal son; and a praying grandmother who refused to let Satan have his way with her family; and the Heavenly Father who loved them all. Explore and learn with Beverly as she stumbles into her future not knowing where she is headed. Beverlys life brings dignity to the meaning of Gods grace.

Passing the Baton

Book Description

Passing the Leadership Baton

Book Description

"A transition will be one of the greatest tests of your leadership, but it will also serve as one of the greatest rewards and testimonies of your legacy." --Tom Mullins Successfully handing off the leadership baton to the next leader is essential to give our organization the best opportunity to thrive after our time of service. A smooth handoff requires meticulous planning and forethought. Yet most leaders put off even thinking about leadership transition until they are faced with a situation where they have no choice but to make a change. The results of not planning ahead can be devastating for both you and your beloved organization. Passing the Leadership Baton will help you manage the emotional transition yourself while fully supporting the next leader. Creating a seamless succession can be a challenge, but done successfully, it may very well be one of the greatest rewards you'll experience as a leader.

Passing the Baton

Book Description

"'Time is tight, life is busy, and besides, there are still years before the kids leave home.' But most dads are surprised to learn that somewhere between their 5th and 6th birthday, we cross the halfway point for all the hours we'll ever spend with our kids before they leave home. Integrity and character in a father is an essential start, but unfortunately, many dads think that is enough and miss those teachable moments to transfer their wisdom and experience on to their kids. Would you be successful on the golf course with only 3 or 4 clubs? Neither would your kids. So give them the benefit of starting out in life with the wisdom and experience only their dad can provide. In 'Passing the Baton', Grady Hauser offers 100 age-appropriate life principles and skills that open the door for life changing moments with your children. A book not so much to be read, but a book to be done--Back cover.


Book Description

Pass on the Baton

Book Description

Pass on the Baton is about Southwest Academy, a high school community that mirrors the larger society. It is a story of a patriotic repairman, Desmond Odu, who combined hard work, selfless love and devotion to duty in his strides to improve his classroom constituency. How Teacher Desmond and his crew surmounted the obstacles ready to thwart their noble intentions are strands with which this stimulating story is written. The story celebrates good leadership and motivated followers in their transformation strides to a better future. In this fast-paced, humorous, entertaining and romantic school classic, the author brings to life dream characters - the expectation of a society yearning for direction.

Passing the Baton

Book Description

Before birth control, women * (people who could be impregnated, including gender non-conforming individuals and transmen) were, overwhelmingly, excluded from higher education and from the pursuit of fulfilling careers. Women* were routinely fired at marriage or pregnancy, and pressured to marry men* (persons who could impregnate, including gender non-conforming and transwomen) as their primary means of economic subsistence. The ability to control whether or not - or when - YOU have a child (either as an individual or a couple) is paramount to your ability to plan, and execute some level of control over, your life's trajectory. Thus, birth control has, and continues to, function as a precondition of the liberation of women.* Without access to reliable birth control, and the right to terminate a pregnancy in the pre-embryonic and embryonic stages (first 13 weeks or first trimester), women* as a class are not viewed by societies as "self-sustaining economic units," and become, overall, the property - and liability - of men, * and marriage becomes a primarily economic arrangement - with husbands as the "employers" of their wives, enforcing the submission of those wives.

Passing the Baton

Book Description