Patent and Trademark Tactics and Practice

Book Description

International law has made the traditional processes of understanding and using law related to patents and trademarks more difficult to interpret. Updated to include expanded coverage of computerware and biotechnology, this text walks the reader through the patent, trademark and intellectual property maze.

Patent Practice Skills & Strategies

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Perhaps you've invented the next big breakthrough. If so, congratulations. Now the next test begins. How do you protect such an invention? How do you ensure that such protection adds value to your invention? And ultimately, how do you ensure that you get properly compensated for your invention? This textbook will teach these and other core patent concepts. The reader will follow the life of a patent, including how to conduct an inventor disclosure, write a patent application, and respond to actions from the USPTO, to eventually pursuing one or more profit options, such as litigation, brokering, or licensing. The focus of the textbook is on adding value to IP portfolios by implementing patent strategies at every phase of the patent process. The goal is to enable the reader to formulate and carry out such strategies. Keep inventing. Keep protecting.

Intellectual Property

Book Description

This book is designed to simplify the process of attaching a dollar amount to intangible assets, be it for licensing, mergers and acquisitions, loan collateral, or investment purposes. It provides practical tools for evaluating the investment aspects of licensing and joint venture decisions, and discusses the legal, tax, and accounting practices and procedures related to such arrangements; examines the business economics of strategies involving intellectual property licensing and joint ventures; and provides analytical models that can be used to determine reasonable royalty rates for licensing and for determining fair equity splits in joint venture arrangements.

Intellectual Property Strategy

Book Description

How a flexible and creative approach to intellectual property can help an organization accomplish goals ranging from building market share to expanding an industry. Most managers leave intellectual property issues to the legal department, unaware that an organization's intellectual property can help accomplish a range of management goals, from accessing new markets to improving existing products to generating new revenue streams. In this book, intellectual property expert and Harvard Law School professor John Palfrey offers a short briefing on intellectual property strategy for corporate managers and nonprofit administrators. Palfrey argues for strategies that go beyond the traditional highly restrictive “sword and shield” approach, suggesting that flexibility and creativity are essential to a profitable long-term intellectual property strategy—especially in an era of changing attitudes about media. Intellectual property, writes Palfrey, should be considered a key strategic asset class. Almost every organization has an intellectual property portfolio of some value and therefore the need for an intellectual property strategy. A brand, for example, is an important form of intellectual property, as is any information managed and produced by an organization. Palfrey identifies the essential areas of intellectual property—patent, copyright, trademark, and trade secret—and describes strategic approaches to each in a variety of organizational contexts, based on four basic steps. The most innovative organizations employ multiple intellectual property approaches, depending on the situation, asking hard, context-specific questions. By doing so, they achieve both short- and long-term benefits while positioning themselves for success in the global information economy.

Outpacing the Competition

Book Description

Praise for Outpacing the Competition Patent-Based Business Strategy "Outpacing the Competition provides a useful IP management framework for rapidly evolving and inherently unpredictable R&D environments where companies are partners, customers, and competitors at the same time." Marshall Phelps, Corporate Vice President for IP Policy & Strategy, Microsoft "Robert Cantrell's book Outpacing the Competition: Patent-Based Business Strategy?should be read by?anyone?involved in the practice of litigating or licensing patent rights or policymakers responsible for patent issues. Mr. Cantrell provides a cogent approach for applying decisional methodology and game theory to enhance the utilization and understanding of patent rights." Bradley J. Olson, Esq., patent attorney, Washington, DC "Robert Cantrell makes a compelling case for using intellectual property as a core for building solid business strategy. He provides a unique and valuable perspective on competitive advantage, as delivered through patent-based business strategy. This is an excellent addition to anyone's business strategy arsenal." Jeff Hovis, Managing Principal, Product Genesis, Innovation Genesis LLC "Robert truly treats patents and related intellectual property as both a weapon and a shield to help the reader use patents to out-maneuver global competitors of all kinds the low-cost producer, the high-end innovator, etc. CEOs, attorneys, business and engineering professionals and the like will enjoy the military imagery and flavor provided by Robert. Thanks for clarifying how critical it is to have an understanding of patents in running a truly competitive global business today." José W. Jimenez, Esq., Chief Intellectual Property Officer,AMS Research Corporation

Library Bulletin

Book Description

Patent & Trademark Practice

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Book Description

This book is your trusted guide on a journey that will take you through the intricate landscape of trademark registration, offering insights, strategies, and a treasure trove of knowledge to help you safeguard your brand's identity and navigate the often complex world of intellectual property. This book is designed to empower you with the tools, knowledge, and strategies to not only register your trademark successfully but also protect it with diligence and sophistication. Whether you're an entrepreneur with a groundbreaking idea, a business owner looking to expand into new markets, or simply someone seeking to understand the world of trademarks, this book is your compass.