Book Description

Récit du parcours en Afrique de l'Ouest d'un jeune Français, entre 1976 et 1996. Ses job successifs, ses aventures professionnelles, ses amours, ses joies et ses poblèmes.

The French Colonial Mind: Violence, military encounters and colonialism

Book Description

Violence was prominent in France?s conquest of a colonial empire, and the use of force was integral to its control and regulation of colonial territories. What, if anything, made such violence distinctly colonial? And how did its practitioners justify or explain it? These are issues at the heart of The French Colonial Mind: Violence, Military Encounters, and Colonialism. The second of two linked volumes, this book brings together prominent scholars of French colonial history to explore the many ways in which brutality and killing became central to the French experience and management of empire. Sometimes concealed or denied, at other times highly publicized and even celebrated, French violence was so widespread that it was in some ways constitutive of colonial identity. Yet such violence was also destructive: destabilizing for its practitioners and lethal or otherwise devastating for its victims. The manifestations of violence in the minds and actions of imperialists are investigated here in essays that move from the conquest of Algeria in the 1830s to the disintegration of France?s empire after World War II. The authors engage a broad spectrum of topics, ranging from the violence of first colonial encounters to conflicts of decolonization. Each considers not only the forms and extent of colonial violence but also its dire effects on perpetrators and victims. Together, their essays provide the clearest picture yet of the workings of violence in French imperialist thought.

Les martyrs Maccabées: de l'histoire juive au culte chrétien

Book Description

The Maccabean Martyrs, Jewish heroes from the era of the persecution of Antiochus IV Epiphanes, were incorporated into the IVth century Christian martyrology. Two Church Fathers, Gregory Nazianzen and John Chrysostom wrote panegyrics in their honour, which are studied and translated in this book. The first part shows how, since the beginning, the Church referred to these martyrs as biblical examples known through 2 and 4 Maccabees. The second part describes, through the eulogies of Gregory and John, the circumstances surrounding the creation of the Christian Feast. The third part analyzes the preaching built around the story of the Maccabean martyrs, where, following the 4 M model, Eleazar, the seven brothers and their mother are established as examples of virtue and asceticism for the edification of all Christians. The book investigates an original aspect of the cult of martyrs : the christianisation of jewish martyrs killed defending the Law, and sheds light on the sometimes contradictory preaching choices of Gregory and John to respond to the jewish roots of this cult. *** Les martyrs Maccabées, héros juifs de la persécution d’Antiochus IV Epiphane, furent intégrés dans le martyrologe chrétien au IVè siècle. À la même époque, en Orient, deux Pères de l’Eglise, Grégoire de Nazianze et Jean Chrysostome, ont prononcé des discours panégyriques en leur honneur, étudiés et traduits dans ce livre. La première partie montre comment, depuis l’origine, l’Eglise citait comme exemples bibliques ces martyrs connus par le Deuxième et le Quatrième livre des Maccabées. La deuxième partie décrit, au travers des panégyriques de Grégoire et de Jean, les circonstances qui ont marqué l’instauration de la fête chrétienne dédiée à ces martyrs. La troisième partie analyse la prédication adressée aux fidèles à partir de l’épisode maccabéen, Eléazar, les sept frères et leur Mère devenant, sur le modèle de 4 M, des exemples de vertus et d’ascèse proposés à l’imitation de tous. Le livre explore ainsi un aspect original du culte des martyrs, la christianisation de martyrs juifs morts pour la défense de la Loi, et met en lumière les choix de prédication, parfois opposés, de Grégoire et de Jean face à l’enracinement juif de ce culte.

The Passion of Perpetua and Felicitas in Late Antiquity

Book Description

This volume gathers all available evidence for the martyrdoms of Perpetua and Felicitas, two Christian women who became, in the centuries after their deaths in 203 CE, revered throughout the Roman world. Whereas they are now known primarily through a popular third-century account, numerous lesser known texts attest to the profound place they held in the lives of Christians in late antiquity. This book brings together narratives in their original languages with accompanying English translations, including many related entries from calendars, martyrologies, sacramentaries, and chronicles, as well as artistic representations and inscriptions. As a whole, the collection offers readers a robust view of the veneration of Perpetua and Felicitas over the course of six centuries, examining the diverse ways that a third-century Latin tradition was appreciated, appropriated, and transformed as it circulated throughout the late antique world.

Ancient African Christianity

Book Description

Christianity spread across North Africa early, and it remained there as a powerful force much longer than anticipated. While this African form of Christianity largely shared the Latin language and Roman culture of the wider empire, it also represented a unique tradition that was shaped by its context. Ancient African Christianity attempts to tell the story of Christianity in Africa from its inception to its eventual disappearance. Well-known writers such as Tertullian, Cyprian, and Augustine are studied in light of their African identity, and this tradition is explored in all its various expressions. This book is ideal for all students of African Christianity and also a key introduction for anyone wanting to know more about the history, religion, and philosophy of these early influential Christians whose impact has extended far beyond the African landscape.

From ‘Passio Perpetuae’ to ‘Acta Perpetuae’

Book Description

While concentrated on the famous Passio Perpetuae et Felicitatis, this book focuses on an area that has so far been somewhat marginalized or even overlooked by modern interpreters: the recontextualizing of the Passio Perpetuae in the subsequent reception of this text in the literature of the early Church. Since its composition in the early decades of the 3rd century, the Passio Perpetuae was enjoying an extraordinary authority and popularity. However, it contained a number of revolutionary and innovative features that were in conflict with existing social and theological conventions. This book analyses all relevant texts from the 3rd to 5th centuries in which Perpetua and her comrades are mentioned, and demonstrates the ways in which these texts strive to normalize the innovative aspects of the Passio Perpetuae. These efforts, visible as they are already on careful examination of the passages of the editor of the passio, continue from Tertullian to Augustine and his followers. The normalization of the narrative reaches its peak in the so-called Acta Perpetuae which represent a radical rewriting of the original and an attempt to replace it by a purified text, more compliant with the changed socio-theological hierarchies.

The Passion Narratives of Saints Perpetua, Felicity, and Their Fellow Martyrs

Book Description

The Passion Narratives of Saints Perpetua, Felicity, and Their Fellow Martyrs presents a critical translation of three hagiographical masterpieces of late antiquity and a series of accompanying essays. The translation by Francis J. Hunter includes the two Acta Brevia narratives as companion texts and supplements to the Passio Sanctarum proper. The interdisciplinary essays feature input from scholars in the fields of literature, theology, psychology, and classics, who each illustrate the dynamic and rich nature of the text. Each chapter of the book is written to teach, rather than critique, the text for students or readers who wish to learn about Perpetua and Felicity, early Christianity, or the Roman empire and its relationship with the emergent Christian religion.

Ma passion africaine

Book Description

Pourquoi ai-je épousé le chef traditionnel de Bangagté ? Parce que je l'aimais, voilà tout. Et puis, ce genre de questions, on ne se les pose pas dans mon pays, on ne se les pose pas en Afrique. Demandez donc à un Africain : "Que faisit cette Blanche au sein d'une chefferie polygame ?" Il répondra simplement : " Dieu seul le sait." Pour lui, personne n'est maître de son destin. Nul besoin d'explication, d'analyse, Dieu seul le sait. Rechercher la sagesse est bien plus important que la quête du savoir. Ainsi commence la confession de Claude Njiké-Bergeret, "La Reine blanche" d'un des plus passionnants reportages d'Envoyé spécial. Fille et petite-fille de missionnaires protestants, Claude vit ses treize premières années au Cameroun. Une expérience qui la marquera à tout jamais. De retour en France, ni une éducation provinciale étriquée, ni un premier amour suivi des joies de la maternité ne lui feront oublier les fortes sensations de l'enfance. Et un jour de destin l'appelle à nouveau en Afrique. Amoureuse du Chef de Banganté, elle va l'épouser et s'installer à la chefferie en compagnie d'une quarantaine de co-épouses et leur progéniture. Pendant neuf ans, elle y mènera une vie riche et singulière entre le quartier des femmes, le palais, les bois sacrés. Aujourd'hui, Claude vit dans sa "ferme africaine" au bord du fleuve Noun, vallée féconde où, avec ses enfants, l'une de ses anciennes compagnes et d'autres pionniers, elle cultive ses champs. Itinéraire unique d'une femme exceptionnelle,ma passion africaine est avant tout un lyrique chant d'amour à une terre, le pays Banganté, à un homme, le chef, à une famille élargie et à un peuple. Mais c'est aussi la découverte d'un autre mode de vie et de pensée. Un modèle de tolérance.

The Fate of the Dead in Early Third Century North African Christianity

Book Description

The ideology and imagery in the Passion of Perpetua are mediated heavily by traditional Graeco-Roman culture; in particular, by traditional notions of the afterlife and of the ascent of the soul. This context for understanding the Passion of Perpetua aligns well with the available material evidence, and with the writings of Tertullian, with whose ideology the text of Perpetua is in an implicit polemical dialogue.Eliezer Gonzalez analyzes how the Passion of Perpetua provides us with early literary evidence of an environment in which the Graeco-Roman and Christian cults of the dead, including the cults of the martyrs and saints, appear to be very much aligned. He also shows that the text of the Passion of Perpetua and the writings of Tertullian provide insights into an early stage in the polemic between these two conceptualisations of the afterlife of the righteous.