Path to Freedom

Book Description

Path to Freedom, Form #09.015This incredible book is the product of over 16 years of research on how to become free and sovereign. It was developed by Sovereignty Education and Defense Ministry (SEDM) at http: // It is required reading for new members of that ministry and is completely consistent with the Redemption Manual Series. This is the printed version of a book that is available in PDF form on the SEDM website. It is also available in Kindle Reader format as well. It gives you step-by-step instructions to correcting your civil status, quitting franchises, and getting identification free of identifying numbers. It also goes briefly into the basic legal concepts, and points the reader to a complete curricula for learning law and defending your rights in court.

Path to Freedom, Form #09.015

Book Description

Basic checklist to achieve sovereignty and be a contributing Member of this ministry who can stand on his/her own two feet in defense of himself in any legal or administrative setting.

Your Irresponsible, Lawless, and Anarchist Beast Government, Form #05.054

Book Description

Proves both spiritually and with legal evidence useful in court that modern western governments are the biblical Beast spoken of in the Bible.

SEDM Resource Index, Form #01.008

Book Description

Master index of all Forms, Litigation Tools, Response Letters, and Exhibits grouped by resource type and then Item Number. Does not include Member Subscription Library content.

Proof that Involuntary Income Taxes on Your Labor are Slavery, Form #05.055

Book Description

Evidence useful in court to prove that income taxes on your labor are slavery and may not be included in either your "income" or your "gross income"..

Proof that American Nationals are Nonresident Aliens, Form #09.081

Book Description

Use this as an attachment to a pleading to prove that you are a "nonresident alien' in order to have standing to sue.

Policy Document: Rebutted False Arguments Against This Website, Form #08.011

Book Description

Use this document to learn why our detractors are committing FRAUD in criticizing us. For reasons why NONE of our materials may legally be censored and violate NO Google policies, see:

Who's Who in the Freedom Community, Form #08.009

Book Description

History of major personalities in the freedom community.

Flawed Tax Arguments to Avoid, Form #08.004

Book Description

We didn't write this, but we agree with everything in it. Members are required by our Disclaimer to read and heed every part of this. Disclaimer: For reasons why NONE of our materials may legally be censored and violate NO Google policies, see: